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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. ooo i don't know about that, let me try one. A British couple decided to adopt a German baby. They raised him for years, however they began to get worried because he never spoke, and they believed that he was mentally handicapped, going as far as to take him to therapy, which was fruitless. Then, when the child was 8 years old, he had a Strudel, and said "It is a little tepid." His parents, of course shocked that he was suddenly speaking, asked: "Wolfgang, why have you never spoken before?", to which the child replied: "Up until now, everything had been satisfactory."
  2. Where's Dylanfromwallmart or did he get fired again? Wallmart's logo looks like "the crossroads of ideas"
  3. Not 100% if i can even partake in the event after eating a 1kg chocolate egg (on the 20th)
  4. Can you two stop taking Potshots at each other and Just chill , it's a short event about weed what is not to love.
  5. i have a better idea (without making it pay 2 win) add consumables or a "diet" version to jokerstore for each one. also, do you still play apb on consoles? Can you take a screenshot of the "jokerstore unlockables".
  6. The role only counts "collecting" eggs the multiplier doesn't count, mugging however does without mugging any players the role takes 1500 eggs which = 300 chickens or 1500 bunnies.
  7. And why can users posts topics here, Leaves room for "trolling" .
  8. I'm gonna take my 1 monitor i've had for 8 years and walk away.
  9. 1 person helped while the 47 others tried to kill us.
  10. This is your first post, you joined on April (i'm guessing April 1st) you just made this account. Here's what i think happend (according to those specific issues your reporting) You were playing a match you rage quit several times and noticed team name tags wouldn't come back. The sliding issue I've heard before it might have to do with high refresh rate monitors (i'm not well informed about that) This has become a tactic (i dislike it) where people do a drift and jump out of the car so when you attack your hitting a ghost dispite what the player model says (hope they fix it before the engine upgrade) 4.? why are you minimizing APB if your playing APB what else can you really do, "gameprogram" if battle eye picks up on it maybe your doing something wrong, I'll guess the "other apps" are simple fps boosters nothing that can't be accomplished by just opening task manager and closing memory hungry services/processes. what about this fake anti-cheat? baby battle, Battle eye is working bans are manual (the best of my knowledge) battle eye gives you the information to decide if they are cheating or not (if it's blatant enough i'm assuming it auto bans) APB has a high skill ceiling it can be very difficult to tell a skilled player from a flat out cheater.
  11. All i want to know is, with enough monitors is it possible to get a 360 FOV in apb?.
  12. https://steamcommunity.com/app/113400/discussions/0/3022387599793208467/ Updated my steam "guide" (posted in steam discussions) It has all the information i could find from both forum posts and the news post (with some of mine thrown in) for anyone wondering how to get bunny ears it's a random mission drop when you play in event districts.
  13. Link = Easter Event 2019: List of rewards Refer to this "guide" i posted in steam discussions it has a full list of rewards.
  14. Thanks for the correction I meant rabbit ears, good to see there's an official list, steam seems to not be getting any love I'll help those fellas out.
  15. Rabbit mask is NOT from the role it's a random mission reward. *I meant rabbit ears.
  16. correct me if i'm wrong but i believe all you get is 100 tickets.
  17. Events (talking about y00d) inspire teamwork and i've made soo many friends from helping each other lvl roles. Some people take the event too serious, I was getting spammed with "KYS" when i didn't drop the easter egg launcher, or if i mug someone with 50 eggs.
  18. I am not a fan of the 4x4 vegas, I prefer the noob trap vegas.
  19. A tad late, but Glad to hear my progress will mostly stay (most of my stuff is sentimental) I may have to return to FE after all. *after 3 years.
  20. 300 chickens, without mugging a single player. *i did that last event 2 years ago "last year" doesn't mean anything easter last year was cancelled.
  21. Rewards: LVL 2 - 3 titles "Easter Bunny" "Egg Smuggler" "The Real Easter Bunny" LVL 4 - 3 titles "Egg Head" "Oologist" "Skull Cracker" LVL 6 - 3 titles "Egg-O-Matic" "Pure Gangster" "Thug's Life" LVL 8 - 1 clothing item "Easter Egg Mask" *looks like an egg wearing a bandanna with 2 eye holes LVL 10 - 3 titles - "The Big Hit" "The Thumper" "The Wolf" LVL 12 - "Chicken Coop" "Hopping Mad" "In the Hen House" LVL 14 - 1 clothing item "Rabbit Mask" *has a bunny face with 2 ears (same mask the muggable bunnies use) LVL 15 - 1 Clothing item & 1 title "Egg Wrangler""Animal Suit" (same suit the bunny and chicken All Titles are yellow. (Level 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 give nothing But 100 tickets) Bunny Ears (aliceband) is a random mission reward in event districts Both wearing animal suit - Bunny mask on the left - Chicken head is "only" on armas, comes with the chicken pack.
  22. actually yes that is the way but i didn't have several guys i had 1. It's wonderful how infectious information is The first time i did this method 13 other people in the district caught on and it spread like wildfire, 20 people no a single person killing anyone just Community mug circles.
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