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About BillehBobJoe

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  1. i'm guessing... a perma ban for Harriet Tubman symbol?
  2. are you guys kidding? Colby 45 should have a 1/18 chance of alt f4ing your game every time you fire it. get over it the range nerf wont do anything to your ability to shred people
  3. not very useful info to mention that a 45 is .01 inch larger than a 44 magnum technically 44 magnum is actually 43 caliber. but who cares?
  4. i believe you used to get nothing for most random rewards, and it truely was a random reward before they added consumables and joker tickets
  5. they definitely could clean a couple of them up. forum is messy
  6. west NA never has run good, if i had known how stinky the latency was in 2013 i'd have made my character on joker
  7. guys i don't know what everyones fighting about i just need those 12 kills
  8. Hey guys, i know this issue is as old as the hills, but is the role bug actively being worked on? its been mentioned in the patch notes a few times i just really need help getting those 12 kills to get rank one guys But that ones kind of unacceptale, i don't care about the mission roles being bugged but cmon...
  9. you should attach your screen shot. I've done the math, this man has spent 2,934,000 dollars on his FBW lease
  10. i too am having serious issues with alt tab and alt enter. this is the first patch since 64bit thats had a problem. they can't all be home runs i guess also have any of you seen how dark the screen gets when you're +85 damage inside asylum now? its incredibly difficult to see
  11. this patch has absolutely killed my ability to alt tab. i've crashed twice doing it. also perma night in asylum is really unpleasent, the variety in the lighting was nice... i'd reconsider, it doesn't look good when you get tagged for +85 and the whole screen goes dark edit: alt enter has almost 100% crash rate going back to fullscreen.
  12. panic. PANIC!! or just. watch some youtube. walk the dog
  13. Have we told the joker ammo guy to be quiet yet? also, love the optimzation. lets get this game running to 6 million fps!
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