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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. It's not working (the link) also update the first post so the cover image is working these what you looking for With Logo's Without. Look's amazing dude can't wait till we get into the story (some anecdotes each contact has that's pretty interesting tiptoe and gang I know the least about.)
  2. 12 deaths of christmass just make it "The butcher" event but in beacon BAM "new event" so we don't have to have gun game again.
  3. It will be exciting at least I can guarantee that. Especially with this funky engine.
  4. Might wanna get this closed before this becomes another "multi page Thread" as your question was answered happy to hear that.
  5. 1. Loot boxes ruining games , games that remove them shut down 3 months later (g1 was liveing off armas funding for years) 2. "They actualy aid developers financial we should've learned that by now." *fixed it 3. @moneychixx yes "in theory" you could get 90 days of premium but even with a perfect RNG "spin" just buying premium directly is less of a gamble , remember there are people that buy 120 boxes and win the exact same 3 day snub while jim bob down the street buys 4 boxes and wins a legendary every time.
  6. yes. no (play any game with close quarters combat and 3 or more people using "bouncing betty's" see how fun it is) no (however not impossible APB already has done it "Headless horsemen" ring a bell?)
  7. So any plans to fix it so the same "that one guy" on Jericho doesn't win another 13 times? (even with it being account bound)
  8. "The Weapon skin will be account bound at the end of the event"
  9. There was an item they wanted to add to armas a while ago "Inventory Expansion Selector" maybe LO will give that a try. works for every item type you get to pick which one you want to expand (symbols maximum is 100 i'm bugged at 95)
  10. Wonder if anyone knows how to get mobile games onto PC (kinda wanna play APB retribution...)
  11. I've won... and yes I still play the event but out of consideration when I hit the last gun and I am about to win again I drop back giving someone else the chance to win. Because just not playing the event because I've won already doesn't sound like fun so I still play event while just making sure I don't win.
  12. I believe tiggs was "planning" to reset trials every month or 3rd month. I never got what I requested on armas though
  13. I thought that event was a "epidemic" in more then 1 way. The event also made missions use the "zone shaders" when there is an objective to drop off a vehicle , I have a screenshot lieing around here but it may be fixed (or only happens during the event)
  14. By naughty are you including kevlar 3 + med spray or Killing the same silver 20 times or even "border abuse" jumping back and fourth from grey and red.
  15. was this before or after you managed to blow yourself up in the autumn assault event?
  16. The skin just under the gold one (with the yellow silencer) is SPCT and i believe right next to it is the "SPCM" or spct chrome. Here is a better look. SPCT "gold" skin i wonder if this was the "nano gold" someone promised to show SPCT "Chrome" skin
  17. People still trying to sell it for 15 million (not gonna convince me my ogre is worth less then your showstopper)
  18. Let's not I have items there that I'd rather not lose "AAEPD" "Dow Jokerbox" (actual names) even rapid99's and Kitteh tagger.
  19. I'm for this , however IIRC Matt said "SPCM will not be coming back in it's current state" then he informed us of the "volunteer GM program" i guess that was the replacement. The best substitute for SPCM (for me at least) is every time i log in just inform everyone they can ask you questions about anything APB related (maybe even drop some trivia every now and then). I spend on average 2 hours just answering questions (obviously alot of what i tell people can be answered by pressing T and reading the tutorial but i'm not here to judge) 30% of those 2 hours are people in social district asking "Where can I find a door?".
  20. their 2 games are not descent and apb it's FE and apb. However another game i wish they would carry (dev team just gave up on it) is this. Please @MattScott
  21. @MattScott Is it possible to get APB Reloaded on xbox one in Australia? (haven't been able to so far)
  22. Church on Sunday and work on Saturday i actually know people that can't play any day of the event. P.S @MattScott you can bring a blowtorch to the event and Blowtorch kills Count and progress the gun roles. Makes anubis alot easier to pass
  23. .... I'm sorry that first sentence.
  24. I find it was more fun with less people And the same person won 3 times. A few notes and Push the "jericho" event foward 5 hours to give everyone who either works or goes to school a chance "12 pm in aussie land) That 1 Exploit from 12 deaths of xmas works here (still need to test it but i'm rarely ever wrong) I was in a mission when the event was about to start (finished 30 seconds before it started) so Don't do missions when the event reaches it's schedule starting time. Funny enough we had 2 criminals (obviously ram raiding) when the event was announced the event brang 30 players to the district I bet that surprised them a bit. And yes it's buggy the red names/grey names System , we had people who never went red by hanging outside the zone and just shooting anyone that went red.
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