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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Same boat. "typical zole you can only win when it's broken now that it's fixed you can't hit water if you fell out of a boat."
  2. Game is built on a buggy engine can't give LO 'ALL' the blame , imagine your avatar was used on a shirt that someone wore and committed 23 different crimes and you got questioned "can't blame people who no longer have responsibility" Event should have been "publicly" test 3 weeks in advance (so i would have time and a chance to be there) Again no aggression from me I may dislike anime doesn't mean you deserve abuse because you do. "is being tracked" hopefully it still spins up the "you completed this activity" banner popup because i really need a screenshot of those.
  3. O I'd say so... social. Baylan Beacon Social - Car Display Did I mention even waterfront? Don't even ask about "inside the editor" both clothing and vehicle editor (social)
  4. I'd post a screenshot of me winning but this is much better, See you there.
  5. If you read the "rewards table" picture you would see the "team decals" are unlocked so expect to get everything... this time.
  6. I use it on the medusa. Is that wrong?
  7. 5? ok i give up , i'm expecting another 12 teams (i know event comes out today i'm just kidding Fear the ghosts. Looking forward to the event, as it's "necessary" to play at least 5 days of the event till you unlock everything my guide at Maximum human effort will be done in 5 days and useful for the rest of the event. @MattScott any sneak peek at what the "team decals" are before it starts? and a quote from their twitter in case you missed it.
  8. Hold up. There's 4 teams? This is not epidemic at all.. "Rudolph's out for blood." "Get cracking or die trying." "No kisses here." "Stay cool"
  9. his name is CakeWreck and Advanced launcher is a necessary evil till we get those same options into the actual game. Not everyone "has" to be gold , it's score based you can Lose and become gold. rank means nothing just because you play a lot doesn't mean you play well. (and gold means nothing till they revamp the threat system)
  10. Not to mention the "bug" that you could capture the final area without winning... and your toxin barrels stacks even spawned here, then after 12 seconds you won.
  11. I'd say it became the "hazardous" of secondary legends Why spend a couple million $'s when both joker store and armas have different (or even better) versions Nunavut comes to mind. So sad to see a titan fall from grace saw it today hit 2.3 million when it used to be top dog competing with FFA R&D's price of 10+ million.
  12. "event" old fight club rewards made them "lease able" there's a very old post on Spanish APB news blog I've been reading lately. I've seen 1 person in my entire life use the "uncle sam" Tommy gun i believe i have a screenshot if i ever find it... I had an idea for the hazardous but it just makes it scary "Heated Barrel" increases fire rate over time till 200% (Imagine the recoil after that) off topic but i wouldn't mind them bringing back these "old fight club reward guns" back perhaps as jokerstore's line of "presets" or have them as a event reward (making them lease able again) but again keeping things "exclusive" is a reason to lock content away.
  13. Focus on what's important kinda sucks the event is structured like this (and only goes for 2 weeks+) Going to 9 different funerals in 2 weeks really hits you hard with depression last thing I wanna do is play an event for 5 days fighting people that spam V (switch shoulder) looking like a crackhead trippin'. 1st team of the event 2nd team of the event. 3rd team of the event
  14. Icon is done (2 versions) Now I wait for the event to begin... see Through eyes.
  15. Can relate can't get my account or title Nostalgia though.. (maybe 1 day if i remember the email i'll try again)
  16. I'll get to work on a steam guide. Merry Christmas Matt Scott and Matt's beard may you be extra merry this holiday season. Ho-ho-ho..w long till we get AA skin account bound? what's this? mini complaint. (I'd be forever grateful if the play testers that took the screenshots could upload them in 1080p resolution if possible.) @MattScott Where do we post Submissions for "ugly sweater" contest ?
  17. There are tricks to resupply faster (most effective with guns that have BD3 equipped) this doesn't even consider the fact you get all your ammo back when you respawn. Imagine a match of asylum where people spawn with EOL's and a lot of ammo then die and respawn with all that ammo back the spam... A small increase wouldn't be too bad (20-30% seems better to me)
  18. Weapons need to have downsides "Buff something you gotta nerf something else" bandolier does that job if it had more reserve ammo by default it would be a straight buff.
  19. Hey My name's zolerox I also accept Zole dole and Big Mama. I get a google alert anytime someone mentions the following : "egg launcher" "OCA nano 'gold' " "the butcher" "hot cross gun" "drug mule" "Dynamic events" "Easter 2014" "Matt Scott's beard" so first of all nice thread i agreed with most of it (ammo increase no it needs to have less ammo giving bandoleer a place to live). So here's what i'm here to clear up, the "egg launcher" was not a weapon during "the butcher" dynamic event the weapon in question was introduced during "Easter 2014" in a event called "Hot Cross Gun" and along side "dynamic events" with "drug mule" of course and sadly all this was sadly and sadly was sadly shut sadly down sadly because as sad as it was (ok only I cared but still) Removed due to "Fps issues during missions". They were first added 15th April 2014 Forum link Removed from missions "fps issues" 21st April 2015 Hell on earth link And last seen "used" in Christmas beacon event district. 12th December 2016 Butcher reduced to a ice launcher link I remember doing a daily event (using the tracker before it was deprecated) winning a weapon skin selector Just so i could get the Easter egg skin so i could imitate the Egg launcher from the "hot cross gun" event the butcher's origin.
  20. Did a report and forgot the players name so I just put in the only name I could remember Turned out to be someone on my friends list... good times.
  21. Vote pending... Good security update so far.
  22. 2FA ? amazing now i can post my email and password at woolies
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