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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. The only issue with groups is they can choose not have other players added to their team by unchecking the "alliance for open missions" checkbox in the group tab. If there's 4 players ready on one side and 2 duos on the other, those players will not match together. Instead, they all get placed in separate unopposed missions. This leads to longer matchmaking time, or worse never finding opposition.
  2. You can, but keep in mind there's a 3 day expiration date on mail sent to yourself. I've had stuff deleted because of this.
  3. Yup. 1 server populated but there's 16+ running. I don't know who their current provider is but I doubt they're saving money running 16+ when only 2 at max are needed. Going by G1's old requirements, they only need 1 core per district, with high single thread performance. A single server with 4 cores at or over 3.5Ghz can handle NA's current requirements. Social doesn't need to be low latency for the players, so it could be hosted in EU if latency isn't an issue with their character databases. I bet Matt's workstation could run the districts better than what is barely running them currently.
  4. It was suppose to be a rebuild. Clean up the old code and move it to a newer version of the same engine with 64 bit support. This was back in 2012 or so, when UE3 still had a lot of support. Now it's more or less just get the current content and code working in the new engine so users with the latest graphics cards don't crash.
  5. At least give us functioning servers. NA is all about who gets the least packet loss. EU had high latency but at least when you get a hitmarker it means you hit the player. Seriously though. You're paying for 16+ servers in the US, when only 2 are populated at most. Replace East and West with a central location, like in Kansas, Oklahoma, or Texas. This will cut it down to 8 servers (2 per threat level). You can cut it down to 4 by removing green and gold districts. Those districts are rarely used. Fight club really doesn't need new server spin-up with the current population. You can get it down to 7 servers (4 action, 2 fight, 1 social). This means less cost per server, or more importantly, better servers at the same cost. If you can't change the current infrastructure, removing east or west and upgrading to servers with higher CPU core clocks and more memory bandwidth would cut out a lot of the packet loss issues. Right now the /latencytest shows server tickrate spikes worse than G1's test on AWS. Those tests were done 4+ years ago. Hardware has only gotten better, yet the current servers are somehow worse.
  6. Eh, depends. Most low rank bronze are fine. They're new and willing to play the game. Better than these high silver, low golds that sit afk or throw the mission.
  7. I agree. You can't rank up your character as a new player if one district isn't populated as is. Having threat segregation means you can't play at all if you know how to press F and maybe left click. Threat segregation also inflates threat. There's no real golds in the bronze district. Even the ones that dethreat are low gold on average. What happens is silvers turn gold, bronzes turn silver, etc. Then those silvers can't join bronze, so they're forced to play in silver. If the district is populated they end up dethreating, intentionally or not, and join bronze. Or, they don't play at all if the silver district is not populated. Maybe it's a generation thing. I expect some people to be better than me and some to be worse. I don't expect to have it easy if I don't put in any effort to begin with. If I wanted an effortless experience I'd play Minecraft with creative mode. Heck, even that takes some effort to build something you're proud of.
  8. Current OCA has no bloom if you shoot it at the same speed as the old OCA from 2014. The problem is the lack of range. 17M is too short considering that's the CSG + IR3 max damage range. Base OCA should be increased back to 30M to put it between shotguns and other SMG/AR hybrids.
  9. BlatMan

    OCA-EW 626-SD

    Have 1 mod rather than 3 levels with different effects. They wouldn't have needed to nerf the N-TEC damage if Heavy Barrel only had the lvl 3 effects. It would also clean up inventory slots and reduce server load.
  10. Windows updates and playing from another IP address can trigger the trade lock.
  11. Current engine is limited to 32 bit. It's constantly bouncing off the 3.5GB memory limit. Nothing can be added without further hurting performance. The 1s stutters are game breaking as is. It is what it is. Not much can happen until the engine upgrade is completed. I doubt the upgrade will be remotely stable before 2023, going by other indie devs with small teams.
  12. The problem is there's too many items locked behind high ranking, even the useless stuff like 4-slot Balkan vehicles.
  13. They won't even give their Game Moderators moderator power. They can't ban people speed hacking in front of them.
  14. With all contacts available for pledging.
  15. The ddos attacks were the coverups. This time they have someone else to blame.
  16. How about Chambered Round and SMG silencer? https://apbdb.com/build/Weapon_SMG_TommyGun_Slot2/?mods=FnMod_Weapon_ChamberedRound_Armas,FnMod_Weapon_Silencer_SMG
  17. BlatMan

    Low fps on high end pc

    One thing I forget to ask before. Make sure your RAM is running at 3000mhz. Enable XMP and select the 3000Mhz profile in your BIOS. APB performs best on an SSD. An HDD will have worse loading times. I run APB on a Samsung 960 EVO 500GB NVMe. Avg fps is over 100fps, with dips into the 80s when there's 20+ players crammed together in mission districts. With your hardware you should be getting the same or better. I still get those 1s stutters. They're impossible to get rid of with the current game. It's a side effect of APB being 32 bit. It can only use 3.5GB of RAM. It has to clear out unused resources when that limit is reached, which causes the stutter. It's slowly gotten worse over the years with the added content.
  18. Gonna need another decimal place in the fps counter.
  19. Then we get Prestige, like cod where you reset back to lvl 1 and have to grind all the ranks and achievements again. Players with 5 stars ranked 5 times.
  20. They need to limit lag compensation so players with high ping can't shoot you behind cover. I tested with my ping set to 3000ms and I was still able to land shots on low latency players who were behind cover on their screen.
  21. I used to slap muzzle break on the tommy, but then LO reduced the recoil so now I shoot at the ground if I do that
  22. Yall wanted ttk increased. Medspray buff increases ttk. But seriously, remove the double heal rate. Medspray was already game breaking without it.
  23. BlatMan

    Nvidia Game filters?

    They let you remove blood, smoke, muzzle flash, grenade explosions, etc. You can stream your game live on twitch with all those modified files and nothing happens. You can even throw in a silent aim hack or triggerbot and it's perfectly a ok to stream. But, maybe using your graphics card driver is where they'll draw the line.
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