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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i think its another instance of orbit touching something that was perfectly fine because they have no idea what they're doing
  2. it would be great to get easy anticheat back but i have to wonder about the security flaws a freeware anticheat might have, how easy (no pun intended) would it be for cheat makers to get access simply by posing as devs?
  3. its 2.2 now apparently, so 2.1 is probably never getting released
  4. if you hate premade groups now, youre not going to enjoy no friendly fire lmao
  5. judging by past performance, absolutely not i can only assume youre using it incorrectly, since you arent supposed to be in the vehicle when it explodes
  6. they're not going to give another eta, not really much point in a q&a other than that for a majority of people imo
  7. great provider you got there also revert med spray
  8. it was possible to obtain people's ip addresses through vivox, which would then allow you to ddos them a similar method is still possible on consoles, due to the way microsoft handles parties
  9. putting aside the fact that it doesnt, what would be the issue if that were true? apb is far from the only game designed around teamplay
  10. how many is a few? 8 players? 12 players? 16 players? i think putting those players in a separate district is just as unfair as you claim premades vs solos are, essentially they either have to face the same people over and over again (the very thing you complain about) or not play with friends, and depending on the actual number of grouped players, having them all moved to a separate instance or simply not playing is going to ruin the pop of solo only instances as well i have no idea what the numbers are for solo new players vs grouped (altho i doubt its most tbh), but removing premade groups is still a net negative - adding more barriers to new player entry without actually solving anything
  11. removing premade groups is only going to make it more unfriendly new player wants to group with friends already playing apb? nope new player wants to group with friendly player met while playing apb? nope new player wants to group with experienced player to learn how to play? nope the same people that are stomping now will continue to stomp even when they're solo, the only difference is now no one will have the buffer of goofing around with friends to offset the poor gameplay experience of current apb
  12. my threshold is thinking about how long it takes for the game to start up and then comparing that to how quickly i can do literally anything else
  13. actually i think they fought specifically so you could be free to pine over a dead game instead of harvesting tobacco
  14. everyone means everyone, i'm certain that every apb player has played in a group at least once i'd wager a good portion of those people returning do so either because a few friends are also returning or to play with a few friends that never left, take that away and those players won't be coming back as i said above, i don't see much sense in orbit diving into the code for who knows how long to make a change that will eventually be resolved as a byproduct of phasing anyway
  15. you literally have a thread where you complain (still incorrectly, at this point in time) that orbit only takes actions against the people reporting, do you not think that instating a system that actually does punish people for reporting will lead to even more frustrated players?
  16. you and your weird fixation on character, saying someone's suggestion is bad (sarcastically or not) has nothing to do with demeaning their character splitting the population at this point is a bad idea imo, the game already barely supports having 2 different districts, adding group and solo instances for each district will double the problem plus messing with the group/team/mission systems at the base level is probably more work than anyone realizes, by the time orbit gets around to it phasing will have made such a split irrelevant anyway i also doubt that a game based on teamwork and advertised as multiplayer not allowing friends to play together (which is what op suggested) will be very attractive to new players
  17. so we're on day 5 and the thread hasn't been deleted nor (unfortunately) has hexerin received a forum suspension, at this point im questioning if this "russian griefer" even exists tbh
  18. so make everyone suffer because a portion of the pop has no friends to play with? great idea
  19. we're already getting free premium
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