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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. I didn't know social district existed till i was rank 156 I had to check youtube to find out how to find it.
  2. @MattScott my mumma taught me to never be afraid to ask for more, Could we also get "armas free weapon trials" reset/refreshed?.
  3. 1 you say? *Stretches* Since you asked... Clotting 3 of course N-HVR 243 SD 'Reaper' OCA Nano 'Connoisseur' Stunning just for kills isn't as effective as you think, I would know i've stunned someone before It seems 1 of these threads pop up Each time i go LTL only in asylum ....
  4. Don't forget 1jt ticket wasn't the lowest reward. You could get 0 tickets. *i still prefer getting med spray and ammo boxes over 3 joker tickets.
  5. 100 tickets a box, And each one is sent to your mailbox in an attachment, Easily doubleing the pages of mail you get when you buy boxes. Still waiting for DMR AV PR2 in jokerstore.
  6. You do know someone can wind up an osmaw and witness you with .15 seconds left.
  7. The roof design is nice *ignoring the chicken wire on the sides* Kind of a Great Gatsby Style patterning
  8. I'm almost 100% sure you're talking about these videos (which G1 doesn't make they meerly showcased them) Sadly These are some of the last we ever saw, So none "LO" 's "new" legendarys (running low on bunny ears) have any video promotions accompanying them.
  9. Isn't the way people open doors while jumping also an "exploit" ? Clearly everyone that logs in should just get banned... Where's punkbuster at it's perfect for this.
  10. I was gonna say something along the lines "Wouldn't a customisable kolva be better?" But I just want my Han Cellante Back.
  11. Go on. Criminals don't get specalised equipment ... They're criminals after all.
  12. If anyone was wondering what the rewards were.
  13. Despite what criminal mains may think, The stun isn't the only challenge, Out of 10 stuns on average you only arrest 3 times (average) *The criminals tk the stunned crim Even if they get arrested so they spawn faster *Your team kills the stun *You stun them but they get off a few shorts so that "perc" you used to stun killed you as well *They are just out of range , Keep in mind most of the enemies face are using ntecs or even a Pmg (which can stay outside the 10m range and kill you before you get off 2 pig shots. *Or my favorite You stun allmost an entire team But you go in for the arrests and 1 of them gets up in time to kill you and unarrest everyone (or 1 guy was waiting behind cover with a nfas. It's High risk and high reward that's how it's supposed to be Arresting someone knocks them out of the game for about 10+ seconds (not counting the respawn) If you haven't noticed, Whenever someone gets an enforcer that's using LTL in their missions everyone tries to kick them? Why would they if "LTL Pig is op" tl:dr If pig perc got removed all that would change is people migrate to JG Pig which works (under 1 second stun with the 3point sling pig) People forget OPGL-CD exists?
  14. I got bad news for you, This exists, https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_LTL_Tazer_PR1 +
  15. That's what this entire thread is about, The Temptress, have you not been paying attention? And the 3rd slot is rifleing... the 1st slot with the silencer (actually makes the gun better than the normal huntress at range) as someone who has used the temptress you can outgun an ntec if you shoot first.
  16. There is 1 game that does it that way, apb isn't one of them Warface!, Every "box" you buy actually increases your chance by 1% after 100 boxes you get 100% chance to win a gun. (apb does nothing like that however) "If the Warbox has a Gold weapon as a possible reward, you will be guaranteed to obtain the Gold weapon after opening 1000 Warboxes of that weapon if you did not obtain it yet. The amount of boxes you opened is stored in your account." It used to be 100 than the "greedy" new company took over and made it worse... but yeah same idea each box would increase your chances.
  17. It was broken ages ago, they tried to "Fix it" but it never became as good as it used to be, As a sniper main it sucks the anubis doesnt have any "advantage" over a scout or dmr. (what if it had extra stamina damage or something to make it not horrible?)
  18. They seem to like adding "quality of life changes" Time to revive my "suggestions" list. *the one where i make concept screenshots*
  19. APB is due for a big "gloves and Boots" pack, How many clothing packs on armas dont add new boots or gloves (disapointed there's no tactical glove without fingerless version.) *I'm not a fan of fingerless gloves as far as I'm concerned they are just glorifed hand shorts. So how many packs dont have new boots or gloves Well let's count. Key: Yes it has new items , No it doesn't have new items , Almost but technilly no Pack of Revelations Pass Nope, no "new gloves" Yes!, Some high heel boots. "Death Boots" Dress To Kill Enforcer Bundle / Dress To Kill Criminal Bundle Nope, no "new gloves" Yes!, Some laceless flat shoe thingys "Monkstrap Brogues" Also, Some really tall boots "Thigh High Boots" Urban Strike Clothing Set Nope, no "new gloves" Yes!, Some tall funky boot whatever the hell "Calf-Length Urban Boots" Enforcer High Roller Bundle / Criminal High Roller Bundle Nope, no "new gloves" Yes!, Some pointy shoes "Fashion Ankle Boots" Also, Some more high Heels "High Heel Ankle Boots" Street RX Outfit Nope, no "new gloves" Yes!, Some hip young people shoes "Skate High-Tops" Tactical Gear Bonus Pack Yes, (it's fingerless so still no) "Tactical Fingerless Gloves" Nope, even with the name 'Tactical' it still has no shoes/boots Paramilitary Bonus Pack (Enforcer) Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (Do they expect you to walk bare foot? what's the point of the gas mask then?) Rapid Reaction Gear (Enforcer) / S1 Racing Gear (Criminal) Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (I guess F1 drivers dont wear boots or gloves... they must have super human grip and feet made of concrete) Impact Bonus Pack (Criminal) Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (Better hope with all that "impact armor" no one hits your hands or feet) Punk Clothing Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (these punks dont wear foot or hand wear ,the savages) Guerra Libero LE Bundle / Guerra Vigilum LE Bundle Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (Wargear, who needs gloves boots or shoes in war right?) Enforcer Heavy Duty Bonus Pack / Criminal Heavy Duty Bonus Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Yeah..... wait a minute. This pack comes with "tactical boots" but those were already in apb long before this pack came into existance.. So no, not "new" boots at all. (Heavy duty? What's more heavy duty then not wearing any gloves and just punching open doors?) Enforcer Halloween Clothing / Criminal Halloween Clothing Nope, No "new gloves" Yes!, Some "Studded Leather Boots" Cyberpunk Clothing Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (in the future shoes and gloves are outlawed... or something) Armored Bonus Pack (Enforcer) Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (Wouldn't it be funny if you wore all that armor, Deflected several gunshots but then you stepped on a rusty nail and died of infection?, guess they should have sold some boots but o well) Schoolgirl Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (I remember my schooldays, those nostaligic memories of no one wearing shoes and the principal announcing the new walkways made of gravel interupted by a hailstorm of books thrown by the angry students complaining about the lack of footwear.... ok but still Why doesnt this pack have any shoes?) Goth Schoolgirl Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (I remember... ok fine I was never a "goth" but I'm pretty sure they wore black boots and ate alot of black licorice or whatever.) Highlander Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (THEY CAN TAKE OUR LIVES BUT THEY CAN NEVER TAKE OUR SHOES BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE ANY!!!) Goth Highlander Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (The dark side of scuteland, kinda depressing haveing no shoes.) Football Clothing Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (HUT! 32 HUT! 54! WHY DONT YOU HAVE SHOES? HUT HUT!, it's called "football" not "feetball" you ever kicked a rugby ball without any footwear? dont.) Hockey Clothing Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Nope, no boots/shoes either (It must take alot of skill to skate barefoot on ice!) Baseball Clothing Pack Nope, no "new gloves" STRIKE 1 Nope, no boots/shoes either STRIKE 2 (It doesnt even come with a Baseball skinned 8 ball grenade STRIKE 3) Basketball Pack Nope, no "new gloves" Yes!, Some Ballin' "Basketball Shoes" Now, most of this (if not all of them) were made Pre "LO" ownership so you can just blame g1 for forgetting feet exist or whatever. LO's Turn. {"no gloves/shoes at all" means no new clothing created from currently unused models Including unreleased content or new content} Pentagram Clothing Bundle 0. no gloves at all 0. no "shoes" at all Demoness Clothing (Account Lifetime) 0. no gloves at all 0. no "shoes" at all (Technically this isn't a "new clothing" pack it's reused clothing with their own "preset" version) Blood Moon Bundle (Account Lifetime) 0. no gloves at all 0. no "shoes" at all (Technically this isn't a "new clothing" pack it's reused clothing with their own "preset" version) Dark Prophecy 'Death' (Account Lifetime) / Dark Prophecy 'Tower' (Account Lifetime) / Dark Prophecy 'Priestess' (Account Lifetime) (same 3 clothing with different colors/symbols) 0. no gloves at all 0. no "shoes" at all (Technically this isn't a "new clothing" pack it's reused clothing with their own "preset" version) Holiday 2019 All Items Bundle 0. no gloves at all 1. New boots "Soldier Boots" Skyline Bundle (Account Lifetime) 0. no gloves at all 0. no "shoes" at all (Technically this isn't a "new clothing" pack it's reused clothing with their own "preset" version) Renaissance Man Bundle 0. no gloves at all 0. no "shoes" at all (back in my day we didnt wear shoes we just put hats on our feet) Leather and Lace Bundle (Account Lifetime) 0. no gloves at all 0. no "shoes" at all (Come on! It's literally called "leather and lace" and they didnt think of making boots? you know... those things made of leather with laces?) Mayan Bundle (Account Lifetime) 0. no gloves at all 0. no "shoes" at all (Technically this isn't a "new clothing" pack it's reused clothing with their own "preset" version) So. Since "LO" has shown they like to release unused assets/models in "extra packs" (referring to the harness back that finally allowed us to get "double b's shotguns") Maybe Some Footwear and Gloves packs would be an option in the future. Kinda sucks having a Heavily armored character wearing the standerd "thin" gloves the game has even a non fingleress version of the tactical gloves would be enough, and the "boots" are a stretch no where as armored as the rest of me. LO seems to need inspiration on what clothing items to make Luckily for them This place is full of it.
  20. Zolerox

    two small fixes

    1 day to fix, 37 days to fix the other 20+ bugs it randomly causes when they update it APB's engine Causing chaos since 2009
  21. Just saying , Consoles have the VBR Temptress in the jokerstore. omeo *got a bud to upload a video of apb on xbox. (since we still cant play apb here in kangaroo land *cough @MattScott *hint hint*)
  22. I guess a Pink Version of the Dynamic "Nutcracker" skin is out of the question? You know? Like pink heart particals and muzzle flash? @MattScott Ping!
  23. DMR AV PR2 isn't in the jokerstore and it keeps me awake at night.
  24. The mailbox one is free, You should also be able to buy them from contacts.
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