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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. @Sakebee Don't forget to add "Safety Goggles (neck)" if that's possible some female goggles in jokerstore would be nice, hope "FM Holster" are part of the pacl (think it's in the street rx one) Safety Goggles (Neck) Found on: Templeton, Kaspar Danko, Stu Phoenix Safety Goggles (Female)
  2. Still not gonna make shotguns 3stk? sigh, the snr nerf is good? i'm not sure, it was a funky weapon now it lost it's funk obir with less ammo : | so bandoiler 3 instead of tagger i guess rest i could care less about, I don't see the meta changing to much (oca still op ntecs still the most used weapon in apb) But what do i know, O yeah nothing let's wait and see Fingers Crossed.
  3. I just want Legacy Beacon fightclub back, not that "event" version we get every year. said this 100 times before, So instead here's a video to come with it "the only district to use orange pickup item icons"
  4. I think this update should accompany the announcement that joker store will start selling My favorite item "Inventory Expansion Selector" A very old forgotten addition to apb that was never "introduced" to armas or jokerstore it was a one off event reward I'd like to see it just added to jokerstore.
  5. Bangkok , I mean it's pretty good already but then..
  6. Holding back a brick wall, trying not to think of the people I used to hang with in apb that no longer exist. Big suits of armor don't cry.
  7. oar, Debundle more stuff. Still waiting on Kurai wheels
  8. not sure it would work for any of mine, could still give it a try though
  9. This may offend you, But if you remove the 'get free g1c' part, taht event fucking sucked. "play with golds" doesn't sound all that fun when you think about it. Anarchy, and butcher are still my favorites.
  10. Anyway, Looking forward to the content this month
  11. Lace Thong - APB DB That's already a thing, Unlocks at : Strega Bloodrose - Level 7 Unlocks at :Eva Orlandez - Level 7 Wouldn't mind more "under clothing" options socks/underwear.
  12. Doesn't help that "spam limit" is also buggy, You can override and break the refresh timer, For example, I send 3 items then it says "please wait 1 min" however if i send 1 item 0.4 seconds after it "refreshes" i don't get the full 3 mail limit back It only refreshes 1 mail limit and i have to wait another min to send 3. Bassicly the "3 mail limit refresh every minute" Doesn't refresh all 3 at once it does it 1 at a time "every 0.1 second" so if you send an email too fast after it refreshes you lose out on a complete refresh so you can only send 1 mail per min rather than 3. As someone who sends alot of outfits through the mail I've hit this bug a few times.
  13. LO aren't above making bugs official features, (they've done it before) I say make it official and put it in the tutorial : ) Right after they let us shift click emails.
  14. Bubble Vest Some god damn Riddick Goggles Modern version Riot Gear And non Fingerless Versions of all the gloves "Tactical gloves" I'm a sucker for motorbike clothing Handroid Knox armor gloves And apb really lacks "armored boots"
  15. huh, Never seen a crim that's actually got "firebug squasher" or the "un arrest" medals. No one remember when the "backstabber" medal was a thing ?
  16. Snakeskin leggings More snakeskin clothing. wait i got more These unreleased stuff
  17. When the matchmaking system throws you a 1v3 against T's it isn't your fault, You get 2 choices; farm the hell out of em or Go easy and still win because they still don't know how to complete objectives. People leave after dieing once sometimes, Dethreating is a bit trickier to fix then all that, You have 2 people the guy who is honestly a silver/bronze but has "good days" where his team carries him enough to get him gold, But he can't play well enough to stay gold. Should that guy get banned for not being good enough? Then johhny two shot who treats apb like an esport but hates losing so he dethreats on purpose just to crush people in bronze district, I remember that month i went "undercover" i wanted to see what actually happens in bronze district besides the fact "people in bronze have more fun then golds do" from what i saw they play "differently" using tactics even i never considered, Bad the sad fact is dethreating does happen it's not just "bitchin' on forums" i saw it first hand people that "only play fightclub" but then go to a bronze district and Strafe left and right like their auditioning for a music video. Morals? It's not really your fault Matchmaking gave you that enemy "letting them win" is that good or bad sportsmenship I like to "try" but only just lose so they can at least feel a sense of "Pride and acomplishment" rather then just straight up lettin em win if i'm going 14/0 i know i did something wrong and need to ease up. Dethreating "fix" ? If you turn gold in a bronze district you Can't k up Why can't we at least have a temporary fix? (or if you turn gold you can't return to bronze for 24hours at least slow these buggers down) tl;dr Don't crush people that aren't your threat don't flat out let em win but we all know "with 2 mins left let them do the mission" at least do that, maybe let them win the last stage too What does winning even matter to you anyway? 20% more $ o golly gee wizz i need that guy with 23million$ then I have days where all sense goes out the window and i treat everyone like a max gold I have my moods.
  18. Medspray is fun, I just got stunned by 2 concussion grenades thrown 1.3 seconds apart. I like new med spray alot, I can finally survive volcano
  19. Zolerox

    Wildfire Season

    Bushfires, Another reason i had to stop playing apb for a few montheseses, A serious problem for me. Nice van That is all.
  20. It's happend to me (even a dust under a bridge person like me) You can report it to staff they'll change that persons name, I also recommend you make a "extra character or account" and reserve that name for the future.
  21. Objectives > Kills Something "new" is better I'm all for the Capture The Hill.
  22. A cracker of a bugfix, Fixing age old nuisances good on ya. Med spray + kev 3 here i come.
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