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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Sure add it. The gun is trash since they reduced the max range on it.
  2. On the forums I don't hear "tick, tick, tick" when someone's rage whispering me.
  3. APB is one of the few games that still has proper sound panning when wearing headphones. I'm really hoping the engine upgrade doesn't screw this up. Seems like all the new shooters base their sound off of TV speaker position, so you end up with sound cutting hard left/right when only turning a few degrees. I have never seen this weapon show up on radar. Besides, G1 broke the radar after adding that weapon.
  4. Currently there's a bug that causes your character to slide instead of stopping if the fps is over 120.
  5. Go to the install directory. Delete the two files "APB Reloaded\Engine\Config\BaseCompat.ini" and "APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini" After that, run a repair from the launcher. If using Steam, verify the game files first. The repair button ignores those files if they were modified.
  6. Why are you not using the Game Updates section to post game updates?
  7. BlatMan

    about shaw..

    Are you using the in game volume slider to adjust your sound? There is a bug that prevents the in game slider from affecting different sounds. The SHAW was one of them last I checked. Use Windows to control APB's volume as a work around.
  8. You can get 60+ fps on hardware that is older than APB with some tweaks. I'm curious what the integrated GPU can do. It gets 80fps average in Fortnite at 1080p.
  9. With my experience when the silver district is populated, the difference is I have to wait around for the mission to end because the opposing team went AFK.
  10. That CPU will get you 100+ fps with a dedicated GPU, but I cannot comment on the integrated GPU. You will need to use the advanced launcher to reduce RAM usage since it's sharing RAM. Get 16GB of RAM for future proofing. Most modern games will eat through 8GB of RAM, and APB will too with the new engine. Make sure your motherboard has the option to disable HPET. It's known to cause low fps in APB.
  11. Equip an HVR-762, stand next to a teammate, and shoot the same players they're shooting at. One of you will get the kill. Use the FBW as a sidearm, or get the RFP-9 if you need a little more range. Would you mind posting your mouse sensitivity settings, including in game and DPI? It could be your sensitivity is too high and it's causing your aim to skip around. Also, what framerate do you get on average in game? Really low framerates, like under 50fps, can affect your aim as well since it will have higher input lag.
  12. Where's that hack that lets you join the bronze district? I would try dethreating but I can't get opp in silver, and creating a new account isn't viable since I won't have access to my 3 slot weapons.
  13. I constantly get placed against players who refuse to participate in the mission. Every time I play APB I run into multiple players who go AFK, ignores the objectives, team kill, suicide, ect. I stopped bothering sending reports because it's obvious they're being ignored. I guess you have to get 1000s of team kills a day for something to be done.
  14. They also added it to the FAR which made no sense.
  15. Could add -NA or -EU to the end of the conflicting character names, and then offer a free name change in case those players don't want it added to their name. I still don't see the purpose of forcing the Russians to name change. Wouldn't it be easier to fix the UI so non Russians can properly report players? How about instead of reporting the character name, players report the account ID, like how in other games you report their Steam ID.
  16. What you really mean is it's going horribly wrong because if it was good news it would be public.
  17. That's too easy. Gotta play the long hard game and screw over the old time players.
  18. The heavy item glitch is essential to winning many missions, especially those where you need to climb 3 ladders and run it 100M down some back alley. The heavy items should have the same movement speed and medium items, but keep the slow pickup animation.
  19. 2" per 90 degrees of rotation. This is what I use in most games. I measure with a ruler and set sensitivity accordingly, then I make fine adjustments depending on how off my flicks are. ADS/MMs varies greatly between games. Mouse fix only helps with extremely low fps from what I remember, and I couldn't tell a difference. The 2x multiplier in the config is nonsense though.
  20. If threat segregation wasn't a thing those dethreaters wouldn't be able to escape real golds. Instead, they would leave and make room for players who want to play.
  21. CJ3 is a requirement to shoot it at it's max intended rate of fire. Without it, you'll ghost shot every other shot even if shooting slightly slower than the intended max.
  22. Sprint delay being linked to rate of fire needs to be reverted. It severely hurts the mobility of weapons that have really long tkk, like the ACT44 for example. It also makes movement feel clunky and unresponsive. The OBIR should be left alone. It's been nerfed multiple times already when it was unnecessary. All this nerf will do is move some players to other weapons that don't have the switch delay, which will then cause those weapons to get the same nerf, and then we're left with clunky movement all around. As for the RFP-9, it should remain as is, or at the very minimal, reduce it's range to 30M but it keep all other stats the same. Buff some of the less used side arms like the base ACT44, NFA9, SAS PDW, and Mounte series. The ACT44 needs about 10% better base accuracy to make it more reliable at range. NFA9 needs less horizontal recoil, not sure on percentage. SAS PDW needs 50% less bloom per shot so it can be tap fired at close range with the improved rifling variant. The Mounte needs about 10% better base accuracy and less recoil.
  23. BlatMan

    focre scan skip

    I have the same issue. It scans every single time I use it.
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