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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i can literally hear the to be continued bassline
  2. g1 recycled rtw content until they ran out, and then gave a half-hearted attempt at their own original content before completely giving up and selling the ip g1, the company that "valiantly" decided to keep punkbuster - an anticheat universally renowned for being worse than useless - around for 4 years? g1 unbanned everyone banned by punkbuster g1 kept punkbuster for years, then switched to fairfight, then stopped paying for and updating fairfight g1 is ultimately responsible for basically all the horrible balance over the years, it all stems from their initial sweeping ttk change g1 created and enforced the 'name and shame' policy g1 created the dethreating problem via threat locks and substandard anticheats you've got rose tinted lenses so thick you can't even see that g1 has done everything you're accusing little orbit of riot was trash, BR doesnt fit with apb gameplay fun fact: riot was partially completed leftover content from g1 standardized and lowered armas prices (that were set by g1) lifted false bans (from g1) switched to a working anticheat (because g1 stopped paying for and updating ff) added a bunch of f2p stuff to the joker store (that g1 abandoned) communication all throughout (unlike g1's radio silence) off the top of my head we didn't have a client side anticheat until orbit purchased battleye services, because g1 decided we didnt need one sounds more like g1 keeping punkbuster for years and then failing to pay for fairfight updates engine upgrade isnt about graphical improvements, yadda yadda yadda a big reason its taking so long is because g1 mucked it up in the first place, and also signed contracts that require the consoles to be worked on at the same time because you're seeing the aftermath of g1 milking apb dry and then selling the corpse before moving on lmao i think you've got your companies mixed up one had a nebulous spct team who were never completely named, confirmed cheaters in official player groups (spcm, moderators, etc), numerous suspicious private ban/unban situations, and a CM who lied straight to the community's face the other one is little orbit ffbans was created and maintained by a player, it had nothing to do with g1 ffbans was a toxic cesspool at the best of times its been confirmed that fairfight was used incorrectly, so all that toxic "verbalizing" definitely happened to legit/innocent players as well ffbans was so popular that it encouraged cheaters to cheat more for the e-fame of being on the site, because they enjoyed the "flame forum" im not sure how you can put these sentences together and not realize that g1 is the reason this game is dead tl;dr - g1 was 100% trash and i'll fight anyone who says otherwise
  3. if gold is too easy to get then that means that the threat distribution of the current 40 levels is off, adding extra levels on top of that isn't going to help with anything on top of that its not only going to 'force' cheaters into that threat, it would also catch up the higher skilled legit players, so its largely worthless as any kind of cheating evidence
  4. why would we need another 10 threat levels?
  5. this post was a xnightmarex to read game's already been sold btw, idk why people keep suggesting that
  6. ltl is a slog because its harder than lethal weapons (longer tts vs ttk, no open slot weapons, less av capability), unless you play with a dedicated ltl premade you put both yourself and your team at a disadvantage, the "upgraded" preset variants of ltl primaries are kind of shit, people killing your stuns, and to top it all off your rewards are some niche cosmetics and an ltl opgl that you no longer need because youve maxed cop role im sure theres stuff im forgetting, but overall ltl is more effort for less reward
  7. 8 hours downtime to see how many suckers still want to play this horrible game
  8. theres definitely more reasons than that lmao 1) people think a player is cheating (and they aren't) 2) people don't like the way a player plays 3) people personally don't like a player 5) a premade dominating people regardless of how well matchmaking puts together opposing PUGs 1-3 cant be fixed (especially in this community), and are reason enough for me not to want a forfeit option 4 (and your 2) requires the engine upgrade and phasing before it can even begin to be looked at, and i dont think we should add onto the problem before its fixed
  9. fbw has been 1s ttk since the 6stk nerf
  10. its always been 1s flat, ever since the 6stk nerf
  11. a percentage means less values to choose, but it doesn't really mean better balance because -10% damage doesn't affect every gun the same way so each gun would still need its own unique percentage for each threat level, which is still a massive amount of work a percentage also doesn't solve the problem with this system and how it functions in groups of mixed threats
  12. its less that people will forfeit left and right (altho i think its very likely they will), and more that specific players would be repeatedly forfeited against
  13. given op's forum join date i can only assume this is some passive aggressive macro bait post
  14. i question if you actually bothered to look at the roadmap, since it both agrees that new player experience/retention is vital and illustrates why its not happening yet
  15. you're wrong this system would require exponentially more balancing than the current game first, you cant just decrease all weapon damage by the same amount because every weapon does a different amount of damage (e.g. if weapon x does 200 damage per shot and weapon y does 100 damage per shot, reducing all weapon damage by 50 affects weapon y more than weapon x), so every weapon needs its own set of damage reduction values this is extra balancing then you would need a different weapon damage value for each threat combination because obviously a gold vs a bronze should do less damage than a gold vs a silver - there are 40 threat levels, so you would need 780 (someone check my math pls) different weapon damage values per gun this is extra balancing then multiply that 780 by however many unique guns are in apb (20? 30? 40?) and you end up with thousands of different damage values that all have to be carefully chosen this is extra balancing then we can throw it all out the window because four players of any threat level can be on the same team and there's no way to make the damage reduction fair for everyone in the mission i suppose its obvious, but you really didnt think this suggestion through the problem with caps on losing threat is that it leads to threat inflation, because the system sees silver player x beating gold player y and gives player x a big threat boost but in reality that gold player y actually has the same skill level as silver player x - he just cant lose threat past gold there would also be issues with "threat locks" like this interacting with new players who have very easily changeable threat levels, a trainee that lucks into a few early wins might find themselves forever locked above gold or silver threat despite only having two hours of play time
  16. are you sure? i'm almost positive that the mercury kit is available from the joker store
  17. its not a bug anymore getting shot has nothing to do with pressing buttons, its not like every person who can maintain a steady rof during a firefight is macroing, why would it be any different for item jumping?
  18. i feel like you're overreacting quite a bit for what is probably just a bug
  19. considering fairfight's lack of upkeep, repeat offenders, and questionable ban practices in general, who even knows if those percentages are accurate
  20. apb was designed for the factions to be asymmetrical, ltl is just one of the last elements to still exist currently ltl is definitely not overpowered in any way but i have no issue with allowing criminals to use it as well
  21. if this is the quote you're referencing, im pretty sure the quote in question was meant to illustrate that orbit wont ban someone solely based on video evidence, that doesn't mean player reports are ignored
  22. they should have been, it was a full account merge unless you mean the nekrova merge with citadel, in which case afaik any purchases from innova were not transferred to citadel trade locks typically last 3 days iirc, its a security measure that's intended to protect your account
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