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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. No no not That kind of riot, oo fidlesticks. yeah there were people doing a few riot modes (i kept missing them) not being able to see the district doesn't inspire people to join riot when people are waiting at 7/8.
  2. a few problems with riot in jericho 1. You can't see if anyone is in riot without joining (without using will.io/apb) so no one joins even when it's about to start (7/8) 2. Not everyone likes riot. 3. that's it, there's no 3. If you want to start it you need to start a group of people that Want to grind riot and setup times to play it. (discord or a timetable.)
  3. not a fan of either. and it was HEAVY sarcasm , so anyone got a screenie of fish skin? "koi"
  4. It's going to be a sports car "whirlwind automotive" how is that not a sporty car
  5. Any permissables for a screenie of koi boy? (the weapon skin of a fish on it) nice btw.
  6. Hell even the skins you pickup from riot guns Would be nice, this whole "japanese style" skins doesn't make sense... what does japan have to do with battle royale?
  7. Ah i see the problem, First the best route. *waterfront* 2nd, you've already made one of "these" threads, guess your doing 1 each year till you complete it : ) Tips: (the long haul) do that route and keep apb in a "small window" while you watch tv on the side ( i did this cheevo recently back in may) about 60 cars an hour. (don't need to iron man it) even 30 cars every now and then Hell take some time out of a weekend (15 mins). Or not it's only a achievement that has a bugged *title. repeat route Waiting in the drop zone till the cooldown is over, *han 0 slot is faster* did it in 3 days, (which reminds me i need more shows to watch.) also side note, wtf? olo = y00d? was wondering why he's ... ok i'm not gonna list them again you know what yood does by now, already been warned once he doesn't like it when i call him out. didn't the old forums show "name change history" these don't ?.
  8. I was wondering why this wasn't announced, good to hear that's what the symbols are for. Conspiracy symbol set
  9. I like to give my enemies a chance to win, and not being able to destroy the windows suckels.
  10. " KNOWN ISSUES Dragon Weapon Skin does apply correctly to the N-TEC 5 weapon model Yakuza Weapon Skin does apply correctly to theISSR-a PR3 'Artemis' weapon model " Yep that is an issue. "does apply correctly" My favorite part is "RIOT now always plays in peak daylight hours" does that mean what i think it does? does it start by itself?
  11. next legendary : Magnum that does more damage over 50 meters but does less damage the closer your target is (volcano style)
  12. I think your missing the point (or i didn't understand cookie properly) cookie (or at least me) didn't mean only the roof i mean riding on cars entirely (where on the car doesn't matter) the point was if you have car surfer you don't have to surf on a car every time, sometimes it's better to get into a passenger seat Would a vip ever car surf?
  13. this "Friendly reminder that if you use car surfer, it doesn't mean you have to ride on the roof every time." That's just a clear blatant lie, Like saying if you have remote detonater you don't Have to blow it up every time.
  14. Misinformation like this makes me question how you were ever allowd to be a SPCT honestly, some people... I like the fact criminals constantly have car surfer equipped the amount of times I've gotten kills assisted by my good buddy "Gravity" is higher then i bother to count. The mod stops you from using happy landings that's it's downside.
  15. couldn't even get into the event till it was over (district was full)
  16. I killed comf (after codes ran out XD) The most fun was "The Butcher" event so glad it could make a return i've missed it so much (just wish it was the pre nerf version)
  17. Is it over? (it lasted 20 mins?) or has jericho not started yet?
  18. Gonna be one of those events where "the same person wins 3 times" or did you guys finnaly take the advice "if 1st person has the reward 2nd person gets it" , I'll be there hope i can land a hit.
  19. At peak nekrova reaches 100 players, They deserve some love and attention. The Merge you speak of is discussed around the corner over there Event sounds like fun , will you be in attendance? Will the "get together" be in social then the planned district gets annouced? how is the event planned to unfold?.
  20. Your asking the right person, *points to zombie's rating abuse when forums first went up* Didn't you have like -2000 dislikes
  21. Next contacts should have some inventory expansion selectors (or the usuall +5 clothing space items)
  22. People sick of it and the domino effect Why don't you join a empty district? cause there's no one in it... and no one else wants to sit in a empty district, Plans afoot to set up a match in riot but more likely you need to wait for matty to release an update that rekindles everyone's interest in the mode and therefore therefore also therefore, (just like saying the word i have nothing else to say)
  23. it's also annoying that people think your playing apb when your not Because with these open steam still thinks you haven't quit yet.
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