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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Open apb with keyboard and mouse, In controls like "movement" click on the 2nd box and Press the corresponding button on your controller. So if i wanted to bind the jump key to my controller Using my pc mouse i click the box that says jump Then i press A on my controller to bind it (i use a xbox 360 controller to play apb.)
  2. Lovely work thanks for your contribution That's what i was looking for, the weapon is the "VBR Temptress" (your name says ps4 but this is xbox? do you have both?) VBR and Cap40 (RAF version) was supposed to be added to jokerstore "during the tiggs era" but the only item that made it through apb's minefield of an engine was the 'Future Tech' skin. Personally i'd prefer if those guns NEVER come to jokerstore because damn it's annoying to fight the temptress and cap 40. But it's not up to me. My expert insight says when we get the "copy pasted engine upgrade code from consoles" it will bring the VBR temptress in jokerstore with it.
  3. Good question! @MattScott I'd also like to know that.
  4. imagine if i missed a rare daily during the downtime (gold nano as compensation when?)
  5. The Weapons Not entirely sure which contact it's either Ophelia or Wilde Click "weapons" then set it to "rifles" cheers, consoles have a weapon in jokerstore we don't.
  6. This is almost as bad as the Punk buster mass ban wave.
  7. The xbox 360 avatar Lovely. Servers still aren't working for those just checking this thread waiting for the right time to try loging in.
  8. Guess i'll have to login after 4 years absence, Hope i didn't lose too much (maybe this time support can recover my 2nd account that has my vast collection of cookies) 1 question Is item stacking working yet?
  9. Excellent points FE is at heart a PVE game even if 1 person was left playing you still got 1000 hours of content with quests and npcs and nasties to kill Even just gathering the prerequisites to spawn the boss for the "Embry monster hunt" is fun
  10. Ah GM = Game master that brings back years of Fallen Earth Nostalgia, arsing around in embry crossroads with my horse.
  11. so much history, I'm glad i saved as much of it as i could. some of my favorites $60,000 for a brick... Fingerless Gauntlet (Unreleased) Discussion That moment when you pass a new person in a jericho having trouble driving it
  12. Alot of other users got this "3 day trade lock" after LO did some funky business with the servers it's nothing you did, no way to fix it but wait.
  13. Completly stupid but it's fun, Your 3 profile pictures line up to spell H A T.
  14. I'm guessing that's what all the server stop happening "why the game was off for 10 hours or so" stuff was about it also took the old forums off (really hope it was unintentional) @MattScott Of course i kept an archive of my favorite threads (all in a folder) for my viewing pleasure Oldy linky
  15. It was my favorite gun so long ago I fought for the Prized "7day valentines tommy gun" i saved it in my mailbox for weeks until an event where i knew i would be playing alot It was a fun weapon. Now it seems to be more entertaining to give a bronze a hazardous , stand completely still at 30 meters and see if he can even kill you with 1 mag.
  16. Say 1 thing and 20 people see it, . Balls.
  17. I wonder how "FE" servers are doing, might hope over there for now.
  18. I like waterfront, and it has nothing to do with all it's glitches, i like it because i can use my HVR with HMS mod.
  19. 12 hours, Welp time to stop stalling and finish what i started.
  20. Rather No one gets the "50% cooldown reduction" and they just fix some of the mod cooldowns, radar jammer takes 4 mins but Blowtorch takes 1.
  21. Short fix: If a chicken is not showing up on your hud (but is on the map) just click on the Chicken Marker on the map and he Magically appears.
  22. The Joker CR-5 is a m16 and M4A1 not just one.
  23. brilliant idea we need more ram raiding criminals equipped with atacs.
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