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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. no. You can't "remove features" because of cheaters, along the same line maybe they should remove ntec because it's a very nice weapon to cheat with.
  2. HMS - Increase it's accuracy buff to essentially Hunting sight 4, the rest of the mods well I'd rather the one I use the most gets buffed then they get worse.
  3. 1.3 million, witnessed. june 2015. Some guy and his buddy pulled a very long rr session using a cop to launder and both having premium, Clever enough to make sure the cop dropped his bounty when he got close. I plan to break the record one day with proof. highest ram raided? kinda hard to say being an enforcer main.
  4. 3+ items per box but locked at only 1 legendary per box, that's 1 idea to improve the box opening experience, Hell replace some of the RNG and put some gear and weapon selectors in there.
  5. If only that were true, compensation for my yukon.... "fixed" o it's fixed all right.
  6. 40 meter pmg? that's cute *takes vas c-2's 95 meter potential and skips along*
  7. Now of only we could get a discord of 8+ people together and start some riot matches.
  8. tl;dr "a scammer made me like him then scammed me? who would do such a thing" I've seen worse, how about someone getting your adress from twitch just to send you a hand written letter asking for legendaries with 15$ enclosed, or my most recent encounter Trades with someone then photoshops screenshotted proof someone scammed then asks support to retrieve weapon back, while the "scammer" is using 2 accounts to effectivly dupe weapons (he owned the scammed account), it didn't work but damn that's alot just to get another nano. Scammers are con men (or women) they say whatever they need to in order to achieve their objective, Get something for nothing.
  9. Oh boy where to start, 1.Engine upgrade - no comment for now (we still don't have apb on xbox/ps4 in kanga) 2. Riot skins coming to armas next week I'm on limited g1c so this has 0 effect on me (unless they do more free g1c events) but good for those people that wanted the skins, guess it'll make it harder to get a group of 8 together to get the skins when you can just buy em. Make riot start with 4 (for jericho) even during peak no one wants to join riot waiting for it to start. 3. "new contacts" Yeah we all knew about them years before this the unfinished G1 content, No one loves Unreleased stuff like me but at least they aren't posing as "specalist contacts" auto unlocked? so yes or no matt, do we get a new rank or not? And they are techies so you gotta bring the 'gauntlet' gloves over it's all I need to be an armored display of solitary. In waterfront yeah this was expected as well (to fill those 2 empty spots in both corners) [Images below] Lucas Lynette 4. EMP, I just don't like it at all. (*cough* apex is getting an emp grenade soon) Another one of LO's "Things that don't suit the style of apb" disables boombox ... ok? Electrified cars, no doubt using the same "effect" you get when you destroy a boom box. Take damage inside a car? at that point we might as well also have horses if windows no longer need to block damage No doubt this grenade doesn't consider the exploitability of spamming it (with a team of 4 max's) to kill vip's and spawn kill people inside cars. Stop people from entering cars, that i'm fine with Nothing more annoying then tagging someone with a HVR just for them to hide in their Steelplate 3 armored engine 3 seiyo waiting for their hp to hit 100% Alarms are silenced? what alarm? you talking about civilian cars? Lights are turned off, does this include the turn signals? those are CRUCIAL for gameplay. Vehicle no longer available for spawning into? how long does that last? you already get a 60 second cooldown when you use ANY car spawner's spawnpoint anyway. Remote detonation can no longer be trigged, how quick is the grenades fuze then? considering how fast a car explodes when the owner is close to it. The vehicle will explode if remote detonation is active? um what? so does that just do the same thing twice? or does it explode if you even have the mod equipped. Mobile radar is disabled, for that to matter you also need to fix the "spawn near a radar tower perma tracked on radar" bug and grenades don't show up on radar (how long does the effect last?) Accelerator is disabled, vehicle can still turn and break, but nto accelerate. I'm fine with this, Makes sure those damn crims stay and fight instead of running with the item (car surfer + emp gonna be some interesting gameplay) A HUD message will show up showing that you are affected by EMP. I really hope it's RIGHT in the middle of the screen just like the "This item is not ready to use" message I love those kind of quality tested improvments to the HUD. Certain flagged HUD Markers are no longer updated / shown on the screen and/or map: Tagger,Spotter,M-Radar Tower Huh? what does that mean? and not a single change to radar jammer? Potential additions: Opposition Player (team-deathmatch) VIP no idea. CHANGES TO CONSUMABLE/DEPLOYABLES Disable or limit explosives from deployable ammo boxes This could be a good thing but I'm unsure I mean the box DOES have a model that includes grenades so.... [image from my cap 40 guide of the ammo box with grenades in the top left corner] Remove or limit inventory access from deployable ammo boxes from what i understand "when ammo dips under 50% you can no longer make weapon or mod changes" This could be hell for the "medium ammo box" which already has a low supply not sure how I feel about this, I main the "Citadel" so probably won't effect me much. Connect mod active time to deployable active time no, (for some mods) good idea to discourage spam though, Ammo box and med spray being the most obvious, but boom box? it already does 'basicly' nothing. For a blowtorch user this change will be a minor annoyance but for anyone using field suppliers or hud smacks (radar jammer and spotter) it could be hell. CHANGES TO WEAPON BALANCE [Sneak preview of on release footage thanks to SPCT] First of Phew! I finished my pointman role before this ballayya's inspired stuff started. Before I start this HEAVILY biased response based on the fact I'm done with shotguns and won't touch them for another year (zole tradition I use 1 weapon role and only 1 each year) "Sure nerf away whatever makes it easier for me to fight shotguns have at it" A 3 shot shotgun? But why? "Changes made compared to the Thunder is evening out the spread at 10 metres and reducing the TTK to be competitive in CQC." what does that mean? is the JG getting more damage or is the thunder? or something else. The sniper rifle, Nothing i hated more then fighting a csg and having the person "claim" it takes more skill to use a csg then it does a Jg when the csg can consistently hit it's 2stk w Strife - The Strife currently suffers from an insanely high TTK, not just by CQC standards, but by weapon standards overall. This is the only shotgun to remain a 2 STK, but the damage has been reduced with the fragile modification in mind, removing the ability to kill users of that mod with one shot. The fire interval has also been greatly decreased to 0.9 seconds, though this may be subject to further change if deemed necessary.n a pmg at this point.. This could be good, but is it enough to dethrone the nfas? "needsFurtheradjustedStats" Statistical effective range has also been adjusted to match spread. so less range ? Shorter spin up timer? me likey 'But I thought you used you don't use shotguns anymore?' yeah yeah, but nothing's more fun then kev3 ogre in asylum. Extra shot to kill? maybe that's ok.. again 0 effect on me as i won't be using shotguns/smgs for another year "2020" (which reminds me I need to reorder my guns so smgs/shotguns are at the bottom.) Ah yes the "AA-12" possibly my favorite shotgun model an excellent flat canvas to paint on or just scratch in the number of times your shredder has been called "op" "A shotgun that can destroy cars and can be used out the passenger window? Don't mind if I do" More accuracy and slightly better shooty shooty to crims go to sleep time ratio and spread decrease more accurate shotguns sounds good for the shredder at least. "...but the damage has been reduced with the fragile modification in mind, removing the ability to kill users of that mod with one shot." I'm so against this change here's a gif. As a fragile person myself I don't like this change maybe just barely 1shot to kill (takes 100% damage to 1shot) but just removing the 1stk on fragile completly just feels wrong. (I guess that 1 guy who uses nothing but fragile and gives out misinformation will love this change Y00U know who I'm talking bout) Fire interval decrease? meh, whatever floats ya boat. Ah yes the classic "sell an OP weapon as a legendary for a while then nerf it after" Looking at you Yukon, even though I only use the Thunder it makes me wonder how these changes feel on the jokerstore/aramass version, Reload time increase, it needed it. Range reduced, Yeah it was fun while it lasted and frankly it was obsurd. In addition to shotgun changes, we are also proposing some changes to be done to individual weapons that currently suffer from serious balance issues. That's not what i would do to RFP, I saw the "rtw" burst fire intervals a while back when g1 released the "Old weapon stats districts" and I'd rather the RFP go in that direction, make Bursts slower and more accurate to use rather then just "use 1 more burst" ignore past the 14 second part, This is the ROF decrease i wanted for the rfp, keep the fire interval the same so you could "stream bullets" but each burst should be this slow. drop the act 44 to 60 meters, keep the RSA at 70 (or even 75) or not, again I don't use the act or rfp, (rsa once in a blue moon) Hell it was about time, I've been Bit* providing counstructive critisism about the "accuracy" buff the OCA got out of nowhere which just made an already meta weapon even better. Right now I'm off to test every object in riot to see if The cap40/cmd can pierce it.
  10. Meanwhile over in crazyville i'm still using the vas c2, love an smg that can hit tap fire at 95 meters and land every hit.
  11. I can top that, intel i5 with 4 gbs of ram : ) . How would you feel if people literally couldn't play because game dev. teams stopped careing about the "Potatoe farmers" to the point 15 fps was the maxium they could hit, and you lost 40% of the population . Free games tend not to attract monster rig pc's.
  12. Summary: Doing the /smoke emote breaks when you change outfits. Description: When you perform the "/smoke" emote command the "cigarette" floats away when you takeit out of your mouth hole. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Type into chat /smoke 2. Observe the cigarette (usually) doesn't float away. 3. Change from current outfit slot To another one. 4. Type into chat /smoke again and observe as the cigarette floats away this time. How many times have you recreated this bug: 8 (i have 8 outfit slots) 100% Results: When you change outfit slots the /smoke emote has a "floating cigarette" after it leaves your mouth during the animation. Expected Results: The cigarette stays in your hand when you remove it from your mouth till you flick it away even if you change outfits. @MattScott Because this is Urgent! put the engine upgrade on hold , Let riot cool down and Fix this crisis.
  13. Not to mention that missions that Literally involve a dump truck, Could that be griefing if you're just "doing your mission" ?
  14. volcano eol, sure it wont take too long to win one, only took me 5.
  15. Make riot start with 4 players (at least on jericho) and I'll play it every single day till we get the engine upgrade.
  16. Honestly, none of them cap/vbr going to jokerstore was "planned" once before i don't see why that shouldn't eventually happen But armas? no thanks. The rest delves into 'exclusivitvity' and matt's killed that a few times already and who knows.
  17. removing the reaction limit without "telling us who did what" would leave space for me to... well i dunno dislike every post "that guy" makes without getting caught by the police.
  18. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/patch-notes
  19. I like that LO has given me a shotgun pistol I've been asking for 4 years.
  20. Amayiizing work either way, Now back to asylum i go to purchase furniture.
  21. being able to start with 4 players is the only reward i want.
  22. drop it down to start with 4 players, and i'll start it myself (jericho) fightclub can.
  23. Zolerox

    Ideas for apb.

    "System for transfer apb cash through our characters" Trade money to a "good friend" switch to your other character Trade that money back to your desired character.
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