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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Used to have less than 30ms when joker/jericho was on the east coast. Constantly got killed by high ping players who can shoot you a second after you get behind cover. Now I have about 50ms, with the same players abusing their high ping to shoot you behind cover.
  2. BlatMan

    Graphic probs

    Delete this file and then launch the game using the G1 launcher. This will remove any changes made by the advanced launcher. APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini
  3. What are your system specs? My CPU, motherboard, and RAM are from 2010 and run this game over 120fps while recording 1440p uncompressed video.
  4. I remember people complaining about how long the new login screen took to load and how annoying the fog horn is.
  5. There are when the opp can't get to the radar because you keep spotting them with it.
  6. I agree with this. I abused the crap out of radar when it came out. I found tons of places I can safely park a vehicle and have it be safe from opposition. It's basically a wall hack limited to high rank players. Joker tickets are not sustainable. Same goes for spotter and flair gun. I think the flair gun is the worst offender since it requires no tactical thinking, just spam it into a camp area and bam, there's all the enemy players.
  7. Their threat will never go down, they'll keep facing higher threat opp. This system will only benefit them, while still screwing over the players who want to play.
  8. The issue is still present. It does not happen all the time. You can use a custom config or Rivatuner to lock your framerate to 121fps. Any higher and this bug will happen randomly.
  9. It's mostly OCAs and PMGs. The only primary shotgun I see being used is the NFAS, which hasn't changed much.
  10. It means the mission doesn't count or you lose. Not counting doesn't affect threat, losing decreases threat. Either way, it's going to further screw up threat and matchmaking. Almost every match last night had players quitting. Those same players are just going to surrender, or go afk, which is a waste of time for the opposing team. I'm sticking my idea to delete player accounts who refuse to play missions they ready up for.
  11. It has significantly less pellet spread and more range than the other shotguns. The damage is lower, but the tight pellet spread makes it extremely consistent.
  12. The way the threat system currently works is it does not count missions you are disconnected from or score below a certain threshold (100 points?). Those missions players choose to leave would end up not counting. Their threat would get inflated overtime due to them playing only missions that are easy wins. If quitting counted against your threat, you could exploit that by dethreating.
  13. It can't just be coincidence that the legendary shotgun is better than all other shotguns in game.
  14. These players will not ask to surrender, they will intentionally waste the other teams time. They'll brag about how easy a win was while fighting new players, then they'll go afk the moment they get experienced opposition. I don't see new players and low threats going afk, it's always max rank, max threat, veteran players. You want to screw up matching making even more? Allowing players to choose which missions they play is a great way to do that.
  15. You should be charged in game cash and lose progression for doing so. Do it too many times and your account gets deleted. These people do more harm than good to keep the community active. They purposely throw missions when they get a new player on their team, and constantly spam support with false cheat reports. If name and shame was allowed I would have a 100 page thread of these players.
  16. This area above the church in the Financial district is out of bounds. The out of bounds area extends too far over the stairs. Here's an example of a player getting teleported back to spawn.
  17. My suggestion is to delete their accounts since they're just wasting server space, but I know LO would lose money since those types tend to be the whales of the community.
  18. You mean the district where all the dethreaters are?
  19. It forces new players to learn the guns by playing missions against max rank clans. It's fight club, where everyone is just there the shoot stuff, it shouldn't be restricted.
  20. I swear one year it was a permanent unlock from completing a role. I have it permanent on a somewhat recent character and I didn't buy it.
  21. Everything is still stupid expensive. Ok, not everything. One particular item is cheaper and I'm going to take advantage of that. Otherwise, still too expensive. Not saying which item either.
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