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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. leme guess (ik someone found it but you never said what it was D:) it wasn't a gm?
  2. usually, but may which is why I posted about it (despite being late to actually suggest this, but it's an issue in other games apparently like league, which is where i got the link from.
  3. I read up disabling fullscreen optimization in windows 8/10 may help with fps/lag. Seems to have helped me with waterfront lag/stutter. Right-click the APB.ex e (located in binaries folder) Click on Properties Click on the Compatibility tab Check “Disable Full Screen Optimizations” Click OK May have to do the same with the game "launcher" and steam as well. Feel free to test, sometimes it works, sometimes it won't help. But if you havn't tried and would like to know if it may help, that's how. If you want to shut it off for all games on your system
  4. they do it cause "uber pros" /s do it for kills all the time. These players will litterally chase you in a group if you just spawned, and hunt your spawns/target you every time they see you just spawned via vehicle between point a and point b. It's really annoying.
  5. yeah that's the video i remember, I also remember one about the ntec, or at least a forum discussion in a thread on "theory craft" with bloom recovery, rof, macro and recoil for best usage.
  6. I wish they had the taxi long top for enfs, really annoying.
  7. I agree, but i'll be honest, those door "glitches" are rather annoying and should be fixed.
  8. oh i meant for APB, I play path too, but don't do trade macros and stuff, I know i did test some macros for APB at one time since I heard about the kicks and used it fairly consistently during the tests i conducted and never got kicked. But i won't discuss further since i don't want more people trying to bypass be kicks in apb.
  9. I know they were kicking from servers for it, didn't know if a policy change made bans happen.
  10. People macro'd qs, ntec (if mouse and keyboard supports macros, they could just set it to different profiles for each weapon for easy toggle.) carbines, yes they are good at "one thing" but do you really think people are dumb in when to activate it or not? Some ofc are, but really, where's the downside in macroing an fbw? or having 2 fire buttons? wrong, people have made no recoil macros using macro programs like razor synapse. I could easily set up a qsing macro (back when qsing mattered), a macro that would move down "x" amount automatically when I fired or held in for (snipers or ntec) using my razor mouse if I wanted. An old vet made some to prove what macros are capable of, I can't find the videos but they existed. Macros let you fire a gun within the game's limited TTK, ex. FBW has a fire interval of .2s. So you just set the macro to fire every .2 to .20001 seconds and you now have the best ttk on the pistol in all situations. Same with carbines. You can set the ntec rof to have perfect bloom so you just hold down the mouse button/macro button and spray, bonus points for adding in a recoil movement in the macro so you don't worry about moving down at all. Can even then switch it up, left mouse for normal fire another mouse button for macro trigger. This is why macros are banned. They allow unfair advantages. Especially for people who know how to abuse them.
  11. You're fingers can fire at the exact firerate needed for max rof? What about the exact ms firerate to prevent bloom on certain weapons? How about perfect recoil handling with every verticle shot from every sniper/ar in game? Macros are banned because they can negate recoil, hit min ttk every time, and set a ttk to certain guns that makes them lasers when they shouldn't be. They make macros legal, people will be openly able to do this bs again. (not that they don't do it already) p.s. no cheat programs in apb can make the gun fire faster than min rof/ttk aside from using CJ. just sayin
  12. Wonder if they hit people for macros in the wave as well /speculation
  13. My favorite experience was the low gravity servers! (joking i hate them and what they did to the jeep because of it)
  14. How is it a bigger threat if in general it has a higher tts than the ttk of the lethal opgl in "using your primary only" situations? You can mod the OPGL, not the CD, and the lethal opgl works far better in general because most people don't play ltl groups. You can say its far more powerful and the lethal version when switching to a pistol and firing but then you'd be lying, because their timers are the same, making the difference whether you equip your pistol fast enough to stun or kill before the timer goes off the deciding factor. (The lethal one pistol kills faster than the stun one can stun and equips faster depending on pistol). Yes it has bigger range, but in itself doesn't make it a broken weapon. A stun also doesn't equate to a kill. The lethal and the cd have a timer of 5 seconds (as you said, i thought it was 4), and a rof of 1.75. This means that the opgl can kill faster than the opgl can stun by 1.75 seconds. If you account into pistols, and marksmanship, the LTL is still beat. Since you like to argue ranges and consider that the "big balancing facter" I'll bite. They disabled solo mechanics after years of complaints, and quite frankly 2v2 should be as well. It was not because 1v1 is broke, as much as the fact that most game locations are meant for 4v4 group play and 1v1's ended up being a massive waste of time for most players. How a weapon performs in general doesn't need a discussion about "group play" brought into it considering that you didn't need "group play" to figure out that things like jump shooting and qsing are(were) broken, nor that the past csg was broken. In fact, a lot of this game occurs in 1v1 situations, even while in a team. So how a weapon handles in 1v1 is often emphasized. Which is why you'll rarely see weapons like the norsemen and the Aces in Jericho (hint: its because they suck in 1v1 combat). Hard facts like what? Your opinion that you feel the OPGL CD, is overpowered and needs nerfed? Because it has "range". If you are to consider the ltl opgl "overpowered" it is not because of the range, but rather the stamina damage. As the information i provided would suggest, that is if you were looking hard for excuses to nerf the weapon. I assumed Colby, sorry, the reason is simple, we play on different servers and have had different experiences with grenade launcher usage, and gameplay styles. You said people didn't main OPGL there, people did here, hence why i said people mained it. Merged. horrible analogy, the lethal opgl is the only weapon that is related similarly to the CD which is why there is the discussion of balance based on it. They have said for a while that ltl may get a rework, such as getting special ammo for in lethal weapons and other suggestions. (I think it would be great) but that was also before LO and so i have no clue what is happening.
  15. The reason the ltl one is wider is because it's not a 1 shot stun/ 1 shot kill. It would be near useless if it had the lethal radius for its max radius. People move out of the radius in ~1 second and the timer takes 4. It's already fairly difficult to 1hit with lethal, forcing the less than lethal to be even weaker than it is currently is dumb. Here, lets nerf an already underused weapon that relies on takeouts from a generally difficult mechanic and that will somehow make the game more "balanced". (what? you don't nerf the bottom trash tier just because you don't like how it operates when it is not OP) It takes more time to stun if you don't switch to a pistol, and even then it sometimes does if you missed a shot or the ltl opgl shot on the enemy wasn't in radius enough. While lethal suffers the same fate at times, the ltl one still suffers from LTL mechanics, and other drawbacks (being inheritely weaker). Lethal has faster equip time and ttks. You can kill faster firing a lethal opgl shot and using a frog or .45 than you can stun with the ltl opgl switching to pistol after a shot. Unless you manage to kill at the "4 second mark" which by then you probably should be dead if you don't have cover. Especially in cqc, and that's excluding the fact that most lethal guns could kill you 3-5x in that time, and ltl could have stunned 2-3x by then. (which is probably why if it was op, it hasn't been nerfed or touched in any balance patch. Even though the NL9 had been, maybe the ccg too? I forget) When you go and ask for a nerf for a weapon that is weaker than its lethal counterpart and is harder to play because of game mechanics, it's kinda hard to know how much you actually know about ltl. A full coordinated group running full ltl against 4 men and doing well? Imagine that, its almost like a coordinated group makes LTL easier. Unlike solo ltling and carrying against 4 man clan groups. But honestly, when you call to nerf an already weak gun that relies on an underused and more difficult mechanic to get "takeouts" with, I couldn't help but to question if you were a crim main who was complaining about ltl or had actually used it before as enf and faced a bunch of newbies and people who have no idea how to face off against it ltl while claiming the gun is op. Didn't you play Colby tho? Cause all my experiences are joker.
  16. LTL OPGL CD is 2 shot hit, the opgl lethal takes 1 shot hit. Both have timers, and opgl cd takes more time to stun than the opgl lethal. I dont need to downplay its potential as i've attained probably, nearly 500-2000 arrests using the OPGL-CD after maxing the cop role. I'm full aware of it's capabilities, as well as the lethal OPGL as I've mained it, past maxing the explosive role for roughly 6 months after I hit max rank with it. I know both weapon capabilities, how they compare to max rank tier play/competitive "pro" play, and how capable each weapon is in various map locations. OPGL used to be used a lot, primarily around the scout jump era, but before it before they nerfed every camping location in existence to where you no longer needed the OPGL to break. ( such locations as double b roof, suji room, across from suji in the alleys, etc). I don't expect you to know that though, nor do I expect you to know that low yields have effectively became the new "opgl" since then, due to ease of use, spamability, and being unnecessary to change weapons mid match for kills. Doesn't matter if you're "not supposed to" a stun takes roughly 6 seconds to wear off, thats ~36m of running. Many players "used" carry lethal pistols or grenades for that situation, that is ofc excluding epiphrene injector which can potentially make it 50m. Also, just because you can't arrest someone past 50m, (without a vehicle that is) doesn't mean stunning them at that range is useless. For example it disrupts the enemy team and their defensive locations, as well as creates a watchdog "effect" on the to be arrested individual. But if you didn't use ltl against "pro" players and cheaters in gold lock, i wouldn't expect you to know how to use ltl properly either to take advantage of long range stuns and how to use that time to get into position to stun the enemy again to arrest. Yes I did use hvr as a support role, to tag enemies before running into my teammates, as well as mark them and suppress them for my team. OFC i still ended up with 20+ kills a match, but hey, i'm doing my job with a sniper. I do have to agree with lily though: "Successfull playing LTL is a matter of how bad your opponent is." Or at least, how well you can play around using teamwork, and trick them to get the stuns and arrests.
  17. Why nerf opgl when you can buff lethal weapons? Sarcasm aside OPGL-CD is balanced, not overpowered, and is already weaker than it's lethal counterpart. Easy to outplay as well, but i wouldn't expect people who never used it to know that. If it was overpowered you'd see everyone scambling to use one, and not see one "maybe" once a month if that. It's tear gas, its going to have RANGE. With the opglcd you need 2 hits, and at least one "direct" one. In a perfect world. More often than not you end up firing one or two shots, and still using pistol because it ISNT enough to hit someone twice with it. This is coming from someone who mained the thing for months even after R15 gold chrome because i wanted the R16 chrome for cop (which never happened). Yes it's strong, but it still suffers from TTK and the Arrest mechanic.
  18. i just checked the DB, oca is .64, csg is .77. So that's why. They did a ton of balance patches in the last 5 years, so weapons are nothing like you would have remembered them, i only know basic general stats. I havnt played much in the last year or so, to keep up with everything either, but i stay on forums at times to check whats up.
  19. I think the CSG fires slower than the OCA now, since the OCA went down to a .68 ttk unless they pushed it back to .7, csg im pretty sure went to .75. Excluding reaction time, you're almost always going to lose if the ocattk minttk's you
  20. CSG used to have a .7ttk, 1.5s is almost 3 shots fired at macro speed.... (macros are bannable now). I forget its ttk now, its like .75/.73/.65 something around there. They messed with the TTKS and i havnt been able to keep track
  21. they fixed the hitbox tracking issues "mostly" with a recent network patch and by nerfing sprintshooting. You can pretty much land every hit you fire now.
  22. I've played since open beta, I assure you "reskins" aren't actually any better and never were different, let alone statistically different. Considering I own 3-4 OCA varients, have used 3 ntec varients, etc etc and have all roles to 15 currently... Silenced vs non-silenced do have stat differences though. Also, cheaters are nowhere near as prevelant as they used to be. I honestly havnt seen one since LO, and even before that not really. FF/BE did good
  23. reskins are only reskins, they provide no bonuses.
  24. got removed because as soon as people would get into a team they'd get kicked, or they would play until the end of the mission and get kicked to get 0 rewards. Enemy team would be losing "kicks half the team" to try winning. There's no justification for a trash system like that. They made it a little better, but its still Toxic since the teamlead or his buddy will tk a guy, to get him to tk, and then kick.
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