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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. another thing yood does that ticks me off. I had someone who full quoted my entire Guide (1 quote took up half the page.)
  2. He's testing bugs and reporting them , That's like saying anyone who tests bugs/issues with the game (it may take unconventional methods to find and report them in detail) are cheating and should be banned. In that case I should have been banned centuries ago. Anybody remember the Stun launcher during the phase when g1 was doing "different ttk servers" nick named 'Shaw-opgl'.
  3. Let me provide 1 quote from tiggs "And in fact we found ourselves analyzing some matches where EVERYONE accused everyone else of cheating, but no one was actually cheating!" Source: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/search?q=no+one+was+cheating (because why would i say something that isn't true and i couldn't back up. What am i yood?) It's (or was) alot more then 80 per day 1 player can easiler (mostly bronzes) report 7 people per day.
  4. 4 hours to go And i'm not entirely happy about Yood infecting this thread.. (i like/dislike people depending on their content and yood puts out alot of misinformation.)
  5. https://www.redhillinstitute.com/# 14 hours: 56 minutes: 30 seconds: See you guys then.
  6. 0.1% was left. and the point was redrawn.
  7. No one noticed this yet? or does it mean nothing. In the first section next to the "About RedHill Institute of Technology"
  8. This is why, now please NO MORE threads about the Rapid Fire Pistol.
  9. Zolerox

    Game Ideas

    We have that. It's called the Colby Commander, It shoots past objects. And the Showstopper "thunder" can destroy any car in 2 volleys
  10. Zolerox

    Game Ideas

    I had that exact idea (but as a secondary) They went with the already somewhat built "Showstopper" shotgun instead of Double B's shotguns.
  11. 32584 redeem in armas. @Pufty get on it. ASCIII this is my cleaned up version Left = has the 2nd part below it Right = 2nd part in it's original location (right side of it) Website image:
  12. So when does the thread burning start? (shoe burning...) G1 is the house LO are the new tenants names mean *notverymuch all. Name changes aren't worth the confusion it would cause.
  13. Boi are the people expecting a new faction going to be disappointed. It's a 'LIMITED TIME EVENT' it's not going to massively change the game in 1 update. Matt posted a blog post it's a event not a "new breed part 2" type of update. Remember these guys? Did they stay after the event?. no. We will NOT be getting a new faction. (limited time only)
  14. Seriously doubt we will get something "permanent" from a limited time event. Anyone thought "Necrocite" was gonna be a Faction choice?
  15. Zolerox

    Flintlock pistol

    That explains why he wants one. "allready copying forenight with bettle royale might as weel copee it's guns"
  16. Fallen Earth. Movies: Wanted 2008 John Wick The Kingsmen Secret Service The Worlds End
  17. Your image, I can see this but "alig" wouldn't fit the gun i'd see it more like a star with cj3 x6 and extended mag 20, It would be a reskin of the Swarm LMGS.
  18. You have to buy them on "armas" for real money.
  19. Increase the time on these trivial missions "Capture 300/300 score territory" but the mission lasts 2 mins... Add some more time, i might compile a list 1 day of these missions They have insane score limits but last a few mins.
  20. The Battle Pass is a system implemented in Battle Royale to reward players for playing during a pre-established length of time known as a Season. The Battle Pass has its roots in the progression system established in Season 1, although the Battle Pass itself was not formally introduced until Season 2. There are two components to the Battle Pass, one that is freely available to all players and one that is available to purchase in the Item Shop. The latter premium product is actually the Battle Pass itself, with the free component being noted in game as the "Free Pass". Despite this distinction, the Battle Royale community at large frequently uses the term "Battle Pass" to describe both components together along with the current season as a singular entity, e.g. "Battle Pass Season 3" frequently represents all of Season 3 content. From what i understand, I don't like it.
  21. If you notice it's only blueprint "2/3" so there are 2 left.
  22. Good luck to the next person who can figure a piece out.
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