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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. You can launch the game directly from the Exe that might work. Find where apb is installed Then click on the folder "apb reloaded" then "Binaries" and click the program that just says APB
  2. @MattScott Off topic but there is a user "imitating" your profile name " @MattScot 1 T. please fix that. Against TOS to "pose" as staff or did you guys remove that from the tos. 2, I brought it to your attention before so this is a reminder and should be put sightly higher priority then "console update" only slightly. APB is still unavailable for The Oceania region I'd like to play APB on Xbox but it's not in Australia (and also means all those "Beta rewards" you gave to console players everyone else missed out on because we never got the game over here.)
  3. Where's MonteCristo? can LO hire him back? His websites gone which is a shame i could have really used the "system names" for the objects in apb. "Jackoakmen.com" the domain got bought be an asian company for "gambling"
  4. My "slay bells event" guide is 100% completed first time I've done an event guide BEFORE the event ended. I would have completed it sooner but unfortunately slayer title made it so it took at least 10 days. Guide. Slay Bells - Christmas 2018 - Event Here's a link and images i picked to show a preview of it and maybe when we get the new engine we can get "clean" icon's and fix apb's "Pixelation" and decal's being low res. So for 2019 with the "engine slight update 3.5" Will these "image fuzz" issues go away? The below examples is my recent work I spent a few hours editing icons making things look sharper and cleaner RED is my "edited" pictures the one's with a "BLUE" outline are the Original Icon's as they appear in game. *note The left image has 2 boxes the box that says "more" is too low and misses the word, The 1st box is just useless in general. The "border" under the word Tradable is missing. Gun's Big Sheet RED Outlines are My edits BLUE outlines are the original icon's as they appear in game *note the slay bells icon has green and yellow "digital fuzz" while the snowflake has multiple grey lines , The Santa hat "ho ho ho now i have a..." has light red when it should be red, The "Santa slayer" has a little bit of fuzz near the face area. *note2 The rest are less event tied and more APB in general icon, The "new weapons" icon has green and yellow fuzz,, "new primitives" icon has a lot of issues red fuzz yellow fuzz grey for some reason, The "joker ticket" icon (at default brightness) has grey outline issues the J and O are attached etc. "new clothing item" has a few issues some fuzz around the collar. *Note the "slay bells" icon's lvl 1-9 the "X" and "V" are a tad crappy (blue outline) so i redrew those as well and lowered them a bit. so. @MattScott 2019 "engine Update" Q&A possible? as you can see I'm interested in an assets upgrade (icon's customisation limits etc.)
  5. What i was saying i meant "and probably won't add much if any new content to the game " I was pointing out possible things they could add (i just stumbled over myself trying to say it in my typical way) *cough ntec7 compact*
  6. I knew that, why did they shuffle them around again? ty durrant looks lonely
  7. On the contrary while yes the 2 new contacts are obvious (wish they had some cooler clothing and story) 2 things I want to share with you all some may not know 1. The spots for these "new" contacts are already there here's the 2 spots. Here's Lynette Casey Here's what the contacts look like for those who don't know (they also appear in the "character stand by screen" The "beach screen" for enforcers and 'night club screen" for criminals. Lynette Casey - Prentiss Tigers another picture (she is the 3rd one on the left holding the smg with a scope and silencer) "This is a rendering I found online of Lynette. The file data for this photo said it was created back on May 5th, 2010. That date might seem irrelevant, but that's over a month before the original APB went retail (in other words it wasn't in beta anymore)." Lucas Van Rooyen - Blood Rose Here's a few websites it looks like these contacts were meant to unlock those 2 unused equipment slots. http://apb-online.org/forum/15-7291-1 http://apb-r.ru/news_542-kakie-svyaznie-mogut-poyavitsya-v-igre_.htmlсвязные APB DB page for Lynette Casey - http://apbdb.com/contacts/Waterfront_E12/ and APB DB page for Lucas Van Rooyen - http://apbdb.com/contacts/Waterfront_C12/ a 3d spin of Lynette Casey and 3d spin of Lucas Van Rooyen . and 2. LO previously released "abandoned" content so fill the next 2 contacts with the same Here's my list of things i hope the new contacts give (whether it makes sense or not) "Neoprene_Facewear_Mask" Look something like this or this or that "Body Suit Tank" Even has an icon and if you didn't realise it Lynette is literally shown on the beach so this item seems obvious enough it's her's Not just clothing but there are little things on "apb vault" showing "new" hairstyles. "short afro" "Swirly cornrows" "Receding Hairline" are a few. Some of the "clothing" that was not released (still not 100% sure about the goggles) are allready "in game" used on contacts Again link to this post - good old days screenshot showing them in the game files "'Fingerless Gauntlet' (R/L)" Being used by: 'Ty Durrant', 'Kaspar Danko' and 'Orlenz Morreti' "'Gauntlet' (R/L)" (with the fingers covered of course) Being used by: 'Templeton' Only. 'Police Badge' Found on: Miguel Estebano 'Prentiss Tigers Badge (male and female)' - if you scroll up Lynette Casey is wearing one Found on: Akiko X, Violet Prentiss, Chiza, Orlenz Moretti & Chung Hee 'Safety Goggles (head)' customizable Found on: Javez (Valentines Outfit) Safety Goggle (neck) again a customizable one (not sure if either of those goggles are on armas if so please point out which pack) Found on: Templeton, Kaspar Danko, Stu Phoenix '(Second Wave) Webbing Vest' (there is an armas clothing item that is Close to this with big boxes in the front but not this exact one) Found on: Ty Durrant '(Second Wave) Webbing Vest (Holster)' Found on: Darryl Kent "big post" Merry Christmas Little Orbit and may the next year bring brand new surprises and "experiences" Motorbikes and horses when? @MattScott
  8. This "backstabber" medal was in the game for some time but Blowtorch never triggered it. It was patched out a while ago under g1's rule (no we never had actual melee weapons it was planned but never made it)
  9. Cooky i blame you for this mess. @DiBBz Back on topic only 2 dailies is an attempt to keep the event simple. A tip for "capturing 5 zones" there is a bug/unintended function. If you are capturing a zone 10 seconds before the timer expires whoever is on the zone when the timer expires counts as a capture thus winning the round and progressing the daily.
  10. This doesn't look like jericho I usually spend a good 30 mins each day with an alig Clearing up vehicles that are not "on path". I'm a traffic cop.
  11. Yood as usual that's misinformation 20 of those "symbols" are ARMAS ONLY. - Buy link These are the only vinyl's you get from the event Stocking 1 Stocking 2 Santa Hat 1 Santa Hat 2 Reindeer Polar-Bear Dreidel Christmas Star Christmas Tree Christmas Bauble A picture for Scope you miss out on 2/3's of the primitives the 2/3's are Armas ONLY. The rewards in RED are the rewards you can get without g1c. 30 'Vinyls' 20 are armas only only 10 are rewarded during from the event. Slay Bells - Christmas 2018 - Event Guide is done it shows EVERY reward with screenshots. with details like " this reward is a choice" "this reward is included" check it out.
  12. Guide's done (to the most of human ability) Slay Bells - Christmas 2018 - Event <-- Screenshot of EVERY reward. Unlike my previous guide I actually completed it BEFORE the event ends. I'm waiting for the slayer title.
  13. Decals are pretty low res and same as epidemic rewards They didn't "mask" the symbols there is outlines and extra crap This is WITH a black background
  14. Hence why I made the Jokerstore Guide the outfits and car kits,sirens etc Don't have preview screenshots or the preview function So I took screenshots.
  15. What about me posting steam guides for each event showing each reward with a name for each one That good enough? (haven't got around to doing the "symbols" yet life issues) I do agree we need inspect features for symbols, and then we need a way to bring the "play sound" buttons from the car editor into MP.
  16. "Forgive and Forget" sounds like a good title.
  17. With all the downtime i'm not surprised if a lot of people miss it, An extension i wish, but LO has avoided such quick responses for the previous events.
  18. Keep in mind there are people that use Snowball like grenades all day everyday (even replacing their boring old head for an 8 ball) And then there's me the nub who throws a half brick then does the objective and kills the sniper that peaks out to shoot me then get's hit by my brick.
  19. Find a friend and just offer "1 of my boxes for one of yours" keep in mind kills while you are "bounty" counts the achievement is quite farm able.
  20. Blizzard owes Bethesda a cold beer they completely screwed up enough to get people to forget about "diablo immortal" mobile only (and just found out another one of my favorite games had a sequel which is also Mobile only :/) From the canvas bag to the buggy-ness of the entire game right down to the mediocre compensation 5$ worth of micro transaction money for "compensation" of the deluxe bundle, down to the fact they tell you to wait 6 months to "ship" the bag. All fallout 76 needs to do next is screw up 1 more time and it's the worst fallout game in the series.
  21. I don't understand the fuss over a bag it's only gonna take 6 months to be delivered.
  22. Your Boxes can only be opened by other people When it says "give to a friend" it's talking about other peoples boxes not yours as you can drop your gun so your bud can use it. Can not pick up gun's from your own box.
  23. Trying to be less nostalgic so "Prey" and
  24. Link cosplay. Bug? it's a head phone esque clothing item maybe it was intended.
  25. that's all you got? quotes of forum posts pfft 1UP ya.
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