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Everything posted by vsb

  1. it would almost be worth it just to see orbit sued into oblivion by the actual ip owner(s)
  2. mrbochie and stiven are the only good apb players everyone else cheats
  3. theres 300 pop my guy, even if they were all cheaters orbit isnt making money off this game
  4. orbit says here (pg 21) they made over 700k net profit in 2021-ish looks like they were already on the hook for money one way or another, but maybe orbit decided a settlement that included buying the game outright was cheaper than getting slapped with whatever descendant was asking for
  5. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2022/1/29/apb-2022-roadmap
  6. rose tinted glasses epicgoat and his fanboys crashing districts, angry cheaters ddosing the game every day, competition to see who could beat ff for the longest or get on ffbans the most times, accounts sold like lottery tickets for rerolls - g1 was a flaming mess when it came to cheating because they relied on an anticheat that only banned cheaters after they cheated heck, the largest public cheat providers dont even support apb anymore, that and a client side anticheat definitely put a dent in the casual cheating ill always rag on orbit for not continuing to pay for eac when at the time it was the best anticheat apb had, but just the fact that they went through 3 (or 2, if you want to count both BE attempts as the same) different anticheats is more effort than g1 ever put in
  7. it seems like you're letting the nostalgia talk, since all of those things existed under g1 to a much greater extent g1 didnt fight fire with fire (that doesn't even make sense tbh) they did the bare minimum and lied about it, its cool if you preferred the lies but i think its silly to hold orbit to a fake standard
  8. its funny that people believe g1 even after all the shady shit they pulled, but won't believe orbit when they've been far more upfront and honest about things makes me wonder if orbit would have been more successful if they'd just continued the radio silence and lies from g1 lol
  9. im well aware this is a stupidly small "problem", but yall couldnt have just posted the easter info at the same time? or delay this post a bit until all the info is ready? cmon
  10. idk what to tell you man - here, here, and here also all say no eu overkill, doesn't seem like g1 would have had so much trouble setting up eu overkill if they'd already done it before
  11. you're remembering wrong, the "30 days seems a bit aggressive, 60 days seems far more likely" meme was from eu overkill delays overkill servers were shown to be consumer hardware here, and then here confirmed for us servers but not eu, and then here overkill servers were binned altogether in favor of softlayer options
  12. i don't, apb's always had trash servers
  13. the meta is narrower than its ever been, aside from the introduction of a few of the blatant cash grab legendaries it feels like orbit is so focused on squashing the meta (impossible) that they're neglecting the engagement factor, and as a result they're failing hard at both
  14. we have 4 threat colors now and your solution is to...have a different 4 threat colors? what? the gold skill gap exists because A) threat ratings across the board are poorly distributed, B) its easier to gain threat than lose threat, and C) threat levels are not dynamically limited there are other reasons (poor game balance, lax threat manipulation policing, etc) but these are the 3 biggest issues, and because they all cause threat inflation adding higher threat levels only shifts the skill gap to a different color badge
  15. probably not happening, orbit seems to have a harsher stance on the classic rock-paper-scissors apb balance, preferring to force weapons into their desired roles by hard capping their top end performance if orbit would stop caving to community pushback every time they changed too much maybe their balance preference would work out, but until then we're stuck at the boring halfway point
  16. i too would prefer being lied to over radio silence /s
  17. sounds like it would be even more toxic than ffbans, pass
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