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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Those are the patch notes for discussion. We could use a crate or "object" for some of the broken spots in riot (due to lack of cars some spots are unreachable and those spots have items spawning on them)
  2. A few bugs *1 more i don't have a screenshot of will post later* 1. Unreachable item spawn (that base in the middle you can't reach it, add a barrel or something) There's another one where a weapon spawns ontop of the curch roof *ntf get screenshot later* 2. Fog in mission district (only in mission district, Happens if you leave a riot mode while in gas) 3. NTEC-7c 'New Glory' "Twearks" +20% firerate - Effective range to below 50 meters * Make it level Pointman role I.E turn it into an smg "this SMG/AR hybrid". What would you change about the "new legendary" ? , found any bugs with riot, What would you change about riot? -start with no guns -remove the ability to buy your primary/secondary.
  3. I find this topic offensive, It should be "male/female" your calling the playerbase underaged.
  4. Did you join social after that? (i'm gonna try that later see if the slaybells/epidemic event fog bug is still there)
  5. "smg/ar hybrid" more like "we couldn't bother codeing it to level pointman role so Meh, copy paste the ursus code" It's another ursus with tweaked stats What happend to "building it from the ground up" it doesn't even use the same ammo as ursus yet you still made it an assault rifle? how long till the "pmg" is techniccly an assault rifle. @MattScott This better be another bug cause it's "bugging me" Just cheesed off it levels rifleman makes it look like a lcr with an ursus skin.
  6. just me or does this mode not "feel like apb"? making me miss Anarchy again. (drop the cooldown to 30) Useing a suit and still dieing to gas isn't any fun.
  7. Does it bother you it doesn't level Pointman? even though it's essiantly another run at the "vas c2" idea of making an smg but with assault rifle standerds?, This is too close to the ursus for me to want it.
  8. 1 guy brings an ntec, then drops it and then The whole district is infected. Only riot, (it was removed the first time we saw it because it wasn't balanced and the players wouldn't accept it, nothing has changed)
  9. Grab em before he realises XD, jk The "high tops" were on the list but listed as " Unlock Clothing: High Heel Ankle Boots ( JT 500 & APB$ 4500) Unlock Clothing: Canvas Hightops (JT 500 & APB$ 4500) "
  10. Zolerox

    Weapon drops

    And not balanced enough to stay. That was the problem last time (and nothing has changed.) so yeah a bug, they need to fix.
  11. also, those "containers" in social let you get to spots you weren't supposed to before. , also found the "car wrecks" in riot are piercable with the cap40, (wish player cars could do that) but i'm assuming that's because their techniccly a map object... Also I saw a "roofless" starter car.
  12. I got no issue with the man (i find other streams more enjoyable then his but that's just me) Only think i dislike is as a "social animal" i'd like to own the display points and fill them with "art" but he pays 1 million$ (in bids) to own all the display points everywhere each week (just puts up 1 symbol that's twitch advertising) i wanna put up such Masterpieces as this
  13. I was gonna count all the old bugs, and how much i miss em (SHAW-OPGL being my favorite one)
  14. So the update broke apb fantastic, i was afraid of this happening, It's because of the "new anticheat" right?
  15. Summary: Golden N-HVR 762-SD description uses the wrong word to describe it's range handicap. Description: The silencer mod limits it's range but the description says "increased" instead of "decreased" referring to it's range due to the silencer. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Go to jokerstore, talk to Wilde 2. Select Weapons > High-Velocity Rifles 3. Click on Golden N-HVR 762-SD Notce it says "range however is increased due to the special rounds required" Whne it should say "range however is decreased due to the speical rounds required" How many times have you recreated this bug: 100% Results: The description is claiming the silencer "increases" the range when infect it decreases it. Expected Results: It says "decreased" in the description instead of increases the silencer lowers your range (fixed before next Golden N-HVR 762-SD is released would be nice) Image below
  16. @MattScott Matt the "gold hvr" has a bug in it's description please fix it before you add the perma version "due to this it has increased range" should say Decreased The red underlined word should say "decreased" hope you guys fix that Considering your releasing a perm version soon.
  17. Apb has wrong stats too. Appearently fireworklauncher/flaregundo0damageandgodamnitmyspacebarbroke.
  18. AVA Soldier front 2 Warface (the new company F*cked it over making it more p2w) GunZ H1z1 (i had fun with my mates till they canned the original mode) and soo many more the names fade away. Apb dies and keeps getting saved.
  19. Some suggestions for the "future wave" - 3 slot VAS-CS - RFP "Fang" - Mountie "Nunavut" - LCR Old Glory. I hope the "gold hvr" is permanent Matt it was unclear, Can you please put the word "Permanent" in bold/underlined i completely glossed over it.
  20. On my profile plenty of links. Also all over steam Nano guide for steam Jokerstore guide for steam I also have one for the "cap 40" but that's a different subject, again links to all my work on my profile. Profile.
  21. it looks like that, plenty more images like that in my guides.
  22. It wouldn't work "mergeing" imagine you had to play with 400 ping would you even login anymore? The whole idea of "just throw everyone in 1 server" would (and has before) just make people log out without returning so it wouldn't even add more players if they get stuck with 400 ping. Matt's idea for the future is 1 global server with Different pings per district (you know like every other game does already) so there would be a Financial-NA-1 and a Financial-EU-1 so on.
  23. If you want more information about "those rare nano activities" check out my guide on the forums, both steam and g1.com. Steam Version
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