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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Can Little Orbit legally make an APB 2? I thought they sold the APB branding to another company.
  2. How about giving GMs the ability to remove players when they're running faster than a vegas in front of them.
  3. There's multiple versions of the GTX 1650. One has GDDR5 memory, the others have GDDR6. The GDDR6 models have the same crashing issue, "Ran out of memory", as the RTX cards. Use GPUz or CPUz to check which memory type you have.
  4. d3d9.dll is not part of APB. You probably have an overlay or custom shader like sweetfx adding it. Disable in game overlays in all of your applications like Discord, Steam, RivaTuner, MSI Afterburner, etc.
  5. There's also audio latency with most USB DACs. If your DAC supports ASIO, use VB-Audio ASIO Bridge, Voicemeeter, or ASIO4ALL to connect to the ASIO interface. For me it reduced latency by about 100ms in APB.
  6. Blocking client modding is a feature built into the game, but it's not enabled for most files. G1 enabled it on most vehicle related upk files when they started encrypting them. You don't need a 3rd party anticheat to do it. Innova / 4Game, the Russian version, blocked custom shaders with it. My guesses are it puts too much strain on the servers and LO don't have enough staff to work on it. It could have been hard coded per file for all I know.
  7. I'd say screw it and walk the heavy item.
  8. In all seriousness, some streamers use modified .upk files. They have links to these modified in their stream. These are not .ini config files, they are encrypted .upk files being modified. LO approved some of them for the first Beta test, so I'm guessing those kinds of edits are allowed.
  9. Clotting agent adds x seconds to the healing multiplier. Medspray halfs / multiplies the healing multiplier. Medspray gets applied first, then clotting is added on. It does speed up healing, but it's less than 3 seconds between CA3 and CA3+medspray. That's also if you're at 1hp. If you use it at higher hp, the time difference is less. It's not a useless combo, but it has very limited use. Still, I don't think it's balanced stacking HP mods. They should make medspray a green mod and remove "doubles base health regen." It was overpowered prior just not many people had access to unlimited medsprays back then.
  10. No matter where they connect it's going to be bad. Having stable servers would at least give them consistent latency and less stuttering movement. Both are bad. West seems to have worse tickrate spikes than east going by /latencytest in game, but it's hard to get a good comparison with the inconsistent district population. There's tons of 50ms, 20 tps or worse spikes on both. I'm guessing they're running bare minimum server requirements to save money. There's usually 3 combat districts in use, 1 bronze, 1 silver, 1 fightclub. The other 10 or so districts are untouched. Removing them and upgrading to a better host/server to keep the tickrate closer to 30 tps would be ideal. Easier said than done to migrate them, and LO is probably stuck with a contract with the current provider.
  11. What's the point of maintenance? Nothing gets fixed. You continue to double your server costs by splitting NA servers between east and west, while providing the worst possible latency for half of the US. Go back to US central servers. They provided the lowest average latency between players on NA, and I bet it would save you on server cost since you wouldn't need double the servers. You could even cut server costs by not having green or gold districts. They rarely get used due to low pop.
  12. CPU/motherboard/Ram that can run APB at 120+ fps, you can get under $200 US prices. Most expensive part will be the GPU. Still, a GTX 650 Ti ($100) is good enough if you don't mind using the advanced launcher. If I couldn't afford that, I would put effort into finding a better job and reducing my living cost, rather than grind my APB characters to max rank. If they're a young kid I understand though. It was difficult for me to get high end hardware then, I ended up splitting my upgrades across b-days and holidays.
  13. The in game stats are wrong. They have the same range. https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Pistol_RFP9 https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Pistol_RFP9-SD_PR1_Armas
  14. It's 2s plus some if you use it instantly. It negates the disadvantage of CA3 over CA2. Before when it only started the healing, it did not affect CA3. 2s doesn't sound like much but getting that little extra HP in does help, otherwise no one would use CA3 to begin with.
  15. "Doubles base health regeneration for 5 seconds." This is why LO make such weird balance changes. People can't even read the descriptions in game.
  16. "Doubles base health regeneration for 5 seconds." It will be 4 seconds to gain 500HP with CA3. 2 seconds without CA.
  17. Thinks Nano is a secondary OCA. Thinks OSCAR is Carbine. Ya..... The video being a year old makes it even worse since the primary OCA had 30M back then, and the RFP-9 was better at range.
  18. There's a faster way if you have a friend in the district. Open the Group UI. Go to the search tab. Search your friend's name. Left click join, then press Esc when the dialog pops up. Repeat until joined. I have a script that does it while I make food.
  19. Lets just ignore the fact that they had multiple false ban waves and admitted fault when removing those bans. Playing the first Christmas gun game event was enough to trigger a ban. FF is suppose to monitor long term activity, not ban on 1 parameter triggered 1 time. G1 put zero effort into optimizing the system, and LO didn't have the resources to fix it. I'm not saying they're aren't cheaters, nor am I saying FF was a bad system. G1 screwed it up, and LO don't have the resources to fix it. That's all. Also to stay on topic, ALL client sided anticheats are garbage. They screw over legit users more than cheaters.
  20. Fairfight was not configured right. It was banning everyone who went over a certain threshold. I do agree that fairfight was the best anticheat, but it requires a lot of time and dedication to properly tune for the specific game. LO don't even have enough resources to work on the Beta. Going with BE or EAC was the more realistic option. The basics of FF can be within the server's code, like detecting speed hacks and macros. I noticed that on NA. Saw a few really old players blatantly cheating. I wonder if it's they no longer care about their accounts since the game is nearly dead. One even deleted their max rank crim and switched it to enforcer. I triple checked that they didn't do something like swap I with L.
  21. I get kicked for having Ultra Scope open. It's to view lab equipment like power supplies, oscilloscopes, etc. Sadly these issues are not just with Battleye. All the anticheats have hopped on the ban XYZ hardware bandwagon. They all kick for stupid reasons, like having a virtual machine open. What's next, ban gsync monitors because they could have modified firmware? With the direction they're going I won't be surprised if they block some motherboard vendors for having fully configurable BIOSes.
  22. EU has a better server provider. The average tickrate is closer to 33ms/30tps. On NA, it constantly spikes over 200ms. That's the tickrate, not the latency.
  23. Remove the "-1 magazine size" from the Pistol Silencer modification. The benefits of the silencer barely affect gameplay, and are mostly cosmetic. Here are the current stats for the Pistol Silencer. Reduces muzzle flash and audio Removes tracers -1 magazine size -50% horizontal recoil +25% vertical recoil -10% damage to vehicles The reduced muzzle flash and audio are only cosmetic. Opposing players can still hear and see the pistol fire. Removes tracers does not currently affect gameplay, due to tracers being disabled globally. -1 magazine size does exactly that. It removes 1 bullet from the magazine, making the user to reload sooner and deal less damage between reloads. -50% horizontal recoil is useful but hardly noticeable on the current pistols since they have minimal horizontal recoil. +25% vertical recoil is hardly noticeable due to the current pistols not having much vertical recoil. -10% damage to vehicles is kinda redundant to having one less bullet per magazine. Current secondary pistols that use the Pistol Silencer: Joker RFP-9 "Talon" FR0G 'Rocket' FR0G 'Thumbnail' Obeya FBW-SD PR1 The latest changes to the RFP-9 made it impractical to use against other pistols. It's ttk is too high and it's accuracy isn't good enough to land every shot at max range. Having 1 less bullet isn't helping. It turns the last burst of the mag into 2 bullets instead of 3. The base model FR0G has the potential to get 2 kills per magazine at 10M, and 1 kill per magazine up to 43M. This puts it between the FBW and .45. The FBW can potentially get 2 kills per mag up to 30M, and the .45 is accurate enough to consistently kill in less than 1 mag at 40M. Adding the pistol silencer to this weapon reduces it to 1 kill per mag, and reduces the potential kill range to 40M. This puts it in a bad spot. If you can't aim the FBW is a better choice since it has more damage per magazine and more range, and if you can aim the .45 is a better choice since it has better accuracy and more range. If you prefer full auto, then the OCA Nano becomes the better choice since it can also get 2 kills per mag up to 30M. The FBW remains unchanged as far as kills per mag goes. The base FBW barely has recoil, so there's no reason to use the silencer other than for the audio and visual effects.
  24. The Nano does a nice job stunning these med spray spammers. Sucks that I can't arrest as a criminal.
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