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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. Yeah, how dare people want a... *ruffles through note cards* BALANCED GAME?!?!
  2. honestly i'd rather have faster reload speed. The ROF is a bit slow but it can 6 hit at 90m so...
  3. Still wondering why the British flag isn't banned, i mean, they did conquer like the majority of the known world, allowed slavery, and destroyed many peoples... But American slavery which started from Europe and Britain in particular (thanks Britain) is the bad one, despite half the time that slavery wasn't banned in the U.S. was during British Rule. And people say the American flag is offensive... ha!
  4. i can try to do a stream later, but my video card seems to like to give me the "application blocked from accessing hardware" while doing so, but i generally can get up 3 hours of gameplay recorded otherwise. It's not a weapon i'd "prefer" to use over anything else. Since it doesn't really fit into a niche due to high ttk. (it's like using the strife but longer range), that said, not really having a niche is also kinda it's strength. Merged. here's some gameplay, not great but not bad (i havnt played for a few days lol) honestly though, the amount of time spent reloading is a sin Ignore the whispers lol.
  5. The Corsair is rather decent. It's not overbearing like the Ursus, but not trash like the oscp. It's niche but i've had some really good matches with it once I learned how to use it. It takes a while to adjust because its so different. The new glory isn't even bad either, its well rounded in cqc spray while at the same time being effective "up to" mid range, without being like the NTEC and being a bit overbearing past 50m. The only people you'll have trouble using either weapon against is the top 3-5%. Everyone else should be manageable.
  6. I mean, the only "open ended" set of "rights" is the 10th. Every other amendment is pretty self explanatory and really blatant in meaning. "shall not be infringed" "shall not be violated" "no cruel punishments or excessive bail" etc. Anyone arguing against any listed rights in the Constitution has a blinding bias and can't read. The majority of the worlds greatest evils have been commited in the name of two things. 1. One's God and 2. "Safety of the people"
  7. my bad, i thought they put it to 850 or so like they had originally planned or w/e,
  8. You'd be surprised the amount of non-kkk people who have the confederate flag "somewhere". It's not really a "kkk" thing nowadays to my knowledge. Ironically the Constitution was created in such a way that uneducated people in the 1800's could understand it. Half the people arguing over it today (such as pro gun control) are more dumb than an uneducated 1800's person. /shrug
  9. strife got nerfed to my knowledge to no longer 1 shot fragile users so...
  10. I do so just fine thank you, I just don't crutch on abusing it for easy wins.
  11. Now that I think about it with the PMG, it could be a more mid range weapon (40m rather than 35) compared to the oca. Tighten its accuracy "slightly", increase ttk (.8?), and reduce the recoil slightly. I do agree that it's bloom is really easy to get kills with currently, even with cj but that's all i could think of would be to lessen the niche overlap and give it something slightly different. Would depend on the accuracy buff for how much to increase ttk. You don't want it exceptionally accurate at 40m, but you don't want it useless either. I love norseman, it's just so urky that the recoil and the reload ones seem so meh. The accuracy gain one is nice because you then have good accuracy at mid and cqc, but the rest don't have that with the high ttk and it makes me cri every time.
  12. because its not op, situational, and is barely used in general
  13. To be honest, its a decent weapon. It's high skill, high reward with very little room for error. It doesn't dominate, however it isn't bad either. Just don't expect to rush with it, or survive if you aren't using any form of cover. If on a scale of strength with 1 being ursus Ursus to 10 OSCP? I'd rate it about a 6.5. It's definitely good if you don't miss, but miss and you're punished extremely hard. DMG: 400 STK- 3 TTK is ~1.36 Range ~30m but can 4-5 hit up to 40-50m. It's good at harrassing players at mid range, but not great at securing kills at range still can though despite the ttk. Hunting sight makes it good at harrassing at range, while RS makes it more accurate out of MM. It CANNOT jumpshoot, which would likely have been its biggest strength if it was able to. So don't expect to do well if you try to do so. It has nice overdamage (3 shots is 1200) which means that if you miss a shot or two, or tank a lil to get the third shot on target, there is not much rush.
  14. New Accounts have a trade ban temporarily until a certain rank I believe. (R25-40?) Unless it was time based.
  15. The lethal TG-8 Variant would be the commadant OSCP series, it functions really similar.
  16. I've used far and NTEC, I own almost every gun in the game. I do love the far, and it does feel nice to use, but it's also extremely similar to the star with the bloom recovery. The far is capable of doing well against ntec, even before the nerf, but you would still lose out due to that. I never complained about NTEC's jump shooting, but I do remember hearing complaints about it. Mine was only the BR. While the star is meant to be a training gun, also note that the best pistol is also the starter pistol. Just because something in APB is starter, doesn't mean that its not supposed to be viable/good. We saw that especially after they buffed the star to make it better in the AR category because it was completely shadowed by the NTEC. (It only took 4 years of complaints though) And by making the FBW the newbie pistol APB is the most balanced it has been. Yes, I agree S1NA is a little out there, previously I called it balanced because they buffed the CQC weapons, however after they put the CQC weapons back to near their original states. (.7 OCA TTK, ETC) I feel that it is a little too strong now. Probably could use with a slight nerf to jump shooting for a first. If it's too overbearing still, increase max bloom slightly. I've used the AMG and Shaw, honestly the full auto snipe is more of a lucky gimmick imo. I've managed it a few times but it's always been luck. I tend to burst/tap fire it really fast at range to make it a little more manageable. PMG has always been borderline since it got buffed, I wouldn't know where to begin on it since when I use it its either lucky RNG or can't hit the broad side of a barn. Like I said, I feel the game is in the most balanced state it's ever been. I didn't say it's entirely balanced, there are still minor changes that can be done to a few weapons to buff, and to slightly nerf things without making them underpowered and overpowered. Merged. "A jack-of-all-trades in its class, the Somatic Tactical Assault Rifle works best at short to middle ranges. While not the most accurate of rifles, the STAR 556 can fire fully-automatic without extreme loss of precision, making it a useful training weapon." They made FAR long after, when it first came out it was seen as a hybrid between ntec and star, however star got buffed to be on par with it bloom recovery wise since then. My issue with the NTEC was the "logic" that reducing its bloom recovery slightly would effect it at range, to give a little more space for the obeya and obir, lessening the difference between it and say the STAR and FAR at range, while still giving it an edge at range. I always felt it had been too versatile from cqc to mid, and it needed one or the other reduced, and I would have rather not touched its CQC abilities because then it'd be near "useless" in cqc against other weapons (which is what we see now currently). I didn't want the NTEC to be as versatile as it was, however I still wanted it to be capable in CQC and mid, just not as much of a "must pick" in comparison to star/far and obeya. It's because the bloom recovery for both is the same. They both handle and feel extremely similar despite their differences. FAR used to be considered a STAR/NTEC hybrid, but they buffed the star's bloom recovery and it just ended up that they felt about the same so people say that. Merged. It's always been a tossup between pmg and shotguns though since the PMG got buffed years ago. OCA is an easy weapon to use (I prefer it over the pmg's recoil by far), but 5 shots often matter damage/tag wise moreso than 8.
  17. I never felt NTEC dominated CQC, it was viable but annoying, not as good as an oca or shotgun half the time without crouching and such, but not dominating it. As i've mentioned, I'd rather have had a bloom recovery nerf, because I've always felt that 5.0 is too fast. CQC bothered me far less with the NTEC than how it easily shut out the majority of other midrange weapons 4.0-4.25 i feel would have been fine. I felt that doing so would help the other AR's compete in mid, while opening more room for obeya/obir at mid without making them overbearing. I won't deny that I enjoy the current iteration of NTEC however. The only "Jack of All Trades" weapon is the STAR, and Far is really similar to it. Not the NTEC which people like to "put in it's place" instead. (likely why they made ntec trash at cqc as well) Other midrange assault rifles have a longer TTK than the NTEC, and it is extremely noticable especially with the bloom recovery being slower when facing "skilled NTEC users". I pick what weapon I want to use based on how I feel and how I want to have fun. If I want to actually "try" I would go NTEC, HVR, or 3 slot OCA over my silenced 0 slot one, or even a shotgun if need be. But I prefer to have fun and not go "try-mode" 24/7 and stick with whatever weapon I want because I can pull 20+kills out regardless if I cared to put that effort in. I know how to play "high skill matches" and abuse cover to the fullest to where I can lure and bait a flank of 3 annoying coordinated High skill players who love to push in a manner to which I kill all 3 one after another. It's not the most enjoyable thing to do, but it works. Though I do prefer just to go braindead half the time against such coordinated groups because bothering to try while in a PUG which I run 95% of the time is beyond my effort to care. If bother I can pull a 1.0 or positive K/d against some of the hardest players to beat in the server. But since facing them is boring I don't try that hard. Your experience is different than on Jericho, as here people use whatever easy weapons they can to stomp anyone at all times. Rather than "just for lols". But we established that a while ago I think. I feel APB is one of its most balanced states atm despite the random jank and annoying hvr-esk mechanics. A few weapons could do with minor tuning, but I can't say that anything is glaringly "overpowered". NTEC was "too versatile" imo and without a definite niche, now it seems to more or less have one, leaving the STAR as the Jack of Trades (as it should be).
  18. Considering that they never officially "grey area'd" or permitted the medium item exploit, but the old dev team openly said that the door opening is okay. I don't get your point. While i'm against both, one was given the okay. I'd rather they both be fixed once and for all honestly, with the door opening given alternate ways to open a door. Merged. F and LMB isn't much the issue, you end up moving just slightly faster than base speed. Its where you move the item at sprint speed, that it becomes an issue. Its Shift + space+f+x + space +f+x+ space. Noone's really complained about F+X, it provides little benefit and only benefits because the item pick up and drop locations from a character. You might move an item 4m/s this way, and a heavy item "slightly" faster than base. The issue is when you move medium items with a base speed of 3 m/s at 6m/s from the medium item movement exploit.
  19. They are however rather similar. Aside from mag and base accuracy that is. Merged. NTEC is easy af to play, the reason people use it is because it was versatile in CQC and mid-long, where weapons like the star and far lose out at mid because the bloom recovery is slower and weapons like obeya were only superior at/past the NTEC damage drop. The STAR and FAR feel "meh and boring" because they require slower paced shots at mid range to be effective, while the NTEC doesn't. It tap fires and achieves kills quickly in comparison. The reason why buffing every other weapon to old NTEC standards is impossible, is because game balance overall would then be atrocious. The other weapons that take out ntec, do so within their separate niches which they have to be competitve against the other weapons within their niches to be capable of doing so. If you're to buff anything to the NTECS strength, then their niches would be broke and much less defined, like the shredder first thing from the shotgun rework. Any weapon that goes into mid range, has to compete against the NTEC, and the only guns that are often effective against it, are only effective either as an SMG in 10-15m, or obeya at 40+/obir past 57m. Other AR's are tend to be much more useless in midrange. Aside from the FAR who's accuracy helps negate the slow bloom recovery. The only thing wrong with NTEC imo has always been the bloom recovery speed, but they've opted to nerfing it in a billion "other" ways lel. Dunno about you but getting kills is getting kills. It's satisfying to use NFAS and ATAC to teamwipe. Dunno why you think that it's boring, it's no different than using the NTEC to teamwipe. Using non-meta guns like the shredder, odin series, and such are extremely satisfying to get kills with but they aren't broken and uber ez either. When facing an NTEC I would go NTEC because its the only thing that would effectively compete against it at all ranges from cqc to mid. Not because "oh ntec fight is fun" (lel). There are a number of high skill players who wanted the NTEC nerfed as well, because they know that it isn't the "epitome of balance" that people claim it to be. I don't find "ntec vs ntec" fights 24/7 to be fun. Dealing with only 1 out of like 15? mid range weapons 90% of the time IS boring. HVR's issue was QSING, not damage imo. They decided to break both in an annoying and backwards way. One group does everything to get easy kills, including crutch behind a previously too versatile weapon and the other plays the game and has to deal with the consequences of not using broken weapons by using them as well or losing. That's a fun game to play. The NTEC ATM is probably the most balanced its been, however the fact that they had to hardnerf CQC because they don't dare touch the midrange aspects of it is laughable.
  20. You know damn well that it doesn't work that easily ingame, and "just shoot them" doesn't negate the fact that its an exploit that's consistently being abused.
  21. Games have mechanics which are able to be bypassed when they inadvertantly removed animations to make the game smoother? Quick exploit the removed animations to bypass the games natural movement speed reductions! The only acceptable one is the door kick. It's stupid af that they havn't made any animations/other ways like grenades to open doors by now while fixing it in 7 FUCKING YEARS! Don't make me laugh with the "larger skill ceiling" for abusing exploits. Hur x + f + spacebar so hard, such high skill huur. Enemies can't catch up to me now without grabbing a vehicle. Lucky me I moved the item ~60m by the time they spawned and another 18 by the time they got into a vehicle! huuur so hard to do. The movement exploit isn't hard, it isn't some high skill ceiling brainiac move. It's low effort, high reward, with no drawbacks which bypasses the games basic movement mechanisms. You can say "oh but if you miss it once" yes, if you miss it once after jumping 30m, you've still moved 2x further than otherwise, and a 1s hick-up isn't going to negate that fact. Just because bad players rely on abusing a mechanic it doesn't mean it should exist.
  22. They nerfed jump accuracy and made its max bloom even larger. I feel they could have reduced its bloom recovery and jump accuracy instead, but having a gimped ntec in cqc is pretty nice imo. The star/far is the most balanced weapon in the game. The NTEC is/was superior to every other "mid range" weapon ingame. There's a reason why the majority used the NTEC over any other midrange gun even when owning most of them. If something in APB is balanced, like the OCA, it's used, but not overtly so compared to other weapons in its niche and category. When something is overpowered, it's used without end, like qs hvr, jump scout, prenerf C-2, and prenerf atac, and NTEC by the majority. Considering people who never wanted it touched argue "just buff every other gun to be as strong" and then when a weapon like the ATAC or anything similar that isn't an NTEC comes along or gets buffed to be capable of competing, or performed better than the NTEC in "x" range, it got nerfed from ntec mains (and litterally everyone else complaining because it's too powerful). Why? Because NTEC was broke and anything stronger than it is automatically considered broken. Anything that tends to be stronger than the NTEC in the rifle-ish niche, also ends up being too overpowered for cqc weapons, which ironically, is why NTEC got nerfed in CQC and jump shooting. NTEC really only needed jump shooting nerfed and bloom recovery lessened to like 4 or 4.25 for a start to see how it performed. But that would have accrued billions of whiners. At least not too many people bitched about the current ntec changes from what I've seen. NTEC is still used heavily because no other weapon aside from obeya can easily harrass people at range, but I've seen other weapons being used a little bit more often now as well which is good. The STAR should be the ideal weapon that one considers the most balanced, and which other AR's should revolve around. The reason the NTEC was always seen as that was because it was always too powerful, and not "the newbie weapon" which is ironic since the best pistol aside from the .45 is the fwb.
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