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Everything posted by vsb

  1. what? just comparing the failed console engine upgrade from g1 to the pc engine upgrade beta from LO shows heaps of progress imo, even though the pc beta wasnt great i retain some hope in orbit because this game has nowhere else to go, from AAA company to predatory f2p publisher to company trying to break into the industry to a single rich buyer, apb is literally at the end of the line edit: christ that video was a waste of 4 minutes of my life
  2. if there was a way to detect ghost shots in real time like that then ghost shots would be fixed
  3. it really doesn't tbh, since both factions are broken up into multiple groups and no organization is really portrayed as good just throw in some flavor text about gang turf conflict or jurisdiction miscommunication and voila
  4. these aren't the only configs you guys are planning on officially approving are they? i kind of assumed there was going to be more performance stabilizing options available, if there are concerns about officially endorsing "clay graphics" there are several streamers who use configs that help performance without sacrificing every polygon
  5. and i bet they harass the people they hackusate too
  6. i'm 99% sure no one is getting banned ingame for hackusating unless they're also legitimately harassing their unfortunate targets
  7. i have to assume he means "use to its fullest skill potential" and the obeya has a whole lot of potential
  8. like customization open world pvp open world shooter player/vehicle movement mechanics sense of community dislike everything else what i want to see in engine update stable performance wacky things i think they should add to apb custom character animation sets SPiN phone brick reskin objective based anarchy/chaos districts rate apb 1-10 based on : - performance (1) - gameplay (7) - community (9) - guns (4) - items (8) - how much u love the GMs (1)
  9. eh if they stick to the pattern we'll get some good changes, some bad changes, one or two changes that make absolutely no sense, and then half of them will get reverted a month or two later anyway
  10. wouldn't surprise me if there was another minor weapon balance patch or two, probably bundled into recycled event patches
  11. probably a minor gripe but i feel like the damage dropoff model should be next to the damage stats instead of below it, and then the ammo and other categories can go underneath
  12. not a great idea in a game that requires teamwork, and vivox can work perfectly tbh, i have to assume we're currently just stuck with a very outdated version that's built into the current engine
  13. because in this case they are, you can claim that you play the same no matter what weapons, mods, and vehicles you're using (spoiler: you don't) but they still require your opponent (in this case a potential new player) to switch playstyles that a new player has absolutely no concept of the skill gap remains unaffected but segregation forcing smurfs means that at least new players can attempt to understand what their opp because they have access to the same base gear looked at the first 4 or 5 and it certainly looks like rolling to me, if the rest are different i have no idea why you led with killstreaks and 2.0+ kdr scoreboards i agree that green threat and green districts should be more involved in the new player process, but i still wouldn't agree with removing segregation even if that happened the way i see it yes, it would be better to possibly lose 1 player over possibly losing however many you rolled in your screenshots
  14. you just stated that segregation is the only thing that stops you rolling bronze district with a max rank geared out character, so clearly it has some use obviously segregation doesn't work 100% but im willing to bet for every player like you that makes smurfs there's another player who doesn't want to play on anything but their main
  15. just from personal experience i'm going to say that's a bit off, i played apb at 15fps on a cheap dell laptop for years and still spent money on armas and then there's the fact that a lot of apb's pop seems to be made up of teens and young adults who might have a couple extra bucks every now and then but can't or won't justify a single large purchase like a new pc, especially if its just for apb i think i'd almost argue its the other way around - people who can afford top of the line computers are less likely to spend money on apb because they aren't limited to an old f2p game, they can (and do) play literally anything else
  16. you sure its not because people whine about respecting "rights" in the same breath they use to complain about someone exercising those very same "rights" ?
  17. i don't think anyone has rights here tbh, and there's nothing wrong with being annoyed at people who at best refuse to use the proper channels to solve their issues or at worst are just trolling for attention on the forums because they no longer can ingame
  18. at least for weapons it just feels like there's too much stuff allowed on one page without enough focusing aids (pop-outs, dropdowns, borders, etc) for my brain to use as a contrast when you click the search button you're taken to a completely different page where the only thing you can do, besides the primary category dropdowns, is use the search box
  19. i find that knowing where opponents are is more valuable than full stealth, easier to bait people into shooting at you to reveal themselves than to go sneaking around
  20. that's the same name release that's been thrown on the roadmap, its just been delayed several times
  21. i admire your optimism
  22. vsb


    that was more of an "early access" thing i think, the only extra content (i use that lightly) that wasnt available when the full pack eventually went up for sale was joker boxes iirc there was supposed to be some kind of battlepass alternative to premium when riot came out of beta, but riot tanked because it was trash
  23. i guess you could consider anyone with more than 50 hours "skilled" relative to a brand new player if you really wanted, no idea why you would tho pretty sure "skilled" most commonly refers to players on the top end of the skill curve, and those players have no need to dethreat to bronze districts, because half the players in the silver districts are already no better than bots to them
  24. im no coding expert but it sees like the items on sale didn't refresh yw
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