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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. This post's more for me then anything. Just some comparisons from "g1's engine upgrade" before they ... well you know the rest. This engine upgrade - v. (810873) Social. The Ship. G1's old engine upgrade - v. (750394) The Ship. Social. I was gonna comment on the font but i think i saw a unicorn post about it going to be fixed, other then that i'm just waiting to see if it runs better.
  2. Summary: Players still Receiving Standing XP! Description: Players are maximom level (255) are still getting Standing "XP" Steps to Reproduce: 1. Hold onto your sanity long enough to Reach Max level 255 2. Complete a mission (pledged or un pledged to a contact Same result) 3. Win/lose Notice your still getting Standing despite there being no where to go And your lost and really hope anyone's still reading this and your getting sidetracked and forgot to take the clothes out of the dryer , now your going to be wearing Clothes so stiff they could be a table. How many times have you recreated this bug: 17.3 times Results: You get standing XP at Maxium level 255. Expected Results: You get 0 standing xp at level 255. (unless your playing riot of course)
  3. Zolerox

    fell in love rn

    If we all start talking about riot and the engine upgrade can we get this Moved to social section?
  4. It is quite pretty, Anyone know for sure how the progression works? Is it better that At least 1 member from each team lives And end the match via "depositing" cash into the truck, I've done well even putting the most cash in but still losing cause my Tema died. Even just starting the district and starting matches would be fine "hit me up with that discord" if it happens.
  5. Zolerox

    Keep weapon drops

    "That oughta hold them back" It doesn't work in apb balance wise, No one wants a repeat of "that certain event" everyone had a OPGL do you really want lvl 30's with volcanos?.
  6. @MattScott Dad can I play with the cool kids? I'm down with this if it's aight with papa smurf.
  7. only reward is the Yakuza skin and progression is unreliable. Keep on truckin matt i have faith you'll make this mode better.
  8. Zolerox


    Welp this threads over, i'll be leaving now.
  9. 1. Can't change apb's prioity because of eac 2. it has it's own launcher with a splash screen that never gets updated. Just somethings i don't like about This anti cheat (or client sides anticheat's in general) just another chance something could go wrong and you can't launch apb, It was blocking a winamp plugin.
  10. Zolerox


    I do not see anything off topic in this thread at all (mina be sleeping and stuff)
  11. My ideal riot mode, 1. Remove the ability to buy your own guns 2. Start with literally no gun. (or just blowtorches for the lols) Also , even if your team has the most cash deposited if you all die you still lose when the timer expires (wish you got overtime.)
  12. explosives allready pierce. Try shooting an osmaw behind "cover" that a cap40 can pierce.
  13. CSG with DMR's Range Ramp up, you guys aren't smart enough.
  14. Not fair for everyone else on jericho. Also ddos kicked the district out.
  15. Good to see you again, How's your day been?
  16. Not a bug but meh, here's more of those screen pictures got up to that spotty, Found a Han Cellante without the siren (old starter car) And the growl's "destroyed model" is a bit wierd and strecthed out "lots of testing" "Maybe this way i can't see all the bugs"
  17. No more or less believable then Riot mode's lore.
  18. Still happening. Mine now says 'exiting current district' happening on all servers.
  19. I got a warning and learned to keep them shorter. anywho, How about that Roofless Calabria? "mirage confirmed"
  20. Zolerox

    Please get rid of this

    I also dislike this. How long till the hud is so cluttered i have to play in "f12" mode with criminal players changed to be red models. this "addition" is not even neccesary now that everyone has the 'Premium cooldown times"/
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