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Everything posted by vsb

  1. why not just fix the spots instead?
  2. no can do bucko, all these posts dont farm themselves
  3. weirdo take tbh, who wouldn't be mad about losing stuff that was paid for?
  4. idk what you want from me, ive already done everything i can, which amounts to saying "this sucks i would be mad too" there's nothing else to do besides make fun of a dummy for doing dumb things and getting dunked on by karma
  5. yeah everyone gets that, we just don’t care because he’s the kind of person that should probably be permabanned, and there’s nothing we can do about his account anyway maybe the next person to get a bugged account will at least pretend to be a well-adjusted human being and everyone will be up in arms for them, but until then “don’t do stupid shit and get banned” is a solid fix for this issue
  6. it has nothing to do with graphics, the hitbox is literally larger than the character model at all times, its super common to be able to shoot a player behind full crouch cover without their character model ever being visible
  7. i'm a proud Permanent Meta Gamer main, don't disrespect
  8. vsb

    New updates.

    i consider happy landings useless because the only time i take fall damage is while attacking an enemy, otherwise it’s more than easy to traverse the environment without taking damage in an escape scenario relying on big jumps will get you killed anyway, being locked into any animation is generally fatal hard landings is immensely useful because it doesn’t lock you into an animation, the ability to instantly start dealing damage more than makes up for any increased fall damage
  9. vsb

    New updates.

    just shoot them? also if your issue is with the opgl-cd then why nerf the opgl? happy landings is definitely not a staple modification, its just the only blue character mod easily available until r195 - there's a reason decent players don't run it, the landing animation costs you fights
  10. vsb

    New updates.

    why nerf an already disadvantaged mod? ? ????????
  11. at the end of the day the servers are still running at 30fps
  12. seems like that car crash had some cognitive side effects
  13. are we supposed to be inclusive of people who dress like nazis just to incite people? his broken account sucks and i'd be mad if it happened to me, but at the end of the day it all could have been avoided if the guy didn't intentionally break the rules, so nah i really don't have any sympathy
  14. lol at least claim creative freedom like all the other weirdos who thinks “triggering the libtards” is a personality
  15. i'd imagine it would be the opposite, back when we had eac the first time it was initially about as perfect as anticheats could get, and then as cheats found bypasses and workarounds there was a trend back towards "normal"
  16. this is one of those situations where everyone gets punished because some people will abuse the function - those players who would use the exit mission button as soon as they lose the first objective, or when they encounter players of equal skill level that they dislike, etc if you want to leave a mission so badly, as you mentioned there is already a way to do that, and the fact that you find restarting so annoying to me indicates that you would be one of the players abusing an exit button
  17. this is much sooner than i expected tbh, i’m cautiously optimistic
  18. there's very little actual information on unit game (the chinese developer), we basically only have confirmation that the ip sale happened and some poorly made websites likely nonexistent - apb is no longer ahead of the tech game, it has poor user numbers, and comes with a massive amount of negative PR no less than two million usd see #3 a company making poor business decisions does it matter? no, also weird question tbh they already did little orbit tried their hardest, but they jumped into the industry way over their heads probably not, my assumption is in the game industry just the fact that a company is selling a released game is likely a red flag - if the game was making money then you wouldn't get rid of it it was an ama not a congressional hearing, no one is getting cornered realistically even if frosi got weirdly aggressive with unit game questions, mattscott talks for a living, an apb player isn't going to "gotcha" him on a zoom call
  19. name it whatever you want, as long as the game is in such a poor state its not going to do well
  20. little orbit already sold it to an obscure chinese “developer” years ago
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