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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. O I begged a differ you have no idea how far you can bend the laws of psychics to do your bidding (well piercing physics at least) Screenshot below, Shooting past an object (the window) that is not pierceable Go ahead, log in and try to shoot it. This is a "bug" or exploit and will not be part of my "watefront" section. <This post will be removed/changed if it gets patched.>
  2. Maybe actually say "please lock this" should help the gm's react faster. Glad this question got answered tbh.
  3. Mine's march 9th I was the only person in my school to have a march birthday even got teased for it (i've had a weird life) Happy Birthday Eisena, Another year with apb.
  4. Small update!, The "no" section was added and financial is complete, I'm moving onto my next map "waterfront" which wont have as many images I'll avoid testing the same exact objects unless the same object that's financial is IN waterfront and isn't pierce-able when it is in financial. I have a few more sections planned but That's only AFTER beacon comes back, or when i complete the 4 main maps. -Circle outline of good spots on the map for pierce capable weapons -What I think should become pierceable -How many shots it takes to kill someone through I.E 3 shields with a Colby Commander.
  5. Tested it doesn't work, Unless the OP can provide screenshots or a video, nothing to see here.
  6. He's been crouching for years 24/7 , once a year he get's to wear clean underwear and adorn his "valentines day outfit" Devil dog rewards the "hard landing" mod Hard Landing Utility Modification. "Failing to brace yourself from falling removes any recovery time when landing. Your legs won't like you for it though"
  7. The Vehicles have a limit "per day" for example if you buy a jericho (or duplicate) you have to wait another 24 hours before you can make another one. That's what happend most likely.
  8. I'm more interested when where the follow people went. *and if they can come back. Omochabox JackOakman (MonteCristo) the guy who did the assets for apb "props" Kullgar (that guy that was the "newest" gm under G1 that was communicating the most then went silent. JotunBlut Revoemag (both banned for "unbanning people" as far as i know) And tiggs is not gone, The first mention about "tiggs" from LO was "she is working to train the new support staff"
  9. In theory, You could use radar jammer > Deploy a box and get jammer available again in 40 seconds and use it again. (rinse and repeat)
  10. LONNY DORENGO IS CRAZY , Drop offs for both teams are 20 meters apart. Don't even get me started on "the fast and the incarcerated"
  11. The FFA 556. can not be purchased at all (since LO redid armas) so it's worth alot more then people are selling it for. 10 million isn't even near enough when the FFA's a "limited edition" till they release the Tiggs box. And no you can't have mine
  12. Hello it's me again, old post but i have a list of "notifications" whenever someone mentions "Mirage" Here's my info. Source No images ever came out, who knows maybe Scott might have some material left over if he can do some digging.
  13. So it's February 24th my birthday's march 9th and i'm nearly at 100k. Now to bug the people on my list :).
  14. Hope one day they get added to the "gear" section as the one off deals are brilliant, I'm still waiting for some more armor.
  15. Too any players on "Nekrova" that are reading this thread, feel free to post screenshots of your unique items. I saw someone with Piercing mod on a HVR
  16. Turn on dynamic events, so forget about missions just arse around with "the butcher" or make money as an enforcer in "drug mule".
  17. 1149$ USD for a apb account. (not me a friend of mine did...)
  18. Sure a petition will get things done. The new theme is just an easy way to get a quick heartattack, Whenever i hear it it's either i disconnected or i think im banned. Whenever the music plays i get VN flashbacks
  19. You might have "looking for group" ticked on , anyone can join press U and untick that box.
  20. Killing someone with a brick will always feel better then a headshot kill just because it did "massive damage"
  21. Who said you can't just get a friend and farm 50 kills in 4 mins.
  22. At least shake it up a bit, Kevlar 3 + True Ogre+CJ3 (at 3 meters what would IR3 do.) and just hug all the criminals you can handle.
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