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  1. Been having the issue like forever... In my old pc as well as this new one...... But using a clean account = 0 lags... Also if i made a new char n delete all the guns = 0 lag........
  2. When Reloaded did the merge, they went by which characters were active in the last month, not who created the character first or which character had the longest hours played. Most likely someone on another server used that name and signed in once during that time period. Even on my storage account I had two characters with the same name. The one that was created first and played the longest was the one that was required to get a name change.
  3. This is a good idea, but some accounts has been banned since the merge and are logging back in just about now as the first unban wave has been done and a second one is about to roll out too. There are truly unused character names though, registered incorrectly as "in use" by the system. Example: I made a name change which I regretted. Payed for another name change to change back to that name, system says name is taken. I'm pretty sure it isn't. I think there are plenty of names like this registered as taken which are not taken at all. I wrote a ticket to support to see if that name could be released. We'll see what they reply.
  4. Yeah there's at least one name left in the void of merge limbo that I'd like. Be interesting if people unbanned actually did still have their money/JT. If so, I'm not sure why you'd want to bring attention to it. Of course people like me always want to see sweet justice done evenly and fairly. I imagine running batches to apply things to accounts has always been problematic at best, so unless they did it ALL manually, I can imagine people did slip through the cracks. How unfortunate if true.
  5. All numbers you see of "estimated total APB owners" aren't actually owners, it's people who have booted up the game once. For a f2p game, there's no investment there, and so lots of people boot the game, immediately decide they don't like it, and never do so again. And the actual number for that stat is 5,874,946. Nice. But, I object to your assertion that there is a flaw in my previous statement. You said that these people have created 20 accounts, cheated on them, and been caught on them. These are people dedicated to playing this game. The likelihood that they're going to be part of the active population at the start of APB's revival is really high. Do I think that 10% of current users have cheated at this game? That sounds like a really high number, and I don't really want to believe it. I'd personally put it at ~5%. There's probably a couple cheaters for every full Fight Club instance. But to answer the question: the cheaters are in your games, if you're playing against high-rank golds. If you're a bronze, you probably don't run into them much.
  6. Mine is about something else but account related, I'm #4884 and sent it almost a month ago, take a number and sit patiently like the rest of us @.@
  7. I do my survey with my phone in the normal way like everyone else except that I've never closed the peanutlab page so I think it's still linked to my gamerfirst account in some way.
  8. I had a few that unlocked later in a random (still completed of course) mass unlock wave long time ago. What could also help is logging into another APB account that has those achievements unlocked. Think I did that for the "Kind of a Big Deal" one for example.
  9. I could see that being much easier to manage. I just wish there was a better way to use the map knowledge you get from playing the game to account into your skill cap. Map knowledge meaning how to attack and defend in such a way that you win...hmm
  10. i second this also add account bound clothing packs thx
  11. please someone help me need to help me to change a mail to another mail because I blocked the account of a character saying I did not connect a few days long and my mail hacked me I need to change to another mail
  12. Ever since the new update few days ago, every time I tried entering a server it connects then after like 5-10 minutes it says entering then I get kicked from the game with a note saying "battle eye kicked you from the game for the following reason - Client not responding." But it works quite fine because I logged in on a previous account that I no longer used. I even went as far as to reinstall the game but that had no effect on the matter. I really hate to lose my characters because I invested quite a lot of time into the game. Is there any solution for this. also before i forget I can go into the social district with relative ease.
  13. play the game from the beginning till this day. had tons of money, made tons of theme's and songs. had tons of legendaries, sell trades everything... u cant get 50milion in 1-2-3...some has been grinding from day 1, and this game is OLD My old account had over 50m but GM manual banned me i guess, i did get unbanned but everything is now 0, which i dont care because my theme's and songs are still there
  14. If you have any proof of that person admitting it, you can clearly send it to support or personally to Lixil thru DM if it's "utterly urgent". There's no such thing as a "black hole" in the database of APB. They can easily backtrace all trade operations made by an account just by searching for its name. So if this scammer send legendaries thru 100 accounts, it can take some time, but they will get to the items sometime. But this only means he will probably lose his account and items; but this doesn't mean the ones scammed will get their items back. That would take LO to individually search for the ones scammed.
  15. I need help, my friend unwittingly linked his account to my steam and every time the game enters his account, can anyone help me?
  16. oca nano and sitting duck are both joker box legendaries - not available as account bound options, nor are they available in any bundles check your other characters
  17. if this was a hoplon purchase then i have no idea about the marketplace, fairly sure hoplon accounts have been merged tho
  18. Dam i didnt ever saw the post about the suport tickets hahah So i think it will be a long journey until i get my stuff back, since they probably will prioritize the unbans and recover accounts to increase the playerbase bfore looking for the other tickets
  19. Threat as acct bound ffs.. ppl will jus keep an extra char slot and keep the character R20. Also, I play for fun so i dont want extra rewards and how abt i play in bronze? Wow ur a genius.
  20. I have that horrid feeling even if Lixil had taken precautions, like creating a new account, play solo and so on, it would have come to that point anyway. Sadly a minority has thrown away a big opportunity for the entire community. That whole incident actually makes me also assume that a banned player probably never can fully redeem its reputation. LO lifted lots of bans to give banned players a second chance and also give the community some kind of restart. Sadly this restart probably wont happen because there are some individuals who digging out some stuff from the past on any opportunity given to tarnish the reputation of a certain community member, his/her clan or team mates.
  21. Now if only they would make every single item account wide I would be okay with rest of the prices. Idk why Fotball Clothing Pack etc have acc wide version but Cyberpunk or kits doesn't.
  22. this. so annoying having to buy packs that are character bound for your main character while your other characters get left out because you refuse to pay double and triple the price for the same stuff just to have it on multiple characters... I mean the latest packs were made available account wide by reloaded produtctions, which is nice... but we need this for every existing pack (and item)
  23. Have you tried to login into your account those days? Eventually the acc is still unbanned and you dont know...
  24. My clan has been deleted and now have a pay clan? what is going on there? this is the 2nd time on 2 different accounts?
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