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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. The graphics these streamers run on it's as if they're all using iGPUs.
  2. Won't even run on recommended hardware for the current live version.
  3. I can't even join the populated US-East districts because they're bronze. I bet half the players in them are gold anyway.
  4. Don't delete your account just don't play for a while. Better then having to start over if ever feel like playing again. Uninstalling is just a couple of clicks.
  5. The routing is screwed up on US-West. I still don't get the point of splitting the servers if there are not enough players to fill them. Should have left it as US central and added servers only if the population grew. I've tried jump starting US-East but usually no one else joins for an hour then I sign off. The one day it did populate was beautiful.
  6. They changed grenade explosions so they don't get disabled.
  7. More likely they'll block popular ones like AHK and some Bloody mice, while completely ignoring all other gaming mice and accessories.
  8. BlatMan

    pdw pistol and rfp

    They could have increased the bloom recovery delay to prevent spamming it at range. They could have added just 1 extra shot to kill and made it less reliable spamming hip fire, but no. Instead, we get a weapon that's bad at everything.
  9. There's barely a visual difference between full hp and half hp. The full health beep is also not in sync with clotting agent. Having a health bar would let you know if you are fully healed.
  10. Wish all 4 slot vehicles were available. I need that Dolton Montane D 430.
  11. Downloaded. Tested launching to see what the main menu looks like. Game crashes at launch. Nice! Should I add this to the bug report thread or wait until the 27th? I run the live version above 100fps most of the time. I would revise the bug report template. The example does not match the format which might confuse the users and staff. I would also add system specs and dxdiag. For example: System Specs: CPU: Xeon X5690 RAM: 24GB DDR3 GPU: GTX 1080 OS: Windows 7 x64 Dxdiag Link: https://pastebin.com/ Another potential issue is APB beta requires administrative rights to launch the game, even from the binaries. Could this limitation be removed? I understand the launcher needing it to update the game, but it should not need it to run. PUBG and other games that use Battleye do not ask for admin rights. Are user configurations and asset cache still stored in the application folder? If so, I would move the user configs to the %appdata% folder so each user on the PC has their own configuration. Move the assetcache folder to %temp%.
  12. There's little to no difference between bronze and green players. The threats can be merged, no one would notice. Even some golds barely play better than bronze.
  13. PUBG added ranked and force phone verification. It did nothing to stop cheaters. It only stopped some legit players from playing because their phone is unsupported. PUBG is not free to play, you need to repurchase the game. Cheaters use throwaway cards to repurchase the game. Cheaters have no fear, because getting banned doesn't matter. They don't care about their accounts. All they care about is getting top on the scoreboard and get off on rage whispers.
  14. EU would be dead if they played on NA. Prime time in both servers there's rarely a full silver district. It's not that there's an advantage or disadvantage with high ping, it's that every fight comes down to who received the bad end of lag compensation.
  15. We already have enough laggy players ruining the fun, we don't need EU people lagging around too.
  16. I doubt there's that many cheaters. The servers or network have been extremely unstable lately. US West is unplayable. Constantly get shot behind cover. Sometimes I'll be aimed dead center on a still player and my shot won't hit. Sometimes I get fake hit markers. Other times my crosshair won't be close to the player and I get a hit, like when I killed my teammate who wasn't on my screen.
  17. I wish my weapon roles would be account bound, at the very least faction bound.
  18. I can't tell if that pinned post is serious or sarcastic.
  19. Everyone in the bronze district is 1 threat color higher than they should be. They don't have high skilled players to fight against to lower their threat. They get used to it, and then when they're forced into the silver district, they can't compete because they never played against players with that skill level. Even the silvers in silver districts can be more challenging because they have experience fighting better players. Then on top of it, you have spotter that works like a wallhack with no indication that you were spotted. New players don't know about this mod and assume the opponent is using a wallhack. I could be giving people too much credit. In PUBG people whine about the 3rd person camera being too easy, even though their kdr is 0.01 and 0 wins in TPP mode.
  20. No difference for me. Still get over 100fps average with it occasionally dipping into the 80s in high populated areas.
  21. Battleye monitors the game. If the end user has an antivirus scanning running apps or checking accessed files it can cause issues.
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