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Everything posted by vsb

  1. yeah, pretty sure tiggs was introduced at the same time most of the ex-rtw devs were let go
  2. a solo queue isnt going to help new players much, if at all - the same players rolling people in groups will still roll people solo, and a solo queue means new players can't group up with anyone for help why should i as a player who just wants to get on and have a bit of casual fun with my friends be forced to bore myself to death in solo queue match after match after match?
  3. i don't think orbit can launch another apb game, they no longer own the ip rights
  4. preventing people from playing with their friends so you can have your desired solo experience isnt really all that different from what you're trying to guilt him over
  5. riot was labeled as a beta by orbit themselves, and the community is not responsible for orbit's decision to shelve riot instead of addressing any of the massive amount of constructive feedback given
  6. i can confidently say that i have never considered this, and after i leave this thread i never will again
  7. there's a suggestion subforum the presentation here kind of sucks - the long image strips are resized and it makes them nearly unreadable without opening the original imgur pages one by one as for the suggestion itself, i think some important stuff has been glossed over my biggest issue is you want a game mode for less skilled players to have fun shooting zombies and you also want an entirely pvp game mode, but these are conflicting suggestions pure pvp can have asymmetrical gameplay but it still has to be fair and fun for both sides, otherwise you'll quickly find yourself with no one willing to play as one side and the game mode will collapse pure pvp means you're going to encounter the exact same issue you complained about in current apb - you'll be playing against other players and many of them will be better than you what is the core draw of this game mode? what aspect is new and unique among zombie games, or what aspect does it share with other zombie games but perfects and pushes to a new level? why play this game mode over left4dead, or killing floor, or project zomboid, or r6 siege extraction? why even play this mode over current apb missions? and once you hook players, how do you keep them playing? is there a progression system? how does it work? what are the rewards? there's 25% of a single mission here if we're being generous, what other content (locations, maps, mechanics, scenarios, items, etc) should this game mode have? how can this mode be improved or built upon in the future? what monetization options does this mode provide? i can appreciate the desire to improve apb and whatever effort went into this post, but it seems like you had a cool idea and jumped to the presentation stage without really considering it from every angle first
  8. ??? plenty of people gave it a chance and suggested changes, its not the community's fault that orbit released subpar content and then shelved it instead of fixing it
  9. they removed segregation because of population issues, it wouldn't make sense to turn around and implement another mechanic to divide the playerbase again and an instance that only allows two, three, and four man groups is probably going to have even worse matchmaking than the current unsegregated districts
  10. why wouldn't i be? changing the entire dev direction for apb is not a snap decision (or at least it shouldn't be), orbit shot themselves in the metaphorical pr foot with this announcement and i hoped they'd have an aggressive plan to compensate instead it looks like business as normal, everything on hold until 2.2 1.3
  11. generally people don't play games that frustrate them to the point of making multiple forum rant posts, maybe take a hint
  12. just about everyone is way ahead of you on that one my guy
  13. starting off the new game plan with another empty maintenance slot feels like a poor decision
  14. i think we should enable ninjaripper for everyone but queen of love
  15. probably a website bug, https://will.io/apb/ doesn't show any service interruptions other than this week's maintenance
  16. no matter how overhyped the engine upgrade may have been as a fix-all for apb that hype is what's kept a lot of people at least partially invested in apb i worry many of those people will perceive this news as "the engine upgrade is cancelled" and give up for good on the game, stunting any potential future PR moves on another note, now that "current apb" is the focus again will there be more frequent work done (QoL fixes, balance, new content/contacts, events, etc) or will the game stay in the same engine upgrade holding pattern until everything on the roadmap is completed? the ue4 attempt was announced as halted indefinitely years ago
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