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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. updated the imgur with the location descriptions, incase you couldn't find them via image alone - Sorry that its in no particular order, its how they uploaded and the direction I found them starting from mirri kent - I likely won't be doing a waterfront one, unless someone doesn't post one up in a few days so if anyone feels up to it feel free to. --------------------------- Red dots in the below image are approximated locations of the pumpkins. If i'm missing any let me know\
  2. Locations of the halloween red pumpkins via images of ingame locations. The images that have nothing there, the pumpkin was taken care of, and is in that general "area" on screen. Made sure you can't accidentally spoil it if you wanted to find them yourself first Good Luck! Happy Hunting!!! I did Miss imaging small few. I know I placed one on the total map overview image in the Overhead Spoiler. (will redirect to imgur hidden behind 3 levels of assurance) Overhead Spoiler (red dots mark the general location) Waterfront
  3. But what if I want to run around in undies
  4. most "new content" i've seen in a while, especially for an event! It looks no different than any other "backpack strap" "harness" or anything of the like that you'd see ingame currently (radio backpack, bookback straps, etc). Though I agree it could use some more base texture/thickness, I do wonder what kind of customization will come from it. I see it and think Persian "god" from 300.
  5. because rebalancing corner popping is a bad thing.
  6. ui->setup ui; QPIXmap pix*(); ui->label_pic-<setpixmap(); Probably the wrong code blah blah whatever lol they dont have the trollface emoji anymore The code is already there and partially works whatever it is, the ui location is already determined as well. I'd think it would be a matter of linking the clan image to there permenantly and making it visible at all times like the normal player symbol. However we all know that APB's coding is a clusterfuck so that "easy fix" would probably break 50 things. I thought they had consolidated it into one by now, rip
  7. didn't we already get a new UI years ago though? Or at least "parts" of it. It's not even a hard fix, considering you can see your clan symbol where it belongs if you go into the clan tab (or go into clan tab, modify the symbol and pop out of it, it then pops up for you in the TAB window during missions but noone else)
  8. When will clan symbols be visible to others in the tab HUD? The space for them have been there since forever, but it's never shown the symbols, only the player symbol. I have always wondered if it was ever going to be fixed. see image https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052985085/screenshot/764975317491934741 You can make it appear for yourself by going into clan tab/change symbol. But noone else can see it to my knowledge.
  9. I got a ryzen 7 2700x and it works well. I don't know how much of a difference the r5 is but it if it's better than the FX8350 you shouldn't have much issue.
  10. i wouldn't say that they lost a lot of money honestly. Newer players who make use of it will work towards it, but ARMAS items tend to be a tad better in terms of mod slots unless you grind for several months for one. I'd say that they really didn't "lose" much. Those who have a ton of tickets already bought stuff, or won't buy anything already, so it's not really an issue there either
  11. Nah, from what I remember it was in a general forum post comment by a red name in a forum about threat but not an official blog post or anything. I remember a number of things as well about discussions, but i remember this one specifically because it's what made me end up deciding dethreating during gold lock wasn't worth the effort. xD Things may have changed after settle the score, however, form what I know, all that did was make threat levels based on score, rather than the win/loss type ratio. So they may have ditched that aspect, but it may still be there in the background. I havn't heard anything about it since, so I assumed it was still there. I remember no such mentioning of threat decreasing over time for APB, and I've gone through bouts of not playing and no such decay seems to have happened. I know Overwatch had it, but removed the system recently. I wasn't sure how they had calculated it, so it wasn't dynamic. RIP, I had hoped it was, but i guess i was wrong.
  12. the old threat system with this few people? you've got to be joking. The only thing that would make that even have a semblance of worth is leaderboards. Noone has cared about threat for years. Bringing back threat level symbols and colors litterally means nothing at this point.
  13. this is already known to my knowledge by the SPCT and so the game mods. It'll probably be fixed sooner or later.
  14. That really is a fun fact O<o Everyone tries to win, the difference is how much sweat they drop when trying to win.
  15. NFAS is litterally the most meta weapon right now. Just sayin
  16. Tryharding is litterally toxic behavior in APB:R's standards. The difference between trying to win and tryharding is the amount of sweat induced.
  17. i have like 8 but only play 1 and off and on 2 HA!
  18. Often found using ntec or jokercarbine/oscar. Spams GG or GG EZ when winning. Sometimes GG EZ when losing (no clear reason as to why) normally silence. Generally has some edgy name/clanname, mocking clanname, or wears the lame "hoodie style" ingame. Often found to be consistently 2-4v1ing at all times being in voice chat, can't 1v1 to save their life. Consistently kills people who just spawned while traveling to obj because killing the spawner (even if a newbie) and hurting the games outlook and population is more important than the objective. Generally cheeses item hold missions in extremely hard to break locations(financial park ledge) and switching to 1 ntec/obeya, 2 snipers and an osmaw or running with several explosives in a pio pushed by a vegas with blowtorch.
  19. There's 2 ntec nerfs. I have a feeling they will go with the ammo one rather than b. However if you try test B, honestly you'd be hard pressed to call it overnerfed. Its bloom recovery is pretty much a prebuff star version statistically.
  20. Silver waterfront and Social have people in em, but fightclubs are down completely, no bronze financial, no gold districts and no financial for green. edit, look to be back up
  21. No, but if they were changing anything for threat they'd probably announce it as an update as Settle the Score did, and the adjustment for gold to be top 20% rather than 10%, no such changes have been announced, so i'll take it that they havn't actually touched the threat system unless they have mentioned it.
  22. Except that g1 had expressly stated that they did look at a number of previous matches to determine threat, and since the point system, no such changes have been announced to the threat system to say they changed the system to the one you describe, without the match averages. Nor did they say that the system changed to not include the previous match information (not that they had to, but it would seem odd that they'd leave it out) I believe that this was also said around the time if not after Settle the Score came out as I've known about the ~50 match tracking ( since the summer/fall of gold lock because I HAD tried to dethreat during that time after learning about it, but decided it was too much effort). I forget when Settle the Score came out exactly. The system to my knowledge runs similar to what you're saying, but it accounts for your overall progress over a number of matches. You also talk about CV but how is it calculated? You simply talk about the glicko values. How does the confidence value change? What is that based on? Over how long is that CV based? How does it know that its confident? You can't have that value without some sort of performance over time basis can you? What about them trying to keep a ~20% gold pop ~30%-40% silver whatever it is for bronze and gold. How is that handled?
  23. to be fair, that has a lot to do with people not helping newbies but stomping them consistently in silver xD
  24. A hard counter completely prevents you from being able to use the gun. No OCA doesn't do that to ntec. Oca users barely bother me when using ntec. That's probably not the same as others, however my playstyle is more of a reactive "hide behind cover and ambush the defender" rather than "push in and get ambushed" type style. Which is likely why the oca doesn't bother me (I don't try to run facefirst into other players). NFAS counters almost everything in cqc due to its stupid amount of strength atm. But saying that the OCA is just as strong as one is sub10m is lol. Shaw does make you a sitting duck. That does not prevent its kill potential at times, however it makes it extremely weak in several key situations and more difficult to use against the players who know how to play around the shaw's weaknesses (mobility IS one of them). "kill potential" =/= mobility, I don't quite understand why you think they are the same thing. I've gotten rank 15 LMG primarily from the shaw, and a little bit of the AMG. I prefer AMG simply because you have more mobility with it. (btw all my roles are 15 except rifleman which is max so I do actually know a few things about weapon handling and weaknesses lol it's why I change gameplay styles depending on the gun I use)
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