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Everything posted by vsb

  1. youtube is for boomers matt should get the apb beta on tiktok
  2. cheaters generally aren't affected by game balance because they have an external advantage - trying to level the playing field by changing stats and game mechanics is treating the symptoms rather than the cause, and nearly always ends up punishing the legitimate players base that's stuck with the changes
  3. we whine and complain about how fairfight was the best anticheat and little orbit supports cheaters
  4. then we whine and complain about how orbit isn't paying for the best version of eac and supports cheaters
  5. g1 rolled almost everything back to rtw, they didn’t just lengthen ttk so guns were massively unbalanced and there were tons of old bugs and exploits available - obviously no one wanted to play in a district like that, and g1 used that to pretend no one wanted longer ttk
  6. i suspect this is where the difference of opinion comes from i do not consider little orbit my friends or my family no matter how much time and money i spend on apb, they are a business offering a product to customers (me) in order to make money - if i'm satisfied with the product then i pay money, if i'm not satisfied then i do not pay money to one-sidedly pretend the relationship is anything other than business is very foolish imo, but that's up to you
  7. would you keep going to a restaurant that gave you bad food every time if the chef told you he was trying his best?
  8. unit game owns the apb ip and little orbit is licensed to run apb reloaded little orbit owns gamersfirst little orbit can develop and run apb reloaded indefinitely, but they can't make new apb games gamersfirst was a trademark and a web portal, which little orbit purchased from reloaded games (the actual company people are talking about when they say "gamersfirst") see 4 little orbit seems to have made the decision that the gamersfirst brand was more valuable to keep despite the negative pr attached to it
  9. the rest of the text doesn't matter - for many people, only results matter at this point "learning" means nothing when we're five years in and orbit is still making the same mistakes they were making on day 1
  10. because there's not much to show for all the work, is that really so difficult to understand?
  11. perhaps not the compliment you think it is, considering dave jones played a not insignificant role in rtw apb self-destructing in the first place
  12. it actually didn’t even have that, i think open conflict would have been better received if there was at least an equal number of bodies on each team
  13. eu more like ew haha owned
  14. we already have more than 4 threat levels having to change districts to get a mission is poor game design
  15. im pretty sure he thinks the animation bug where your character stays in the jogging animation while firing is evidence of cheating, so he deserved it
  16. fortnite and minecraft are still active and actively growing in part because the underlying games are pretty solid (as well as multi-billion dollar company backers, but we can pretend that doesn't matter), CoD releases a new game every year and is primarily a console ip asking for massive content additions while the fundamentals of apb remain broken is putting the cart way before the horse, as a beta veteran myself i have no interest in coming back for a new district or extra contacts if the same old problems of game performance, balance, moderation, poor monetization, etc are still around - just look at how badly Riot crashed and burned if you want an example of how fast the shiny new coat of content paint wears off
  17. feels like your reading comprehension could use some work my guy, everything you quoted was written by the “community”, not matt
  18. the problem with this is you are punishing players for playing well and rewarding them for playing poorly, which is the opposite of what should happen it also seems very exploitable at first glance, what stops players from intentionally playing poorly for the entire mission so that they get extra buffs, and then playing well in the final stage while abusing those buffs?
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