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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Fresh Ink! try dropping the opacity by a little, otherwise nice work. (reminds me of Zombie)
  2. Zolerox

    New Content

    This could just be a tweak to the recently deprecated "event" section which also had clan stats in it but you never mentioned a reward system Just "this guy has alot more time to spend then you" leaderboard
  3. You haven't played apb much have you. I get more kills from blowing up ammo boxes then i do with my volcano.
  4. Um. I have a problem with this "new" spot , first it breaks devil dog's tradition of "blocking off popular camping spots" second It makes an already annoying camping spot Even better with a Resupply point (Un-equipping and re-equipping weapons at the contact laptop) I discovered this while testing the devil dog "stand up figure" for my piercing guide.
  5. It's funny that "yes i'm in that screenshot" got 5 dislikes XD and no one figured out i'm not even in any of those trucks. At what point does "having fun" count as griefing. What about when you drive past someone of the opposing faction and you intentionally crash into them (not even in your mission) will enforcers start to get banned for crashing criminals?. How about placing consumables at the top of ladders to prevent people from climbing them (not intended to be used that way) would that be considered griefing?. In my mind nothing wrong with some mindless fun but after an hour it's no longer a joke and blocking garages (yes i've done it too in the past for a bit of fun) Is griefing when people go overboard and block for a full hour (and the case when a gm jumped in.. 3 hours.)
  6. Zolerox

    New Content

    I don't really see how that's content. Unreleased items are a lot more interesting then "ego boosting"
  7. Infact yes i do. (in empty districts mostly) There are a few (which i won't share how and where. save that for the bug reports) Send the mission objective 800 meters away "via teleport bug" Send Mission objective to default pickup location "via out of bounds bug" Place the Mission objective in a "unreachable place" for example a roof that you can only access with a kolva and truck stacked on top of each other. A glitch that "force ends the mission" resulting in mission banner reading "Server has killed the mission" Of course the only information i do share is through bug reports Last thing i need is every enemy i have using all my knowledge of "game breaking stuff" I still haven't got around to reporting every single one in it's entirety. The worst form of griefing (intentional) is when a criminal get's a "outside the mission friend" to park a kolva infront of your objective. (and i test things like What can the cap 40 shoot past that it normally couldn't if Manipulated, how many cars does it take to block every "civilian car spawn" etc.)
  8. I test everything inside APB reloaded's universe for fun. Or drift in a empty waterfront district.
  9. 1. I'm in that screenshot. (not in a truck) 2. No. If it's excessive and actually blocking a (garage for example) important map location For example A OBJECTIVE (which has happend to me) then yes it's griefing. 5 mins is a bit of fun -15 mins is a Old joke that gets more attention 30 mins it's starting to become annoying - 1 hour. it's griefing.
  10. Zolerox


    What about dessert?
  11. it's my birthday tomorrow (technically my birthday is march 8th-international women's day but I say it's march 9.) 1 to go.
  12. https://ffbans.org/tools/G1CCalc "You've spent 8,038 G1C resulting in a total of US$100.48" Cost of g1c purchased: 0.00$ CAD
  13. Some faster 4 door cars is what i'm looking for, 4x4 T-25. (Monster Truck)
  14. Bump. Re added "gang Gorilla" outfit and redid all the "tradeable" tags for better syntax. Next step is to redo the Car Kits section entirely with New screenshots (with 100% accurate car parts) and in a different more realistic color.
  15. Mini Update From Ya Mate!, Waterfront is complete. 2 Fightclubs left to do (not including Beacon until they bring it back.) Asylum and Baylan (next map will be asylum but will take longer it's my birthday in 2 days so i'll be busy. *march9th*)
  16. Summary: You can shoot past a certain type of window you shouldn't be able to. Description: Some windows can be exploited to shoot past them even though they are not pierceable, using a weapon with the "Piercing mod" and a middleman object to pierce first. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Go to this window (or any similar window that can't be pierced normally) 2. Place a pierceable object (like a shield,ammo box,display banner etc.) behind it so that the object you can pierce/shoot past, is the first thing you shoot through (this also works with contacts I.E shooting through the contact and even surpassing the window in the area shown in the screenshot below) 3. Shoot first past a pierceable object while also aiming at the window. How many times have you recreated this bug: 39 times (100%) Results: You can shoot past a map geometry object that does NOT have the ruleset "if A then Can be pierced" using a trick that makes the object inherit the first objects Pierce-ability. P.S I've tested this with a human player it WILL kill past the window. [Screenshot Below for clarity] Expected Results: You shoot past the first object but the bullet stops at the window without going through it
  17. If your looking for ideas for "premium incentives" i got a few, - Spawn cars for free (it's only 100$) - A free (7day trial) gun each week or fortnight. - List items on marketplace for longer "7 days" - More consumable rewards per mission - Able to do more daily activities per day (instead of 5 per day , 10 per day) - Out of bounds zone removed when not in a mission (ok i'm joking a little but it was fun before OFB existed.) These are just some of the ideas I have, feel free to use any , all or even none of them.
  18. Compromise, When you buy premium we all know even after it expires you get to keep the "/yell" function so. What if after premium expires you get to keep the reduced cooldown function. Must remember they gotta be funded somehow and least this way it's cheaper. Just an idea, A temporary fix. no need to dislike it 6 times jeez.
  19. Those 2 equipment slots that remained locked for certain. I have a list of other things they could give, It's a shame they have no presets though (cars clothes etc) Most of what's on my list is unreleased stuff like the "gauntlet" gloves.
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