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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i think it’s just the unfortunate consequence of being a low priority customer wherever they host the virtual servers
  2. there’s 3 viable secondaries, if you “slightly” nerf the 45 then there’s still 3 viable secondaries and there was no point in making any changes in the first place bros talking like triggerbotters discovered semi-automatic weapons in 2020 and cheaters using a gun means it should be nerfed, i want him to realize how dumb his opinions sound
  3. the obir wasn’t meta because the obeya was insanely strong for so long, as soon as it got nerfed people started switching to the next best option i have no idea which cheat you’re specifically referring to, but i’m certain there’s no cheat that only works for the obir and 45 lol
  4. it’s popular because it’s effective just like the fbw is effective, just like the frog is effective, and just like all the other secondaries should be
  5. nerfing the 45 isn’t going to make people use other secondaries, everyone will just switch to fbw the useless secondaries need a buff to be used, not a 45 nerf
  6. as of this post it was because of performance issues
  7. we need 50v50 back, another 20 people in the matchmaking pool has a very noticeable difference on team variety
  8. bro was smurfing in the bronze district clubbing seals lmao
  9. https://www.oreans.com/Themida.php Looks like commercial anti-piracy software. A quick google search shows a history of it being flagged by antiviruses, probably because it hides executable code just like actual malware might. This seems more like a problem with your antivirus than SARD, but I suppose it does mean SARD is scanning more of your files than EAC or Battleye did.
  10. There's a couple layers to the threat calc: Score: The more score you have the more your threat changes. Score comparison: Your score vs everyone else's score - this is the top 50% gain threat, bottom 50% lose threat part. Confidence value: The system predicts how much score you will get, the closer your actual score is to the system's prediction the more confident the system gets in its future predictions and the less your threat will change if you suddenly under or overperform the systems prediction. This is why a fresh account can go from trainee to gold after only 3 matches but a gold veteran can dethreat for days (even weeks) without going silver. Confidence value comparison: Same rules as the last layer, except the system predicts how much score you will get in relation to everyone else. The actual calculation part is probably decent, but there are some major flaws that ruin the whole threat system: How score is awarded: The vast majority of scorable actions award positive score. Objectives, kills, medals. Standing near a defense objective awards score. Existing while an attack objective is completed awards score. Winning a mission awards extra bonus score. Not only are the score rewards from actions overinflated (e.g. +100 score for an enemy kill even if only 150 damage was done), but the only way to actually lose score is through demerits. Deaths don't affect score, team damage (not kills) doesn't affect score, being too far from the objective doesn't affect score. Losing an objective doesn't affect score. This snowballs with the second flaw. Negative score doesn't count: Ending a mission with 0 score or below does not affect threat. Nothing gained, nothing lost. This was an attempt to stop people from dethreating either by going afk or racking up demerits, but it also means that the score system can't be adjusted for actions that take away score. Anti-dethreating measures: . The system automatically boosts all threat gains and reduces all threat losses. Back when threat segregation existed and dethreating was rampant this was G1's brilliant solution. I don't know if this "mechanic" still exists, but I don't remember any mention of it being disabled. Global threat percentages: The final flaw in the system is that anyone can be any threat at any time. Ideally only a certain percentage of the active population should be allowed at each threat level. So for example only the top 15% of active players should be gold and in order for you to threat up and become gold, someone else has to threat down and become silver. This mechanic doesn't exist, G1 had to manually rebalance the threat percentages (the last time was in 2015 I think?). Combined with score inflation and anti-dethreating measures it means everyone's threat trends upwards, which has ended up with half the population being gold, the other half silver, and no one is (legitimately) green.
  11. its not that deep bro, servers went down for maintenance and when they came up west coast players jumped on first
  12. it’s not the best placement (or the best prop) but it’s 100% useful thats how i feel about all the map changes tbh, decent first step, but it took 6 goddamn years - and probably will take 6 more years before we see the next changes
  13. it probably wasn’t a single purchase tbh youve got a weird “hoW cOuLd ThiS hAvE haPpeNeD” vibe going on that makes me think you know exactly why you got banned
  14. is that your alt or something lol his main point is vague, dumb, and wrong all at the same time lol, his insane numbers are just the cherry on top
  15. it sounds like there was a chargeback on an account they've associated you with, assuming you havent shared accounts with someone or purchased/sold an account, then it seems they've linked your account with the chargeback account by mistake if so, you might be shit out of luck because idk how you're supposed to prove a negative lol
  16. you just made the .45 about 50% worse than the default fbw lmao
  17. brother i’m gonna level with you your complaints are farts in the wind because you swing wildly from valid points to federal charges and conspiracy theories you devalue your own complaints and in the process drown out other valid criticism by making a spectacle of yourself in every other thread
  18. immediately felt the effects on matchmaking, back to getting stuck with the same opp for several missions in a row again
  19. halve harbinger max bloom cap, increase bloom recovery by 25% now theres 4
  20. kind of against nerfing stuff atm, i think its pretty clear that constant nerfs have left the game's balance in a rather stale place right now
  21. there’s a new sucker born every minute lmao
  22. blocking cheaters without even being installed, top tier anticheat
  23. here we go lmao i guess whatever the population was at yesterday is little orbit's bottom line, once the "hype" inevitably wears off and the pop rebounds back i guess its shutdown time?
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