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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. I plan to do my Legendary Giveaway and 100k "quiz prize" after i got my 100kth kill on a staff member, I'm waiting till i get the new legendary Then i'm starting it.
  2. It's working, only wish it was sooner the pop. in Jericho plummeted due to this unfortunate occurrence
  3. @MattScott Jericho no workey.
  4. it's only jericho, why though?. Someone tell me when it's working again.
  5. That's your opinion and lucky for everyone else, opinions aren't facts. You may want premium every chance you can think of while the rest of us (not me) fund apb regardless of whether or not we get premium every time hammy has a cold.
  6. can't login as the "client side anticheat" is blocking me from launching the game, "driver load error", so there's that. Sure would be nice to play apb..
  7. or what i don't understand "Why the [Un-Canadian f word here] is orbit releasing another ntec 26+ isn't enough?" It better level the Pointman role or there will be murders. (multiple boxes of donuts will not survive My "Coping Technic"
  8. The stock isn't stopping the bullets from ejecting this time? How does that thing even keep firing with the stock blocking the ejection port.
  9. *mentions VAS C2, Summons zole* I'm still using the vas c2, it's the only smg that can tap fire at 95 meters hitting every shot (not gonna kill but still.) It seems they made this next legendary with me in mind i've been dieing for more SMG/AR hybrids so i can level pointman without restricting myself to 30 meters, Gonna be tricky for me to obtain one since it's gonna be on armas... hope someone trades it for whatever junk i got. I won't say better, the vas c2 can tapfire and it's TTK is just enough to outkill a shotgun that misses it's first shot, (vas c2 main), however i will like to see how well this new gun does. "Inb4 the alt skin is just the default Ursus skin" I've been using the vas c2 pre-nerf and post nerf, I stil "like" it but it's still not as good as it used to be. I've gotten 75 meter kills with it ... an smg at 75 meters (helps to have cover of course) I think the new gun is going the Atac route it won't be as tapfire-able as the c2 Either way it's gonna be A perma gun so i can stop wasting joker tickets. I'm hoping for the former not the latter, I on the other hand Love this whole "hybrid" idea of giving guns that are meant for a certain style then are given Rule-breaking stats (imagine a shotgun with slugs that can kill at 50 meters) There are rifles that behave like the DMR but level sniper role, there are SMGs that level rifleman (aces and condor series the non legendaries) I am now going to count all the ntecs their reskins and "off shoots" warning alot of ntecs
  10. Because it's a brick, What kind of top level security access do you need to place a 60,000$ brick on your gas pedal.
  11. So to answer your question with ... another person's answer Basically, the "good enforcers" change to their crims and shred everyone on NA. There solved in a way i can still say Enforcers are better.
  12. You can't with enemies but Matt (the ceo) has gone on record talking about giving players in the future the Option to leave matches (with enemies) no announced time for that.
  13. I also find it annoying you can't ram raid This needs to be fixed.
  14. The warping made it a lot easier to stun people ,dodging bullets like neo and Stunning them with my good lo-- stun launcher
  15. stun launcher has 10 meters radius *or was it 13?. That's plenty.
  16. Zolerox

    New achievement

    Restore the melee achievement. (the bugged one called backstabber that was in-game but never worked Even with a blowtorch) but fix it.
  17. - All my contacts I need to level up are in financial and only bronze financial has players
  18. "if that's what your head looks..." Thanks now my nightmares are complete.
  19. I have mine, Matt said something like 'It's manual starting with people that have logged in the last 30 days' So it may take longer for others Either way we all eventually get 2 week premium.
  20. That is a BLATANT missuse of the "^^" Reported!
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