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Everything posted by vsb

  1. what are you talking about? radar tower has been disabled because its bugged and they can't fix it atm
  2. i can't tell whether its more depressing that you've been keeping up this weird troll account for almost 3 years or that you've truly experienced the world this way your whole life
  3. tracers can look good, some of the early rtw footage had proper looking tracers but i think the tracers we ended up with not only look a whole lot worse, but it feels like the amount was increased and it adds way too much visual clutter imo
  4. i feel like med spray needs an actual downside, because the current one seems based on players using med spray mid-cqc face trade and in my experience almost no one uses it that way perhaps take a page from epinephrine and have med spray damage players (untested/toxic chemicals yadda yadda yadda for lore) before the regen kicks in, that way using it incorrectly or with poor timing has more consequences than just restarting regen or we could just revert the double base regen change
  5. we could just make silencers cosmetic mods that dont actually have any effects (besides different audio) and don't take up a slot
  6. i was not a big fan of the weapon drop system myself, but removing a viable mechanic because it might benefit people who might be cheating is not sensible, no to say that the weapon drop system affects your personal monetary support somehow is also a bit misleading, especially now that nearly all weapons are available to f2p players via the joker store anyway
  7. hunting sight is the best option, which level depends on how much hipfire you want to sacrifice (for example i use hs3 because i almost never hipfire and it boosts marksmanship accuracy to a tolerable level) i've seen people run cooling jacket on the raptor series for some discount oca action, but in my experience its just horrible and i'd rather use an oca keep in mind that you're using a weapon that sacrifices overall effectiveness for exceptional ease of use, while you should basically always be mag dumping you probably won't win many straight face trades
  8. this is the part i dont understand tbh - you keep saying "after little orbit", but g1 was the company that lost 80% of apb's playerbase
  9. it would be great when the numbers are high, as apb is now phasing will have a fairly low effect, maybe even no effect when it comes to NA/off hours pop
  10. it was a pointless deterrent, dethreaters don't give two shits about apb$
  11. tbh i'm not convinced g1 ever worked on the engine upgrade, other than their mad scramble to complete the console version after the original devs dropped out
  12. i dont have to imagine it, i experienced this situation while g1 owned apb those nostalgia glasses have fused with your brain at this point
  13. can't even tell if i love anything about apb anymore or if its just habit from sticking around so long
  14. trainee isnt a threat level, and new players are assigned a threat level within 5 missions - if you remove bronze, then they'll just be green or silver instead
  15. it was mentioned in the latest roadmap blog post
  16. glad you really honed in on the facts and not my critique of your posting style g1 lucked into a AAA game with an established playerbase, if the population actually had something to do with g1's actions (besides turning the servers back on) then the players wouldn't have drained away to almost nothing by the time apb was sold there's plenty of ways to generate revenue without psychologically exploiting your customers into gambling just a little bit more i think i've already gone over g1's horrible management and policing, as well as how the population was already largely gone when orbit purchased apb
  17. innova had several guns with stats unique to that build of the game (off the top of my head, the duck and csg did higher damage per shot), considering innova would have had to specifically ask for this i think its fair to blame them for it but yes g1 also had issues with predatory balancing, going all the way back to the initial addition of armas iirc
  18. everyone asks "where is matt?" but no one ever asks "how is matt?"
  19. a bit ironic considering which one of us is actually writing walls of text i've been here since the beginning, a majority of that "new content" was just stuff that rtw never managed to get around to adding because the company went under g1 hiring some rtw devs just means it was even easier to work with said content, nothing more nothing less apb had "dramatically better" population under g1, and that's only because g1 didn't have to deal with the prior company doing its very best to exploit that population for the better part of 8 years how long did g1 promise the engine upgrade while occasionally adding another predatory lootbox gun for the hopeful population to buy? a whole lot longer than orbit has even owned apb you can just look at steam stats to see the truth, g1 took a game that was nearing 6k peak players and by the time they sold it to orbit that same peak was barely over 1k, that's why we have virtually no population g1 did come up against the same problem but instead of trying to fix it, they decided to just go after the quick bucks and slammed as much profit oriented code on top until the game could barely handle any more, and then they sold it g1 dumped punkbuster, but of course they waited until it got to the point (iirc it was around the time punkbuster started banning everyone that attempted to log in) that even they couldn't deny it was worthless i have no idea where you pulled 4k from but steam charts says apb pop was in a long decline to nearly 1k at the time of sale - that's something like 80% population loss under g1 these are both servers that little orbit didnt even have, colby died and was merged with joker long before little orbit showed up i'll agree that frost seemed a decent anticheat, but with straight up p2w armas items and massive player GM scandals i don't think innova is really worthy as a role model that was g1 innova pulled the plug in early 2017 iirc and g1 waited so long to migrate accounts that most innova players just rerolled fresh to citadel, so when g1 finally got around to migration they basically just created a russian version of han because not many people cared about their innova accounts by then pretty sure innova decided apb wasn't profitable enough and that's why they didnt renew their licensing, probably not interested in buying the entire game
  20. yeah the fbw and frags will help new players until long after they're no longer new players
  21. i would rather every pc player but me start blatantly cheating than put up with console players for any extended length of time
  22. yes and yes, but eventually you'll have to complete every contact anyway so it doesnt really matter unless youre trying to unlock a specific item asap
  23. of course tiggs wasnt afraid to ban anyone, she could just use fairfight to pretend they were cheating and half the population would cheer her on i'm not sure i would trust the people who were in charge when the questionable bans were happening on anything, let alone the questionable bans themselves fairfight (assuming its properly paid for) is a nice complement to a decent client side anticheat, but on its own its junk - it doesn't matter how good it is at analyzing stats if it doesn't actually prevent people from launching the game with cheats enabled
  24. i can literally hear the to be continued bassline
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