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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. I like the change, I've always been more objective focused. I still want beacon back (not in event form)
  2. Agree, I'd also like the "can't see bounty on radar" to be in fightclub too I wanna sneak around :|
  3. I have, I remember making my Patreon symbol, Still keeps me up at night.
  4. It's fine as long as they balance it out later by posting a fail video.
  5. Double post I know Know but here ya go, Hope that helps
  6. I'm posting stuff I've learned from making symbols here I'll update this every now and then for now here's this. 1 - To make your symbols a bit "sharper/cleaner" you can put "background sqaures" on the edge of your symbol to make the edges sharper instead of having "rounded corners" and weird stretchyness here's how and what it looks like, Notice how the bottom and top of the "pale pink square" has rounded corners and a soft edge instead of a sharp square Now we add these "orange squares" to the top and bottom covering over the soft edges and rounded corners to make the rectangle alot sharper Now we changed the orange squares to match the background color you'll notice the pale pink rectangle is Now Sharper This is how you can make all your symbols (doesn't have to be a rectangle of course you can use the "mask" filter to outline symbols soft edges to make them sharper) alot sharper if your making something like a badge or a company/brand logo.
  7. That's right fool, My patootie aint gettin blown up by yo tank no more fool. P.S I'm the one you keep blowing up.
  8. Shields expiring means blowtorch got even more useless.
  9. When someone sells an item you created it says the name of who made the item. Next to the word "creator:" As for the issue itself Yes It happens (even to me who barely sells anything) I got past it just think about the fact they bought it you already got their money what they do with it after that is their buisness People aren't stupid enough to buy a symbol (or in my case a plain black car) for 2x the price that the original creator is already selling it still. Move on Just like that guy you see posting a hazardous for 14million$ doesn't mean people are buying it. P.S I've never sold/posted a symbol I've created on the marketplace... (for a entirely stranger and Crazy reason)
  10. Here ya go friend. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/forum/67-tutorials/ I like to put "background squares" to each side of the symbols to make my symbols sharper
  11. Aww no didn't realise they ruined that daily o well time to finish my will.
  12. I don't think "90 second cooldown" was enough. Sure "less spammy" now but i think a 4050 second cooldown makes more sense, no sarcasm.
  13. There is a "m-1922" in jokerstore though, Hazardous doesn't even have a "unique legendary mod" Better idea for a legendary gun, Automatic pistol "glock" style.
  14. Looks promising, Like the direction being taken here "nostalgic textures" I gobble that all up then of course we can talk about adding more "create/refine recipes" something I was concerned about many many many years ago. @MattScott Any idea what will become of the "hazmat" group In F.E. , Disbanded? recruit more people (talking about the future of course) or a new program entirely?
  15. Disagree just make it 4wd or something to stop it taking 3 decades to reverse.
  16. What the hell just happend? Did my bitching about missions with "0/600" score with 2 mins to complete it finally get fixed? Also that's alot of changes.
  17. Seeing the textures next to the normal map with that flatness blew my mind, Magic. F.E Forever Evolving. I'll wait for you.
  18. CA3 The bane of the scout's existance So glad i'm done with using snipers forever. The duck does work very well in a "stabba pig+perc" setup killing in 1 shot. The duck can use cj3 while the reaper can't and it's effective against "flack jacket" users with their decade long regen time.
  19. Signed, If nothing else to show I still care for FE nothing else can replace it for me. Fallen but not from my heart.
  20. What's spotter? Firework launcher has pretty partical effects Why use anything else .
  21. I like it, I reckon that could have made it in, Colorful.
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