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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Or that spot near double b where i got 142 kills.
  2. I did egg wrangler role 1-15 in 3 hours. Ask me how. With normal maths egg wrangler lvl 15 is "1500" eggs obtained in total that's 300 Chickens (with each giving 5)
  3. Different grenades have different smoke trails "concussion" is blue Half Brick is brown.
  4. It's fine my .ini makes player names never vanish so i can see enemy names around corners when their names stick out.
  5. Though technically the "armor" parts of shadowstriker are called "defender" Damn i forgot how tall templeton is.
  6. I'd like to add for the "easter hunt event" criminals have an advantage if they equip the "faster mug MKIV" to mug NPCs/Players faster. "Street Jacker H169"
  7. no one mentioning the .ini editing of the mission name
  8. *help the humans out. You can farm the event when only 2 people are on. "100 eggs x5"
  9. Sorry but you miss understand, That is the old easter (2014) "Hot cross gun" and the kills required is if you want to turn the gun in to a contact for a cash reward and end the event (You don't HAVE too you can keep going i've gotten 95 kills with it) This event will NOT have the egg launcher but infact will have the "mug bunnies and chickens" dynamic event. Boy am i glad to be wrong.
  10. Event looks something like this (if you need an idea before the patch drops and servers come back online)
  11. Zolerox


    Thanks for the idea, I did a bit more research it's from the "paramilitary kit" The Right One The car is infact called "Pioneer Nomad" but the kit isn't the exact same name as the actual car (what i mean is The Kit is criminal only and the car is also called a Nomad when a criminal own is) "nomad" is the criminal's pioneer, Has the name Nomad but the wrong one. The pack that actually says "nomad" is the Param kit.
  12. Zolerox


    How do you get those rear lights.
  13. any screenshots of Embry crossroads anytime soon?
  14. You did, Check the spam folder.
  15. Cheers, for some reason mine was in the spam folder (again)
  16. So you got that picture from an email?
  17. Zolerox

    New heavy truck

    Bu-but doesn't Frenso have a kit.. Clearly we need more Seiyo kits and snowplows.
  18. you really sure about that?
  19. As do i, but it doesn't hurt to have a collection of your Favorites.
  20. Please go back to speaking russian your english is appalling You even tried to translate a name... A name is spelt always the same (especially when it's unique or has numbers). Before you /ignored me, i was going to ask you "are you selling the jeebus symbol for 200k?" then you logged out. As for "symbol prices" as in real life Art goes up in price when the artist "goes away" and his work is *australian slang* ace. Highest price i've ever paid? 1.3 million$ and a ursus. (symbol was made by staff)
  21. Funky. Something about this song it kinda sounds like it would be in apb.
  22. I have 95/100 clothing item space and I still want more space, That doesn't even begin to factor in The "complexity bar" Outfit slots (i have 8 and still want more) But yes, if every single bronze player had 100 clothing spaces and filled their inventory with Preset circles and their "simple designs" it would effect performance. In the past items like the "inventory Expansion selector" were rewarded with the best idea just being (just sell it on armas/jokerstore) The new contacts could have more Inventory upgrades but Matt seems to have said they won't bring any real content the contacts are more for consoles then pc. P.S if you have 95 clothing space and use a +10 clothing space upgrade it WONT work and you get nothing, it can't go over 100 and does not add the 5 at all.
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