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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. @Lixil can you at least confirm it's feb 14th UTC? (so i can go to sleep and not drink 3 litre's of coffee)
  2. it will at least stop "that guy" from rejoining and having to summon ComFeyer, And this means i have less "stunnable" people joining fightclub
  3. I've done this before i will admit, but never to this extent (20 mins XD) i remember this one time they ended up getting 13 other crims with 4x4's to try to move me then someone had the bright idea of getting 2 other kolva's Over 14 cards exploded. good times. After a certain point if you're doing it for too long just stop (especially if they say please) not a big deal but the GM was in the right to move you , other people want to have fun too. GM's have in the past "asked" you to comply (autumn assault) so that should probally be the first point of action.
  4. for a 1 day event that would be like opening a Discussion topic for "armas sales"
  5. No time at all? @Lixil 5 Pm pst or something? "feb 14th" can be feb 15th for other people ... the whole timezone thing.
  6. When your suggestion adds 5 other problems it's probably not a good suggestion.
  7. Never thought I'd say this, the hardest part isn't finding a gm to kill (believe it or not) but Finding one that's NOT an enforcer androvald voidratio mist etc. most of the staff are enforcers.
  8. Zolerox

    Jocker scam ?

    Check your purchase history the item you redeem from the box may be there.
  9. Zolerox

    Joker Ticket Minigame

    Joker ticket slot machine.
  10. Bottom line is it's up to them I stopped playing way before the "stacking was disabled" and because a lot of people were duping and i know i got my stuff legitimately, but that's simply not the case for every single person. I was part of a small size crafting and harvesting clan ( a peaceful people pvp wasn't our strong suit) the last thing i did before i stopped playing was get my First yellow chip. Would have been quicker if i wasn't such a slot machine gambling nut. I just want to keep my personal items (alot of which aren't tradable anyway) which even if they were worth alot (fireworks with 2 blue chips pfft) I would never sell them , I'm quite a sentimental person most of what i have hold's a memory either of a good friend that past away or even of the person that showed me the game in the first place that Got drafted into the army and haven't seen them since.
  11. Did i mention i have attachments from customer support in my mailbox (G1 era) that give me 255 of each consumable.
  12. MartinPL https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/170594-character-customisation-showcase/?p=4523156 https://uploads.forums-old.gamersfirst.com/user/564699-martinpl/ Compare (1st is askperlung)
  13. What the actual Fuack? I'm talking about shirts from my best friend that died 2 years ago, Fireworks from my first clan and a gun that does "13 damage" that doesn't level and was from Gamecoach and you can't get anymore You act like i'm asking to bring my 3000 mats.
  14. And make it so only people that win the event can get it.
  15. I'd like to keep my stuff (alot of them are from events since gone and Giveways like Gamecoach) would be a shame to lose my Gift from tiggs in the "admin hide n seek event" Vandal key.
  16. Want to hear something strange? I've never owned Clotting Agent 3.
  17. Yes, Expect it to be the "unfinished" Mirage - Whirlwind Automotive
  18. On the subject of "lol arresting cops" You do realise criminals can mug civilians? What if criminals could do the mug animation on cops but it kills them (and gives them a longer spawn much like arresting does) or instead of arrested status it's "knocked out" and enforcers have to heal them or something i dunno just throwing ideas around. During the "Easter event with a very long acronym" you could mug enforcers and steal their eggs. Personally don't think criminals should get "LTL" Difference in gameplay is 1 of the only things stopping APB from getting boring quickly. (or just give them melee weapons i dunno could be fun "melee vs LTL")
  19. Try to keep this short. I'm about to hit 100000 kills (98% of those were from HAN believe it or not) and i want my 100kth Kill to be special What I'd like is for my last kill to be a staff Member or players on my "shortlist" . 1 question Is it even possible to kill a GM (has to be a criminal or it wont count) or is that breaking some kind of rule since they can't "play" would going bounty and giving me the chance to take them out be allowed? in which case I have a list of possible people i'd like to by 100kth (i'm a sentimental person).. After I hit it I'm giving away a legendary (you choose from my list) could be a cap 40 or a hazardous up to you (more choices then that of course) and I'll also be running a quiz "APB trivia and some random questions about me" This was supposed to be ONLY for people from HAN but I'm trying to be more open. Zole Dole's Shortlist of people I'd like to be my final kill. -SlimTheShady -Rapid99 -ShepardHS -Revoluzzer -GatchaDX -Kewlin -VoidRatio -MistMane -Androvald @Lixil @Androvald @VoidRatio Possible legendary reward choices. DOW 'Thumper' Colby Commander Firework Launcher Colby M-1922 'Hazardous' N-HVR 243-SD 'Reaper' Obeya CAP40 'Sergeant' P.S the quiz reward will be 100k$ or a lvl 3 mod of any kind. or 50k and 2 "symbol lottery's" where you can randomly get 1 of my symbols. .... Soon ™
  20. I'm just happy they kept my favourite games alive, imagine if LO never bought g1 and for all the people complaining about their actions (not that I agree with all of them) consider the fact that without them you wouldn't exist here at all.
  21. Text limit ya say? what is it? (cause i still haven't hit the image limit with over 500)
  22. Also the "van" part of the Seiyo means passengers on the middle left and right side (sliding doors) can't shoot with full 360 degree angle while the Pioneer can. My idea for some vehicle editions to the jokerstore are more design focused. A customisation contest that adds preset cars with "company style" decals and of course maybe a unique mod. Something along the lines of "make the next trexxon or Blue Steel" vehicle maybe some Coywolfs t-25's and some love for the Vaquero. Either that or "cars designed too look like legendaries" a Vegas that looks like a hazardous a Mikro with Nano stylings (white and gold trims etc.) some ideas. Only real "unique" mod idea I have is a Defense mod that half your cars speed but increases it's resistance (like turning on kevlar 3) or Why not just let the car poop out riot shields (like the consumable) to trip up cars sounds like fun.
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