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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. i got mine for like 40 bucks, damn ATAT, but ive used it for 2 years about so i can't complain I may think of an APB one another time if a case comes for the Galaxy S9
  2. the only time this "happens" is when facing shotguns, or at least, that's how it used to be like. i mean, someone did do a test and found that firing within like 75 to 150ms caused ghost shots, so that's probably part of that reason.
  3. Not everyone has poorly scripted macros, just sayin, and latency increases ttk not reduces it so they won't "skip shots" depending on weapon and macro rate settings. At least you face the poorly scripted ones, it's a much bigger pain to face people with well scripted ones who know how to use em.
  4. doesn't matter, its still minor even with the latency. Yes, i know, you've consistently stated you're okay with people breaking the game's TOS and rules on macros because you dont see them as a threat.
  5. i mean, to be fair, people HAVE set macros to the optimal ntec tap fire rate before... You can sometimes see it ingame, they'll seem to have two modes of firing, this tapfire and full auto, there wont be burst firing. They'll be tapfiring at perfect rate, you get near them and their firing speeds up as they switch it off lel Merged. macros were against the TOS last i checked so yes
  6. it was also mentioned it was legal some time ago by LO, and G1 long before that.
  7. actually this change is legal, its in the same files that you modify your normal graphics/keybind settings
  8. probably because they got called cheater when they aren't and say it's from their 5 years+ experience...
  9. i meant most times i've seen weapon changes like damage changes i thought they say "damage decreased to 6 htk increasing the ttk slightly (ntec)". Other gun's however have also remained the same while the htk increased (nano). I assume you've tested the changes though so the TTK is increased as well then. It's a little bit awkward for them not to specify, but i guess it is a new company.
  10. I didn't realize that, however they didnt state a ttk nerf, it could easily be 4 bursts in the same ttk, unless they ignored that in the post.
  11. suck implies making it worse, aka nerfing it. They're buffing it. While i now get what he means, the way he implied it made me confused.
  12. oh please, i own the IR3 RFP and normally dominate within its range with it. Increasing the range is too much imo, especially if they dont increase the TTK, or nerf its accuracy to prevent it from 3 hitting at that range consistently.
  13. if you're increasing the rfp's ttk fine, make it mid to long range, but by how it sounds it'll even further outclass the act and rsa. That's not even looking at how badly the ACT misses even with enemies in reticule.
  14. forgot the op suggested 2 mods. I read cookiepuss's post and it was kinda a response to that. For OP, i'd say the 2 slot would be fine, but 4k 0 slot can work just fine if you don't feel like waiting. If you do 2 slot, you can use a yellow mod, but its not needed as it can ruin the accuracy for out of marksman etc, so i'd say go blue and purple. HS is fine but it makes you use marksman almost every encounter in cqc which can be rough.
  15. why is everyone forgetting blue mods exist. Simply use hunting sight, bando/em, and mobility sling/3ps
  16. if thats the case they should increase the amount of reacts. I consistently run out
  17. population, bullet lines, colored muzzle flash, osmaw jumping.
  18. while true, that doesn't also mean a weapon cannot be overtuned/overpowered within it's own niche. I do agree that switching weapons at times is the best option depending on location, however that doesn't change the fact that some guns still should be slightly reworked. Nfas - is one of the few remaining that I feel is overtuned. I know of several locations that are nearly impossible to attack (most places are a fairly easy defense with the right loadout). However most people do not know how nor are coordinated enough to break the defense on the offense. Plus spawn choices, spawn waves, and car spawns drastically skew these broken locations, and i'd blame them probably more than the location itself.
  19. to be fair though, there isnt many loadouts to switch to when the enemy team is running 3 ntecs and an nfas... or 2 ntecs and 2 nfas's in cqc based map areas on financial.
  20. Shaw and NFA have the fastest TTK's ingame aside from nfas which are all free to play. OGRE has a ttk of an nfas + windup.... and worse spread. so which 3 ptw guns have the fastest ttks?
  21. I actually prefer the CCG With hs1 and em2 or just em vs the zues or base stabba. The HS3 really hurts it in cqc fights.
  22. barely functioned and Some weapons during them felt like they were purposely messed with to prevent people from liking the districts/test so they didnt have to bother with balancing (imo). That's not mentioning some weapon changes not being similar to what RTW had (dunno but i remember threads complaining about mechanics not being the same as RTW for certain guns i think???) If they had bothered with more effort into it I think it could have worked better.
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