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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. i got 8350/gtx 970, 8gb ram, still lag, could be no ssd but still fps drops are hilarious...
  2. every edgelord has one, it's a must have for no-skill aimers.
  3. You do realize that it's not cheating, and that it does NOT violate any rules, as G1 AND LO gave it the thumbs up to use? It violates no rules. G1 and LO can ban who they want when they want, and the CODE was accepted as usable. Not that you can't just change the file manually since its just the config file, and EVERY game out there has one which you can change, and you literally get told to change for every game out there if you're having FPS issues. But ignorant people will always be ignorant i guess. I'm glad you don't play other games, it would be horrible to see you complaining about changing the .config/compat in other games. You'd probably get laughed off the forum if it werent for the fact that the game population and forum pop died.
  4. None really, other than armas vs contact, but same weapon stats. Unless you want to get into the CR-5 illuminati theory. I mean, its also considered the best AR in game, so ofc they are going to buy it. Remember the time C-2 and ATAC were the big guns and everyone bought them and ntecs went missing? me too. People tend to buy what's meta and best before anything else. RoF is a big difference between far and star, though i didn't notice accuracy being "too different". I'd have to check stats, i used both far and star intermittently at times (or did at least when i was maxing the role), and they felt really similar in handling and accuracy. TTK difference and ammo were honestly the only big differences i noticed but since I use EM3 for everything... only difference i noticed that was big was the rof. NTEC is effective in cqc, but it's not as good against shotguns or OCA's unless certain tactics like the famous corner pop and ambush techniques are used. But that's more on the user than the gun. The cqc weapon ttk buffs to ~.64+ helped the CQC weapons gain advantage over the ntec in cqc, but for a long time i would have considered them equal in terms of effectiveness. I feel like the only secondaries that do a better in cqc than an ntec, would be the .45 and frog, "maybe" the nfa if close enough (PDW does rather well as well). Mostly due to experience since the TTK's are higher for the fbw and others, but lower for the .45 and fr0g, so unless they miss 2-3 shots and the pistol hits everything, the pistol is at a downside. I wouldn't say RFP is better than ntec in cqc, it's useful for finishing and corner popping, but without any cover, i wouldn't dare use it against an ntec in cqc.
  5. Killing with the OCA is certainly easier, but NTEC is still rather effective in cqc... ofc, my first purchase as a perm alig, but again, you said people use it cause its free, but the majority of people i see using the ntec are using paid versions.
  6. You do realize that almost everyone i see using it uses the 3 slot version from Armas? Just saaaying. Except that if you actually look at the FAR and the STAR now, the difference is almost nonexistant after the star buff. I mean, other than the .75 star ttk which should be put to .70 imo, its almost an exact replica. Far is also achieved by the gun event that gave it, and joker store as well, but /shrug
  7. More damage doesn't matter if it can't kill effectively Cobra? How about Star has better cqc accuracy but overall its still not as effective as ntec. FAR is almost a star replica, great gun, but still not as good as ntec. Aces Rifle? Again, not as good as ntec. I could go on, but just because a gun is "more damage" or "more accuracy out of marksman" doesn't actually make it better in utility. Otherwise you'd see more of it, and less ntec.
  8. Rip, and I had hopes. Guess they all got scared cause the ntec crowd would have cried a river if they didn't have that 5m extra range IR still needs an actual downside though, it's still dumb its negative doesnt actually do anything.
  9. You're right, stop using assault rifles and mid range weapons, go only cqc and snipers! But stay out of of the 10m-60m comfort zone! Only go 10-60m if you yourself have an ntec! Great idea! The ntec is the most versatile AR in the game, and still continues to dominate midrange. It's in clear need of better balancing to allow a number of other AR's to rise. It's not impossible to beat, but lets be honest, if you aren't using an ntec, you're hurting yourself.
  10. Not what i meant. The overlay i had used got "removed" from overwolf and I couldnt access it on my computer, and couldn't find it anymore when i looked it up on overwolf. Something saying about removed by owner/overwolf due to gaming company something or other action.
  11. last i checked the crosshair shaders were taken down (at least the ones i used a few years ago last i checked) and couldn't be used since. Havn't bothered checking again, did they make new ones or something?
  12. thats why the changes made to it makes it worse If they could have fixed it without nerfing the damage like they did i would have been happy
  13. 360 shawcopter vs blatant wallhacks with softlock aimbot. Pretty obvious who's going to get banned first
  14. HVR quickswitch was horrible for game balance, its better now that it can't but the changes made to it makes it worse. Shaw/eryale is actually a really good weapon(s) against "cheaters"
  15. You'd think we'd be good with guns after saving EU so many times by now. Guess not.
  16. They changed it from the .35? Or wasn't it ever .35 to begin with... I know they did some tinkering with it though on several occassions.
  17. community has never felt comfortable with half of the current state of "anything".
  18. How's it false or dumb? I've used the JG plenty, and it's always taken me 3 shots+ passed 7m, even before LO's changes. Why agree? If it's not going to really help at all what's the point in doing it? Yay he can "tickle" me with 1-3 pellots every .7 seconds, that's not really doing much. "Team game" isn't an argument either for weapon balance either. CSG had even been changed and nerfed several times by G1 before LO did their changes because they realized that it was too strong as it had been. We all know it would take weeks for LO to revert the change which made it too powerful. I'm questioning why, you would bother wasting primary gun ammo and time by taking a minumum of 5 shots at 20m (0+.7+.7+.7+.7) 2.8s in a "perfect scenario ignoring reaction time, (since macros are bannable) and missed pellots when your damage would be more effective and consistent and timely using a pistol at that range to help a teamate. It takes more than 5 shots if you don't hit the necessary number of pellots for a kill, which became harder after they randomized CSG's firing pattern. While it may be easier now after LO's changes, they would likely have to roll back the pellot changes for the CSG and the spread to what it was before just to maintain a semblance of balance without breaking it again. It can use "some" more range, but i don't have to agree on your suggested amount. How is it being 15m and not 20 an issue? It would still be BETTER than what it is now, and the reason they made it weaker was they felt it was too strong to begin with. Probably because they felt that most shotguns are for closer ranges, and that SMGS should be 15-30m. If you looked at the various weapon and range changes, you might notice what they are trying to do. They clearly don't want the CSG to be the powerhouse it had been before.
  19. I still play, got APB on discord and I ghost forums still. Sometimes i'll play apb for weeks at a time take a lil break and come back. My most recent was a 2 1/21 month break from yesterday or so. It would be dumb to just quit a game i spent faaaar too much money on anyways. Normally i'll hop on for a few days and hop off if i meet no one to hang out with while playin.
  20. JG won't be "op" at 15m range, but it would hardly matter to begin with i feel due to its spread (it's worse than the csg's and isn't half as reliable). It normally takes 3 shots at 7m (even before LO changes) more range isn't going to help it much, especially since it's never been even half "good" past 10m (which would take 5-6 shots to begin with). CSG was always the one that could reach out and be good at it. While I agree it should reach out further than the JG, I do NOT want any semblence of return back to the 2014-16 CSG which is why i feel 20m for full damage pellot damage plus bonus is a bit much, while i know spread can help fix that, it would depend on how they would adjust the pellet bonus to compensate. Clearly the team dynamic is lost on me when i have to solo que carry all day. APB is also a game where you should switch weapons based on location, enemy loadout, mission type, and adjust your sidearms for your primary weapon's weakness if it has any. Aka mid-long range with a cqc weapon, cqc with a long range primary, etc. It also has a damage drop mechanic which means that you have to also be aware of your weapon's range capabilities, radar, enemy vehicles, and in the case of shotguns, spread AND range. Having range doesn't help if you dont have the spread or accuracy to back it up. If the csg was never good at those ranges why would it matter so much to you if it can fire at those ranges or not? If it's not good at those ranges why bother giving people the ability to try and just die like fools trying? Taking 6-7 shots at 20m is asking to be killed since that takes 3+ seconds. The CSG does feel weak, but i feel like that's more to spread than range due to the changes. I'm fine with it being 15m though.
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