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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. I have the same issues on US servers, after the Battleye kick was fixed.
  2. We don't have GMs. We have children with GM tags who can't be trusted with real GM powers. They can't even stay up past their bedtime to run the events a few extra hours.
  3. I have the same error message. I get kicked a few minutes after joining a district. I was able to play without issues yesterday. Here's a theory. Could it be the DDoS protection blocking battleye communication packets through one of the routes? It would explain why it's random but also affects multiple users.
  4. Those configs don't provide proper functionality. They invert the toggled state when pressing the key and releasing it. Sometimes the inputs get reversed, making you have to hold to stand and sprint.
  5. Create tons of support spam for LO and Discord. Great idea.
  6. Occasionally I can kill players while I am not in a mission.
  7. Most automatic secondaries need a buff. I also would like a 3 slotted UL-3. That would make it a worth wild secondary legendary. Mountie: Better base accuracy, less horizontal recoil. 'Yukon': Remove equip time modifier from the Select Fire mod. N-FA-9: Less horizontal recoil. S-AS PDW: Lower per shot modifier, 0.45 to 0.30. OCA Nano: Less horizontal recoil.
  8. Except for the fact that you can use other brands like logitech with hardware macros built in. You can write you own macros that BE won't care about. You can go crazy and build a timer circuit and put it in line with your mouse switch. What I'm saying is blocking some mice does not solve the macro problem. It only negatively affects legit users. LO could make every weapon fire automatic at their current max rate of fire, that would put everyone on the same playing field as far as rate of fire goes. It would also point out who the macro users were when they whine about other players shooting as fast as them.
  9. Holy crap the dev site shows proper damage curves.
  10. BlatMan

    packet loss

    It's the server provider Little Orbit chose to go with. Somehow they managed to find a worse provider than AWS, but I guess it's all they can afford.
  11. APB has some recoil recovery. It's really annoying on the N-HVR-243. It took a while to get used to. Current SMGs, like the OCA, PMG, and CAP40, no longer have a niche. They can't utilize cover in cqc like shotguns, and they have too low max damage range to fight ARs and carbines. I find myself using the Colby .45 as my primary when I have an SMG equipped. At range it out TTKs most ARs due to good accuracy and low bloom, which also means it can be used against shotguns and SMGs outside of cqc.
  12. So in other words regular mission districts will be dead.
  13. If a streamer is cheating and you can verify it, clip the stream where it's obvious and submit it to support.
  14. False positives don't give you assists. Either way it should be reverted. In it's current form it's like having double HP.
  15. I would submit it to support. It will give them a better idea of where the issue is.
  16. Just to prove it's not you, this is taken from the /latencytest on US_West: Line 5281: 09/03/2021 19:53:01,SERVER_FRAMETIME,,,33,,Outlier Stats:,492,3 What that means is there was a 492ms, or almost half a second where the server did not process any information. The servers are suppose to run at 33ms, or 30 ticks per second. There's tons of these spikes throughout the log. Just a few examples from this morning on less than 20 pop server: Line 126: 09/03/2021 19:43:26,SERVER_FRAMETIME,,,33,,Outlier Stats:,67,0 Line 242: 09/03/2021 19:43:39,SERVER_FRAMETIME,,,35,,Outlier Stats:,198,1 Line 336: 09/03/2021 19:43:49,SERVER_FRAMETIME,,,33,,Outlier Stats:,77,1 Line 499: 09/03/2021 19:44:07,CLIENT_FRAMETIME,,,6,,Outlier Stats:,79,2 Line 782: 09/03/2021 19:44:39,SERVER_FRAMETIME,,,35,,Outlier Stats:,200,1 Line 5092: 09/03/2021 19:52:40,SERVER_FRAMETIME,,,35,,Outlier Stats:,197,1
  17. Sometimes it takes multiple hits to stop the healing effect.
  18. You're right, the only time I see them is when they're doing their job wrong, like arguing with people in district chat and threatening mutes for players not breaking the ToS.
  19. It's not lag. The player gets stuck to the car on your screen. How to reproduce: 1. Get 2 or more players. 2. Have one player drive a vehicle, preferably a Cisco or Vegas 4x4. 3. While at speed, have the player turn right to drift, then exit the vehicle while it's still sliding sideways. 4. The player should get stuck to the side of vehicle for other players, but not on the bugged player's screen.
  20. While in any district, type "/latencytest" in chat. This will run a latency test for about 10 minutes. It will output the results to "APB Reloaded\APBGame\Logs" Mark down each time you get a latency spike while the test is running. When the test is done, open the file "APB Reloaded\APBGame\Logs\latencytest.csv". Check what the district ping and traceroute shows during those spikes. Most likely it's not on your end, but it doesn't hurt to confirm.
  21. Medspray was overpowered before Little Orbit added the double healing speed buff. Being able to start healing instantly made running no Clotting Agent very effective in cqc fights. Now, it's basically a reset button. Also, STOP SPAMMING MY INBOX WITH CONSUMABLES! Make them normal mods.
  22. Sounds like you're mad that other players could use your weapons better than you. - Merging Innova would have been fine if players kept their Russian names, inventory, and if the EU servers were hosted in east Europe. - The idiotic move was blocking Brazilians to begin with. G1 could have setup a Latin American server and got more money from the influx in players than Hoplon paid. They could have done an account merge to SA, or even split the districts between North and South America like LO did with US east and west. - There's very few players left. Besides, many players play on both servers. What needs to be fixed is the netcode so high latency players can't shoot low latency players behind cover.
  23. Some PUBG bans show as, 1 game ban 1 VAC ban, on your steam account. Had a teammate get banned. No bans prior to the PUBG, and PUBG was the only game on their steam profile. They had both on their profile immediately after. Yes, they were not banned by VAC, but it prevents you from playing in VAC protected games. Not saying this teammate was legit or not, just saying that these systems shouldn't be linked. They're run by different companies with different detection methods. You can't trust that both will be 100% accurate.
  24. This is still a problem. It's currently off by 3 minutes. I was unable to use a weapon because of it.
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