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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Is it bad that I noticed several names on my friends list haven't logged in recently?
  2. FAQ: What is this and why should I care? This was an idea I had 3+ years ago when someone I consider to be a favorite of mine posted a guide "Tember's legendary guide of legendary guns" which points out a weakness of the cap 40 (and obviously the Colby Commander due to it also sharing the Piercing property) "...It is sometimes unclear which objects can be pierced". So I had an idea what if I Zolerox (the craziest person here excluding zbiscuit of course) took a screenshot of every single object in the entire game and tested if the CAP 40 can pierce it (and the Colby Commander if I couldn't get accurate results with the cap 40). So I present to you my "what can the cap 40 shoot through" guide, object by object I'm working on 1 map at a time (and waiting for them to bring back beacon) massive work in progress Financial is done for now *including Devil Dog's new location* Waterfront's Also completed. (I'd like to point out I did 100+ of the screenshots taken in 1 sitting around 3-4 hours) What if I don't wanna look at 100+ screenshots? I'll have a .GIF (I don't make .GIF's of the things that CAN'T be pierced) at the top of each spoiler in case you just want a quick peek with each frame being inside the spoiler if you want to stop and get a better look. I even took screenshots of objects I believe would be pierce-able but are not (And maybe in the future I'll make a list of suggestions of what should be pierce able in the future, Gas Station Pumps for starters.) Won't this take forever to complete? Yes and no, because even at my maximum human (and inhuman) working capacity I can not make Beacon exist, so even if I finished the entire guide right this second I still need to wait for the current management to switch one of the fightclub's to Beacon so I can do my testing there (which is why I'm leaving beacon for last and continuing my work) check back once a week if your interested I'll update this whenever I do my 2nd round of testing (and 3rd 4th and so on.) Does this also count for the Secondary Revolver "Colby Commander" Legendary as well?, Do you need help? and Do you have other projects in the queue?. Yes everything shown can also be pierced with the 'Colby Commander' infact if you look at the "display banner" screenshot I use the commander due to the small hitbox I needed an accurate weapon to test it. Of course but as of right now the main part (screenshots of what can be pierced) will have to be done alone until I can list exactly what I need help with I'll let you all know when the time comes. Thanks for asking (me) I have several other projects albeit a lot smaller here's a short "sneak peak" of a list of what else I'd like to work on -concept art redo of my previous "suggestions" -concept art of a few things make the 4th mod slot (consumables one) a little clearer that it's meant only for consumables,a tiny edit on my previous one this time showing a "retrieve multiple email attachments at once". -Maybe less of a guide and more of a "image of every legendary in existence how it looks what skin it can use" nothing like tembers guide mine would be more focused on what the weapons are" but not planned anytime soon. -Not so much new but 1.redo jokerstore guide (both steam/forums version) to include new screenshots of the car kits, and 2. redo nano screenshots (now that I Own every nano in existence) for my nano guide (f/s version) (Images In a spoiler as of course each one will be image heavy) Financial Pierce = Yes Pierce = NO Waterfront (I'll make A .GIF when I recover from my coma) Pierce = Yes Pierce = No
  3. This issue will never stop being mentioned here's my take, 1. "lock golds to gold" is a horrible idea and you'll be killing the ability to play (it's not uncommon to have days where only golds are on) and a lot of other downsides (which doesn't even stop dethreaters that can come back right after they drop their gold) and it's hella annoying enough when you see the most populated district is bronze and you can't join cause your "not too good and not bad enough" gold threat has to sit there wishing you could play. (eh wtf? threat has nothing to do with cheating if anything T's cheat the most ever checked ffbans?) 2. Groups of players the one's with 4 max ranks in 1 group will consistently have a better team vs the guy's and girls that solo queue I don't see balanced match making unless they wanna make "groups of 4 max ranks" impossible. 3. Yeah, there's gold threat then there is GOLD threat the skill gap in gold threat alone is massive you have the people about to drop to silver and the "cursed" who will never drop gold threat no matter how bad I play. Maybe a new threat would fix that (or just drop all golds to silver and make gold harder to get) 4. My solution? (temporary at least) if you change to gold while in bronze district you are locked out of bronze districts for 1 week Even if you drop threat (which you can do within hours) at the very least once a week you'll get these guys but the other 6 days it's a little better.
  4. Zolerox

    On-Eye VR Glasses

    Preset female shadowstriker goggles are literally just a pair of glasses.
  5. "what do you do for fun" thanks for asking 1 of the friends that I definitely have (that's totally not made up) the following
  6. District maybe. not exactly new but a chance that beacon returns is possible.
  7. Just gonna point out some idiot in chat screaming out NANO!!!
  8. OCA Nano "Gold" as a rare daily for the 2 new contacts. and that's it.
  9. it has 15 cargo space just think about that.
  10. Volley ball and Net ball (net ball because they literally have to pass to me)
  11. It would be more impressive if the car was the charge cisco but it has the original headlights (before reloaded)
  12. Are you new here? My friend makes a new account whenever he wants to play "all my mates are in bronze districts"
  13. Now all i want is a Thanksgiving event St. Patricks day event 4th of july event Easter event (the original one - Hot cross gun). It's still kinda a shame the "1 million facebook likes for apb celebration" was literally 1 title.
  14. In short here's my simple suggestion to fix the "golds in bronze" problem, and a few other points. 1. If you turn gold while in a bronze district you get a 1 week ban from bronze districts (people will dethreat and be back within that same day) * Golds just make another account just to play in bronze districts nothing you can really do about that unless you want to start allowing malware on your computer to stop rerolls crushing people in bronze districts. * There are actual max level players that deserve to be bronze and simply can't play well enough to get gold (could be due to lag or inferior hardware, i didn't turn gold till the server was moved and i got under 200 ms)
  15. "fast firing" you thought i was still talking about the nano? Secondaries are very different from each other nano does it's job the best. Snub is another gun I use once get bored and go back to nano glow. (haven't used yukon for months)
  16. "and they've responded me that they are sending it only to users from certain countries."
  17. Imagine a flash script so you can import some of what your selling into it (basically a flash game but icons of what you're selling and previews.) If i know how to program flash i'd one make for forums. But just an idea
  18. I forgot you had a Snub Fetish... Don't you dare imply i use that "magnum silly person of a pistol" .45 i'd rather equip a Shaw and never use ADS, I exclusively use "Legendaries" and my collection of Silencer-less nano's . Snub has yet to best me in a fight considering my "time to stun" will trump your "ttk" any day with my nano equipped. (did i mention i main stun launcher?) "contact shadowstrike" "Colby's sales" 1. I'm Templeton's successor 2. I'm sponsored by Obeya, screw Colby. 'Ditch your micro revolver , Make a statement equip A Slick Fast Firing silencer SMG today'
  19. It's going to stay in my mailbox gathering dust along with my 2 year lease of trouble makers (stupid boxes) 4x4 vegas perm, and that silly CJ3 SNR
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