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Everything posted by vsb

  1. having not played in a while i cant speak to the cheater issue myself (not that i had much faith in battleye being resurrected like discount jesus), but ive recently seen people complaining about both being moderated by GMs and being falsely banned so theres definitely something happening - whether one is satisfied with the level of happening is up to them, but i think its unfair to compare them to g1 leaving the servers running and going on vacation also, why'd you asterisk "honest answer" in the thread title but theres no footnote in the post?
  2. i would have assumed an alien such as yourself would have access to way cooler video games than apb
  3. well if breaking the rules because its a video game is fine, then why are you even worried about cheaters - obviously it doesnt matter if they cheat because its only a video game
  4. expecting a gm to investigate everyone's wild hackusations is completely unrealistic, even with the low pop numbers apb has now theres probably a hundred or more hackusations a day calling someone a cheater without any proof can impact their gameplay or their treatment within the community, and it looks bad for orbit from an image perspective to have the forums filled with toxic player interactions like hackusations if you go around irl calling people burglars and telling the police theyve broken into someones house just because they wear all black clothing you run the risk of being sued or arrested, why would you expect to behave like that ingame?
  5. unit games owns the ip but little orbit essentially got free licensing rights baked into the sales contract, so orbit can't sell apb reloaded because even tho they're allowed to develop the game as they wish unit game is ultimately the owner
  6. they sold the ip which means they no longer own apb reloaded or any of its assets afaik, they retain development/creative control over the game apb reloaded specifically but because unit game owns the ip i'd assume they have the final say in any potential change of ownership of course i could be wrong, but even if orbit can sell their creative control over apb reloaded what kind of company would want to buy a game that they don't own and can't expand beyond?
  7. good thing silvers are only balancing all the weapons then innit?
  8. its already been sold mate, little orbit can't resell something they no longer own
  9. considering orbit has already made major to minor changes for 30+ guns, idk if it would really be less work
  10. a 10 second google search will give anyone access to programs that can fake hwids, so while more barriers like this aren't necessarily a bad thing its also not some magical cheater proof solution
  11. maybe we'll finally get that apb mobile app from unit game
  12. the tactical trousers are from the juggernaut pack's urban strike clothing set - they're a little more fitted than the tactical pants, have a slightly different texture, and a different pocket configuration this is the only showcase i could find of them
  13. they sold apb like a year ago bro, where you been?
  14. "we're gonna stop giving even vague dates for major projects because the players hold them against us like a passive aggressive ex-wife" some things really do never change
  15. festive spirit cannot be created nor destroyed
  16. i do not understand what a roadmap has to do with your wishlist
  17. you continue to miss the point that its not even orbits decision, whether they do maintenance or not the server provider would still be taking things offline next time orbit shouldnt start their own maintenance until the server provider is done, just so they can watch dweebs have a stroke over 16 hour downtime
  18. it took me a little while to figure it out, but i finally realized whats wrong is that youre playing apb
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