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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. I think of it more as the levels of competitive/competition. APB to me is more of a "casual" game, and all the balance, new janky weapons, mod creations, consumables, have pretty much shown that. Casual games still have a level of "competitiveness" however it's "casual. It's not like CSGO, OVERWATCH, or MW with "competitive scenes". There IS no competitive scene in APB. People keep harping that the game needs to cater to more "competitive" players, but that detracts from the base game which is inherently casual. It's wierd to wrap ones head around but "it's not competitive but has competition" fits. Like, you have competition for tic tac toe, and rock paper scissors, but it's generally not "CSGO competitive" level for 99.9% of people, so i wouldn't call it competitive, i'd call it "fun" or "casual". I don't call APB competitive, because it doesn't have a competitive scene, no competitive leaderboards, and it's clearly catered to the casual audience and nowhere on its site, steam, or webpages does it mention "competitive shooter". As such i do not define it as "competitive".
  2. PMG has needed a minor one since it got buffed in like 2012/2013. It did need a minor buff from the original stats, though the current iteration is a bit too oppressive imo. I'm fine with it reaching out further and more accurately than the OCA, (20-35m) but if so its ttk is going to need increased slightly.
  3. Oh no, God forbid I be active on the forums like I have been the last 8 YEARS. *Glares at 9,442k posts* Merged. Imagine thinking that the NTEC should be far better than any other assault rifle in the game and stay that way at all times kek. All weapons are subject to rebalance and reworks at any point, even as new guns are added to the game. Almost every game changes weapon balance and functionality at some point, even for the base weapons. If a weapon's functionality is too powerful, and the only way to make it more balanced is to rework how the gun functions, its going to happen. Honestly though, having bullets straight up "disappear" after x distance to balance them, is a rather poor way to balance weapons (though making the bullet curve system did make it so many of the weapons NEEDED rebalanced even more than they would have). I remember many of them were extremely easy to use and get kills with, and a lot of times, a number of them were not fun to play against at all. A lot of the weapons were bound to be reworked sooner or later even without the range changes. While I can somewhat agree about FC, it's also the easiest thing to gather data from quickly. I do feel Fin, would be better to gather data from. I used to call for buffing the star's TTK to .7 to match the NTEC, and even suggested increasing the accuracy and bloom recovery. The ONLY thing G1 wanted to do was buff the bloom recovery, and that was only AFTER there was enough support for the star's bloom recovery to be buffed to that of the FAR's by a number of players. I don't want the star to be "exactly" the same as the FAR, but i don't mind increasing it's accuracy and reducing ttk more at all.
  4. Most "try-hard" strats are strats that are hard to counter, that make it easier to win. I don't understand the linguistics of the word as to why it's tryhard or w/e but it is what it is. Does the item have a HUD marker on it? Pretty sure anything that's meant to be "guarded" literally has a hud marker on it saying "guard" or "protect". Objective w/ hudmarker vs small/med items w/o that are 500m from obj "with" a hud marker on it. We're talking two different things bud.
  5. I've been around since Open beta there and can compete pretty well against full premades of the so called "good competitive players". I don't care if you think i'm a casual player, there's literally ZERO reward for playing this game like it's some sort of competitive world cup game. I understand APB plenty beneath the surface level, as well as weapon interactions, I own the majority of the weapons in-game and armas and use them ALL while leveling their respective roles, have over 100k kills and 2 maxed roles and everything else 15. I enjoy using the "trashy low power weapons" like the ODIN series and the SBSR/Oblivion over the "meta" and still do almost just as well. Just because a weapon is somewhat EASY to use, doesn't make it broken. That's why ATAC isn't overpowered. It's balanced within its optimal range. Most people complaining about it use the ntec or pop a pistol out against it because they're using a sub optimal lr weapon in cqc against one (imagine that losing to a weapon in its intended niche). The "competitive" players have litterally NO bearing about APB's weapon balancing or the intent behind it. Almost EVERY competitive player I've seen has been against almost EVERY weapon rework that was needed. Some of them even spoke out AGAINST the star buff after it happened. Don't get me started about how "competitive players" know what's best for APB, when the majority of them don't know jack aside from the best way to abuse exploitable mechanics to win. There's almost nothing unbalanced about loadouts in APB, unless you're referring to car-det and spotter, at which point, don't be stupid and sit on a road all day for it to blow up on you, and honestly, expect to be ambushed and not run in the objective like a dummy (imagine that). Every single "unfun" "unfair" loadout, is easily countered by not playing stupid, because almost EVERY single one of those loadouts, can be countered easily. You know, like NOT charging that remote det guy's car for an "ez" kill. ( I can admit car spawner could have a 1s longer blow up time in cqc but aside from that no issue with it). The only "real" broken mod is car spawners. There's very little RNG aside from recoil (and server issues), and that is extremely manageable in most cases except for most LMGs. You can argue about this all you want but if you're suffering from RNG either learn recoil control, or learn to fire the weapon within it's intended "effective" range. (Hint, weapon's effective range doesn't mean the entire range it damage drops at) Just because something uses "tapfiring" doesn't mean it takes a ton of skill, nor does it mean that it shouldn't be nerfed for being too good. Just because a weapon is versatile, doesn't mean it's the most balanced in it's respective niche. The reason ATAC gets so much hate is that its full auto like an SMG (oooh nooo) but pull out the ursus which is way more powerful in most cases, and it's suddenly high skill and shouldn't be touched? Don't make me laugh. It's not even the games matchmaker that makes the weapons considered broke. They'd be complaining regardless of the players skill level because the "high skill" weapons like you claim the ntec is, are actually low-mid skill with too much return in too many situations. This game doesn't "want" to be competitive. The overall game is literally about customization and fooling around (ramps literally everywhere). Look anywhere for "competitive shooter" for APB. Steam, WIKI, APB Site, NOWHERE does it say "competitive shooter" N-O-W-H-E-R-E. The only ones trying to make it some competitive shooter are players who don't understand the core concepts of APB, who argue that APB should be like "other games" with how it handles weapon stats and aiming, because APB shouldn't be unique, it should be like a CSGO clone instead. Because CSGO has some of the best weapon functionality :eyeroll:. APB isn't competitive at its core, it never was. Leaderboards were avoided (and we are only going to get them in a year or so from LO) because of toxicity and because the G1 felt that it would bring out the worst in the community, especially the "competitive" types that they never catered to. Litterally, every "competitive" weapon, location, and mod in game has been nerfed, I can't imagine that yall can't get it through your heads by now, it's not catered towards your desire to pubstomp people using ntec and carbines all day. I think it's time for you and all the other "competitive" types to admit that APB was never "competitive", and never meant to be competitive to the level you desire. Game balance is NOT what you want to be, and hopefully NEVER will be, because almost every person I know agrees that game balance today, is far better than it was 2-3-4-5 years ago despite what y'all cry at. Merged. If you can find where it says "competitive" here, then I'll believe you. https://store.steampowered.com/app/113400/APB_Reloaded/
  6. scoped ntec has worse strafing accuracy in marksman mode. It's got better in marksman mode accuracy though. I also believe that it's functionality wasn't nerfed with the normal NTEC's in the last 1-2 ntec changes (I could be wrong). Most would consider it worse because of the strafing thing. You know... because "mobility is one of the most important aspects of this game" I'm sure there's other reasons, but that's the one that sticks out the most i think.
  7. I don't think exploiting game mechanics and camping things with no HUD icon is "following the spirit of the game". We can disagree, but i'm pretty sure exploiting is bannable, and camping things with no HUD icon makes you a d-bag.
  8. I'll have to disagree, a lot of the people who play PMG and shotguns now, always have. It's just those OCA players left or moved to other weapons. The PMG has always needed a minor nerf. HVR needed qsing removed which was it's biggest and pretty much only issue, but they decided to nerf it in the most backwards way one can imagine. NTEC needed a nerf, i don't really care what the so called "good" players believed, considering most of them would gladly leave PMG and NTEC as is and leave most other guns in the trash. I'm pretty sure everyone argues that the STAR and FAR are meant to be more "CQC", while NTEC is "mid range". Which directly means NTEC shouldn't be as capable in "cqc" as the STAR and FAR. AKA those "game features" make sense for NTEC to not have. You can thank everyone who didn't want ntec nerfed for shooting themselves in the foot by arguing that the NTEC should be and remain a mid range dominator, which leaves its cqc capabilities to be nerfed as it was too overbearing against the other AR's whom they argued are "cqc ars". Manic is only broken because they rebalanced half the weapons that permitted it to be broken and seen as "balanced". Hopefully they nerf it slightly (jump shooting and mag size anyone?) and call it a day. ATAC isn't broken but okay... Yeah, lets go to HVR quickswitch times when the only weapons used the most were csg's, hvrs, oca's, and joker carbines. "eyeroll" Recently it went to "ntec only" because people got lazy and grouping became near nonexistant. The current balance is far better than it was back then. Are there some minor tweaks they can do? Absolutely, but arguing that the broken cesspool APB used to be doesn't make the fact that it was far worse back then.
  9. to be fair, the STAR has the exact same bloom recovery as the far, though i wouldn't mind it getting a little more accurate. I wouldn't want the star to become a FAR reskin, but im all for improving its functionality. imagine thinking that nerfing the ntec in cqc made all the other guns overpowered. kek
  10. Because hybrid weapons mean they are meant to fill an inbetween niche, OR act as a similar weapon, but level up the "other" role. Look at Aces Rifle, can't compete against ntec, but does well if used right otherwise similar to a pointman weapon, it levels up rifleman role, but is a complete pointman weapon. Like the ISSR-A sucks terribly in the AR role, as the ISSR-B is the much better "sniper" variant. But is played almost exactly the same but more mid range than -b. S1NA acting like a rifleman in MM but leveling pointman. ATAC leveling rifleman, but being a psuedo pointman weapon. Hybrid weapons don't mean they are meant to "compete" with everything easily in both niches that they are made in, nor is it mean to compete against the "best" weapon in that role that it is given. Hybrids are there to fill a niche gap and provide a functioning weapon that may act as "1" role, but level another. As such the Cobr-A is meant to be similar to a full auto joker carbine, and fill a similar niche as the joker (aka not compete against the ntec at 50m). It also used to have an atrocious 1.2ttk. (I actually hated the buff originally because it felt like a direct nerf until i got used to it) Also, weapon functionality effects which role a weapon is in. You won't ever see a full auto in the "rifleman" category (least i hope not) because it's all burst/semi auto weapons. Having a range of 50m kicks it out of the pointman category which is ~30m, and it can't be an lmg or sniper. That leaves rifleman being the ideal category for it as it is full auto.
  11. It probably would be a little more interesting. I thought the star was fine starting, but I learned how to use it quickly and adjusted my sensitivities because the starting ones were trash. Dunno about the Raptor though, i havnt used it in ages and last i did i felt it as meh.
  12. I mean, I know my skill level, and I can toe to toe vs certain players who play this game like it's some sort of Overwatch World Cup Tournament when I care to. But that doesn't mean i don't call them tryhards for trying way too hard against a team of full silvers with 1 gold. xD
  13. It's not designed to combat the NTEC at all though especially at range, even if it has 50m range (swear i thought it was 40m). It's designed around sub 40m fights, and it's really rough around the edges even then and often does best at the ~20m range. It's magsize is because it was originally designed almost exactly as a joker carbine with full auto, but with better starting accuracy and worse end bloom. Its mag is fine as is imo because of the original intent of the gun. The weapon itself has "other" issues I feel that could be buffed instead (such as max bloom or bloom gain). A lot of hybrid weapons do not exactly "fit" within the niche they are given, this one is one of them. Think of it as a full auto carbine. Another would be the ISSR-A (sniper designed for AR), S1NA (being forced into MM like an AR), and even ATAC (Rifle designed as a pointman weapon). Aside from ATAC they all have their own issues with balance because they dont really "fit" where they are, or their general stats with accuracy, rof, bloom, or ttk, were borked on creation.
  14. to be fair, star is actually fine for the starter weapon, the issue is/was for the longest time that the NTEC just downright did better at everything (still probably does). While ATAC is definitely seemingly easier for newer players to use because they all want to spray the starter gun at all times, and doing so could be a good idea, i'm not sure how much it would help newer players. PLUS you'd then have half the vets whining because "OMG NEWBIES GOT FREE ATAC UGHH SO OP 1213$DSFWE@!!!" lel
  15. while what he says sounds interesting, i worry about its effects with small game population. I already get stuck facing the same people at times 3-5 matches in a row, if this makes that worse I'll probably just log for a few hours.
  16. Nano only got nerfed to an 8 shot a month or so after it came out. It's just not used nowadays because aiming a full auto pistol with 8 stk is harder than tap firing a 6stk pistol with the same ttk. Plus the .45 got added to the game and made anything that isn't an fbw for mobility, or .45, fr0g, or nfa point blank, obsolete because of its easy to hit .8 ttk.
  17. That's the general game now it seems, a lot less toxic than it used to be, but there still are a few "obviously" toxic players. Such as Arch who went in chat earlier today on saying words only affect liberals and that people who commit suicide are weak and in no way is the "bully" who pushed them to it to blame for it. Sadly i feel he only gets a wrist slap when reported with a temp mute (if he ever gets muted), and goes back to being his general toxic self.
  18. To be fair the OCA got "nerfed" back to it's pre-"buff" changes. OCA never really needed buffed/nerfed initially so its back to where it should be. The PMG always needed a slight nerf after they overbuffed it in like 2013/2014. As for most of the other weapons, yeah those do need minor tweaks to buff them. As for nerfing the SBSR if that's the dogear? I guess it could use one, but i wouldnt know where. As for SBSR if you mean the full auto sniper? Uh no it's already trash and could use a buff. xD manic is a bit too strong now that the other cqc weapons got nerfed back to original power level imo. I love the gun but damn it could really use a tweak. Like worse jump shooting, or something.
  19. I mean, aside from a certain "arch" player in jericho, there's not really much toxicity in chat 9/10 times in silver.
  20. ^ G1 originally removed 1v1's but let this "bypass" still occur. It's pretty annoying when it happens tbh, i'd love for it to be fixed and removed once and for all.
  21. The mag cap is because it's much more like a hybrid joker carbine for the AR role. It's not really designed as an "AR". It's original design was basically a joker carbine with full auto. I'd say it's fine as is, as long as you don't spray it too much, or if you want to put EM on it, it'll help you a little bit. Bandolier will put more mags overall as well if you prefer that. People have suggested nerfing the NTEC and Star ammo to 24 similar to the FAR because they believe that 32 is "too much" for those weapons as well tbi.
  22. Lol nah, tryhards aren't always "better" than you. You can pub stomp them and force them negative, and they'll get a single kill on that silver newbie on your team and run the entire time. That doesn't make them "better" at all. As for not trying and getting outplayed, let's be honest, thats a drastic mischaracterization. I don't always try either, i'll pop on a eol or some really bad underpowered weapon and play Runescape at the same time on my phone. I may go negative but legit wasn't trying either. I've had people mock me when I go neg like cool but i really wasn't trying. Get them next match, carry my team, force the enemies negative, and have them calling hacks. Like cool guys, told you I wasn't trying earlier, want a cookie to feel better? Some players people don't even put any effort into facing either. We all know the few players who just are NOT FUN to play against no matter the situation regardless of whether you win or not, it just doesn't feel good to face them. Like nah fam i'm going to save my effort for someone who doesn't make me want to suicide. Thanks though.
  23. To be fair the only big weapon changes LO did to my knowledge was shotguns, ntec, and hvr. (and Clotting agent) They reverted G1's initial OCA buffs as well. The downside is that they didn't nerf the PMG slightly to compensate, because it's needed a "slight" nerf (like a light one) to put it into better line with the OCA ever since the PMG got buffed initially. They also touched yukon, but i don't believe they've really touched anything else aside from what I mentioned. LO has not "destroyed" weapon balanced imo, though shotguns have always been hit or miss and they reverted them to "roughly" pre-lo stats. The Yukon, ntec, and HVR changes are the only other "big" changes they've done to weapons in APB. NTEC and HVR have needed the changes, though I disagree with "what" was changed to both of them and to the extent.
  24. good luck if you don't have a car spawn* fixed. there's nothing like being able to carry heavy items in a vegas or pio and have 1-4 people spawn and push the last remaining person in one, or have them spawn on the heavy item due to car spawn and drive away with a full team. Some of the heavy item woes can be fixed with actually "diving" the car into the area. There are a "few" where you have to move the heavy item 20m to the obj. But it generally ends up being lopsided af, with spawns, and 1 side having the 20m travel to obj, with the other capable of just driving a car onto the point. Those are missions that need reworked, and shouldn't be used as an example as to "why" carspawns should remain broken in general. Sadly there will be no "easy" solution to spawns.
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