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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. i didnt get that chance but i did have one for a time, decided i hated it and traded it for the thunder xD
  2. honestly though i prefer the osmaw over volcano, im sure others are the same, so an URSUS is honestly better at that point. I got perm alig as well though so /shrug
  3. I think a lot of people also forget that by rank ~85 you can own/lease an explosive if its not the volcano. If its "that" much of an issue simply set that as the rank requirement to use. But it really shouldn't be.
  4. the br/ru segregation was a good thing, however, with such little pop, and seemingly HALF the districts being BR to even have opposition, sadly it's not feasible anymore. It sucks though having such useless teamates who can't even understand english to coordinate. They don't even listen/know the basic NWSE callouts. The other issue with them is watching them warp and rubberband in front of me. Like cool thanks, great teleport skillz there, glad I died to that bullshoot. I guess the only "good" thing is that half the time they play so bad its a fairly easy win. /shrug
  5. I've had a few times in the past where certain players would use /w then i'd crash lol. But i think G1 might have fixed it with their anticrash stuff.
  6. I used to opgl really well years ago but since I put my sights on leveling weapon roles, i put it aside...
  7. so? it takes 4 seconds to blow up a single opgl grenade, an ntec has 3 seconds to kill you and 1s to move 6m out of radius (aside from 50m+ explode on hit distance) "eventually one will hit" vs "never missing players" You can't compare the average APB player to a handful of players with god tier aim. NTEC is extremely easy, extremely forgiving, and under most circumstances, you have no need to handle it perfectly due to its forgiving nature. It's low skill high reward. OPGL is easy but has extreme downsides that the NTEC doesn't have. 4 second time to kill for example, air time, velocity, angles, and more. OPGL is much more difficult to use than the NTEC and is mid-low skill with medium-low reward, but face any decent player who can dodge nades or put on flack and your opgl playing just got a LOT harder in comparison to the ntec.
  8. I said "to use it right". Ntec tap firing is ez, learning to use angles, rebounding grenades off walls, timing grenades perfectly to 1 hit an enemy just turning a corner, and to take enemies out with 1 opgl shot, now that's difficult.
  9. While true, most in the "skill" category consistently use carbine and ntec, so i'd argue their opinion of skill is arguably moot. OPGL takes a ton of skill to use properly, most will never reach that level of skill. Osmaw takes a bit to hit a car right, and far more than the volcano but against players it takes very little. Skill depends on situation and weapon niche. NTEC is very low skill high reward for example, while Odin is high skill mid/low reward. I'm fine with opgl's aside from EOL's (which noone uses) being perm, we already have perm osmaw varients.
  10. They reworked a lot of vehicles after the ALIG buff to give them increased HP. It inadvertantly made Carpsawns even more annoying. I don't know if they buffed the Pioneer though. Also that grenade issue is one I only get with concussion grenades, something is wonky with their blast. And nobody should be forced to use explosive weapons without a destroy car mission/runners /shrug
  11. Car spawns don't fix the spawn issue though, they make it drastically worse, the spawn system got reworked with spawn choices which "helped" a lot, yes there's still issues, but it's far better than car spawns. Carspawns are like a poorly done stitch job on a massive wound.
  12. september 3rd 2015, coulda just went to the youtoob channel and looked at upload date Merged. 90 seconds isn't that long, that's generally using it 2-3x per objective, which is still ~8-9x a match, unless you count the phantom menace or some other near 40 minute long missions, then you can use them ~13x. The biggest issue with car spawners is not only can enemies spawn within eyesight and sub 30m from you (even though they shouldn't) they can still be shot at and not cancel the spawn. Add into the fact that people like to run in a car, get the spawn, run back 2-4 fresh in a car vs whatever is left of your team from their first push is really problematic. That's also excluding every numbskull out there using them on every high HP/fast vehicle in the game. From Vegas to Pio, which then takes 2 frags, or a conc + shots, or a frag + a ton of shots, just to negate. The spawns also act as enemy location markers when destroyed and messed with, and they deviate from the primary game objective. Add into the fact that your team often either ignores them, or you can't run around the objective all 4 sides to focus and destroy them consistently (which there's really 0 point in half the time, because the moment you kill a single enemy, they spawn, grab a car spawn, and drive back to point or they kill you, walk 30m to the car spawn and grab a new car depending on area). So really, "focusing car spawns" generally get you nowhere, especially when you kill a sniper first, and he spawns drives within range, and uses a sniper to hold point behind it while you're teams injured and now can't take it. So yeah, car spawns ARE broken, even IF they are destroyed consistently, because of how easy it is to respawn them at all times due to spawn choices. They should increase the normal amount of places to spawn (over 80m from obj), and then remove car spawns or drastically rework them further.
  13. I would love for better normal spawns, mobile spawns are nice sometimes, but when combined with spawn waves have ended up being somewhat bleh. Add into other things like tking causing people to spawn into them faster than a normal death and spawning in it 400-800m away it gets wonky and not in a good way. I'm actually fine with mobile radar, aside from G1/LO breaking it over and over again, I've always enjoyed it for defense, and for offense its nice with muffler to drive past for positions. It's great for those uses, but I really dislike it when people use it to hunt people who just spawned and ran inside to not be seen only to get hunted down by a premade group looking for cheezy kills. I'd rather keep radar in the game since it does have uses to help uncoordinated teams better.
  14. Today I had an enemy spawn in a car spawn while 5m from it (yet again, it happens consistently to have enemies spawn within the ~30m radius), and I noticed with my radar tower, that it wasn't picking enemies up near it, but instead picked up my enemies who were ~120m from it (I had it parked near an old obj about 200m from the one I was at, and enemies in between were getting picked up by it). Or we could... just get rid of carspawners...
  15. I was wondering why it went from "usable" to "oh god I can't kill anything even with 2 extra shots"
  16. okay so here's the thing as well. IF you don't want the same opp, you have to WAIT a few minutes before readying up again generally. I always do this because if I don't I end up facing PVE, "bad losers", and Put's groups every other match (and facing any of them is legit cancer). Quickest easy way for cash was always fight club unless you're a crim with "threat seg" inputed so that there's empty servers (lol). As for gold communication, you're right, a number of golds (and sometimes myself) will be in a group and be using discord to communicate, VOIP doesn't generally work, and most people have always used TS/Discord/Raidcall to make up for that fact. Most silvers havnt joined a clan or are trying to start their own again, and its rough.
  17. See there's the difference, I simply just play, i don't play to curbstomp bronzes, so I play more laid back and have fun, even die intentionally doing funny stuff during those missions. If they have golds, i'll focus killing the gold and run around in circles around the bronze cause I can lol. I never liked segregation because it decreased opp pool drastically, which got worse recently. People say seg is good, but omit the fact that gold lock litterally killed 50% of the games pop over 3 months even current "seg" with silver is questionable due to population and only have 1 district. You can at least change districts now. I'd say most of my matches aren't against bronzes, and I solo que generally, though I do get them here and there, I no longer see them getting Tk'd to death to get kicked which is a good thing. Silvers and bronzes won't always have fun, especially now that they have to realize "oh shit, I have to aim and use better tactics now". Hell, I have yet to see most of these people even communicate in /t with directions of enemies, and that's a MASSIVE part of actually doing "anything".
  18. No seg IS better, HOWEVER, there should be some sort of rank lock for "new accounts" (not new characters) to help newbies. Roughly Rank 50-85 would be fine.
  19. the forum post said friday 12am utc which according to google would have been yesterday at 7pm est, so im confused as to why it's down today.
  20. I've been trying to login for the last few minutes, it used to let me get to the character screen, but wouldnt let me on Jericho. I managed to get onto EU? I think it was once, but it won't even let me on since with Error Code 9. I can't find anything saying maintenance at this time....
  21. It's good but not great since the change. I love mine, but i'd say test it before you buy.
  22. Dead lordeh, That's awesome! However i'm sad that it had to be done.
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