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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. I mean you may have a different experience with that then, but my experience was that most people i hear that are/were referred to as "good" players either glitched/exploited to hell, or got banned for cheating. So I have a very pessimistic view when it comes to people saying "just get the top tier players to balance the game". Especially when half the stuff that was broken af and got fixed, if anyone said a single thing against (qsing, jump scout, etc) got called trash "get gud" for it. (again, my experience) I know there had been a lot of balance talk that had been done from older veteran players which has been added to the game after suggestions, such as faster star bloom. I can think of different names who had supported, or voiced different opinions on the topics of weapon balance, who could possibly fit the bill. You'd probably want players who had been playing a lot weapon roles being high/max for opinions, or had a good understanding of how the weapons of a certain role function in general/game works.
  2. So reworking half the underpowered weapons to be more competitive was a bad idea? Except that that "top" 1% of players would be the ultra competitive tryhard players who tend to abuse every glitch, animation glitch, and location exploit. I mean, let's be honest here. That "top" 10-15 people would likely be the same ones who go "oh the qs hvr is okay, that jump scout is perfectly balanced, and 2 hit csg from a corner at 15m is balanced, star is okay in the trashbin, don't touch my ntec but please nerf percs". Really, i'll be honest, going through a "top group" of players, would be an extremely bad idea, because their sense of balance is "if it's easy and I can abuse it for wins in some way, its balanced because other people can too!" Going through a number of different veteran players (who need not be top tier), to get a good idea of what to change would be a better idea. From Kemp and Kewlin, to some of the vet SPCT members. (I only said kemp/kewl because i've seen their names in balance discussions before and remember them, i know there are others)
  3. Perhaps, but i do agree the feedback is nicer. It can branch into other niches easier due to it's lower ttk (.70 rather than .75) and its bloom recovery. Both things that it has an advantage over the star in. The NTEC also reloads faster and deals slightly more HP damage than the Star, which may only slightly effect its usefulness in comparison based on hp regen from CA. Could also factor in I guess. I feel like the star isn't nearly as forgiving at range, and that's a really big area to not be as effective at. N-tec is better at range and it's not hard to lose out at 30-55m to an ntec using the star due to the difference in recovery and bloom. Unless I'm playing star wrong and should just full auto at range and not burst/tapfire. Plus the Star isn't as effective against cqc weapons due to ttk, despite accuracy, which also hurts it.
  4. 4000 hours, and I don't really agree. Most of my issues with the game i've had forever, and only wish to change things that would make it more enjoyable for newer players, and more fluid.
  5. I mean, its more entertaining because it tends to be more effective at range. Hence why the star got the buff that "(we community") asked for for years by upping its bloom recovery. I still feel like if they decreased the Stars ttk slightly to .7/.72 it would be better. But they didn't want it outfiring oca's as easily so it sadly won't happen.
  6. I disagree on the shotguns, while nfas imo should be solely looked at (it feels more effective at 7-10m than csg/jg where I die easily in 3-4 shots, maybe just decrease damage pellot ramp), I feel like the other shotguns are in an alright spot. CSG and jg "could" be looked at again, but would solely require a minor (yes very minor) buff to increase the 2 hit effectiveness (could mean upping pellot damage ramp by a few points but not a lot over time to see how it goes). Low yields should be looked at imo, I can agree to that. I'd suggest 450 damage rather than 550, hell, even 500 would probably suffice before a further nerf if needed. Low yields are almost a direct buff to the frag currently, aside from dealing less damage, they allow for almost no reaction time and easy spammability. I use frags for the damage, but everyone else uses low yields... for obvious reasons. tracers and muzzles happened from glitches from the weapon skins supposedly. Graphics have changed several times, sadly, and no clue about sounds. Hud was changed for the engine upgrade.
  7. I know, im picking, i just like to see variety, and often feel that it gets curbed in the AR category. I don't think it can be helped though, there's only... 2? 3? 4? Free to play Assault Rifles? And 2 of which are from events? (Far and i think another) Which means that its NTEC or STAR, and ofc everyones going to go for the midrange killer. So /shrug
  8. Probably, but that was joker/colby? (I dont think it was acc bound, might be), not EU, not only that, but i am pretty sure at least one of those event winners was banned at one point, i havn't seem him/her since despite the unbanning so maybe that player or so quit. In which case I'd call it free reign. (I forget all the different event winners and what all they got unique, i think there was a spades scout, black cat, and one other but im not sure) If not, just change it and make a new tagger mod specifically for it (for the nekrova), but let them have something unique still. Even more reason for me the cringe when I see the overly used ntec
  9. There "might" be a few, seems like LO did a decent job at keeping them down. Still seems to be a few off players here and there, but it's hard to tell anymore because most of the clearly blatant ones disappeared. The only other ones that might be left, are pure walls, or softlock so they miss a ton.... until they hit once and then you're just like "guess I'll die".
  10. Isnt the purple cat already in joker/colby as it was a custom one that only one player had before and custom made for an event? except the nekrova is modded differently.
  11. This isn't a bad suggestion, the ntec doesn't suffer from HB1while the far does. Allowing star to have HB1 wouldn't be broken and would still be balanced imo.
  12. Mission timers also depend on if the people who had the mission before, completed the mission, or didn't get the chance to and only did part of it. I've had a few mission/areas that were completed almost instantly when you hop on it. But I do agree.
  13. fine line between insults and harassment bud and it was bordline the latter.
  14. put the guy on ignore and didnt take screenies, but i'm positive you would know who the toxic person is. He does have a massive ego and enjoys insulting everyone after all... that is if you were in the district at the same time.
  15. it was pre-pre overkill servers, like 2013-2014. My favorite was when every vehicle except pio, certain trucks, dump truck, and blue steel, couldn't start moving without doing a wheelie... and driving was hell
  16. if that's the guy who continued to swear using certain words even after the gm said stop, i'm surprised he got away with it. /d chat got 10x more toxic from that guy after the GM left
  17. the problem with different hitboxes in this game, is that cover does NOT work properly for it to be effective. We all know how to fire upon cover and still kill someone without them being visible at all. Adding headshots to that would only make it much much worse. Add ontop of that the current spawn system, and how things work already, and it would get even worse because you would die faster. Aim is rewarded, its called hitting somebody and dealing damage. Don't hit them you don't do any. Don't hit them in the right range, don't deal as much damage. Weapon handling in this game is strange because it doesn't feel smooth at times, but i wouldn't know where to begin to change things aside from full movement animation reworks, adjusting movement to be more fluid, and possibly using cover similar to the Vendetta or Gears where you can hop some of it/hop ontop as well as be entirely safe from behind it. I'd probably rework a few things as well, like lowyields and a few other weapons to make gameplay more enjoyable. If people wanted the higher TTK back and it works, the only suggestion i have for that is to do a full blown community suggestion thing, where the community can decide for the most part what to test and where it's going.
  18. did they do any modifications to it then before release? or did i just forget lol... w/e. TTK isn't too bad tho imo, its 1.02, which is a little faster than the fbw's, but simlar range, and has a chance of worse damage and not making up shots if miss/partial hit.
  19. I only died to showstopper like 3 out of like... 20 times someone tried killing me with it. I don't feel like its unbalanced. Also, if it's the same as it was during the "beta test" of it, where it takes 4-6 shots to kill at 20m, yeah, i'd call that balanced.
  20. RS3 does not effect spread "Increases accuracy while moving substantially 48- Decreases zoom level by 5 degrees 50- Decreases benefit of Marksmanship mode substantially" It has no effect on spread, all it does is ensure the center of the shot is randomated more "centralized" than without.
  21. whats the jammer timer for premium? "In theory" however have you tested it?
  22. It's not a glitch/bug exploit, this is because using the ammo box, is using the modification, and causing a general "orange mod" cooldown on use. A consumable ammo box, functions similar to using a friends ammobox/joker ammo/mail zone, as you do not use the orange mod to access it so also have no cooldown. However consumables have their own timer I believe as well, albeit lower. Now lets say you used spotter, used the consumable to switch to ammo box for example, now you have a cooldown for the orange mod. Why? Because you used an orange mod before switching.
  23. 50/50 chance couldnt help but to guess haha
  24. Tas is the first one, CSG is the second.
  25. yeah, just imagine how the csg feels in comparison to the swarm, odin series, and harbinger/3shot sniper with increasing recoil. :eyeroll: Wasnt ever supposed to be pay to win to begin with, yet that's what we ended up with for years.
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