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  1. Different situation. Both the OSCAR and M-1922 were added to contacts to give players a taste of them, to then incentivize their purchase on ARMAS. The contacts gave 2-slot versions for 10 day lease for APB$, whereas ARMAS offers 3-slot versions that can be purchased as permanent account-bound. It's typical predatory and anti-consumer greed tactics. The new contacts will have the full Temptress and CAP40 as they exist from the RAF program. There's no reason for them to be added to ARMAS. Also, as Little Orbit has already proven, they have no interest in filling out the ARMAS library just as Gamersfirst/Reloaded didn't. There's plenty of guns that were already in ARMAS, that aren't back there still.
  2. it doesn't matter , i should recive it anyway , plus that tinfoil hat code is account bound , while the one i have is not .
  3. I haven't played in 4 months, but I've never had a problem with the ATAC, people who us the ATAC, or using the ATAC myself. I don't see anything really wrong with it. It kinda feels like a flashier STAR, but that's probably just me being weird. I bought an account bound R&D 3 version, but I almost never use it.
  4. Items mentioned last week wasn't removed yet. Not really concerned, but curious why. (also hoping for something new in Armas, LO pls make old packs account bound) Edit: They are gone, nvm.
  5. Eh, I suppose. I've had 4 R255's (2 Enf, 2 Crim), but I deleted one. It's really not that bad if you have only like, 2 characters. Was nice of LO to let us just purchase the event stuff, cause I didn't have time to play during the events. I might be full of crap, but I thought you could upgrade a purchase to account bound? I know the Clothes + Car type packs are character bound though...
  6. You guys are great advertisers Pls LO make more account bounded clothing...
  7. Fantastic update. But what about ARMAS? Any change? More account-bounded clothing? Pleeeeaase T_T
  8. You guys must be really want to see those JT's in the market lmao. Btw account bounded clothing when?
  9. That has always been such an incredibly weak excuse. They have the database of names, simply run a check for dupes and then contact those players via email and/or ingame. Ask them if they'd be willing to change their name, and if they are, compensate them for their trouble (pretty sure most would be down with being handed a legendary or account-bound ARMAS weapon of their choice as compensation). Hell, they'd probably find that most people they try to contact wouldn't even end up responding due to just not caring about the game anymore. Give them like a month to respond, and if they don't, can easily just change their names to a random string of letters/numbers.
  10. Char bound. If there's something Account Bound, it's noted Red in description most likely. IMO better option is KTTC pack, it unlocks emotes and most useful one unlike KTTW.
  11. Needs to be account bound like many other Armas things. Don't wanna buy it on my... many different alts
  12. Account bound devil wings and Halloween wep skin please, because I don’t wanna grind 8 characters (planning 9th btw lol) And also titles, but maybe just put them in JT store instead?
  13. It's a one slot csg for close to 25$ for an account bound version and 20$ for a character version. Why would anyone want to buy this, most people are just going to put IR3 on it anyways? Seriously 1 open slot for 20$ when you can buy a version of the CSG that has the mods people will put on that gun for half that price. If it were a 3 slot csg for 20$ then maybe to someone it would be worth it. But for 90% of your player base 1 open slot does not justify 20$
  14. Make it a 3 slot for 2,999 G1C (account bound) and I'll actually buy it.
  15. Might I suggest you also compensate every account on the console version with a free account bound unsilenced Oca-Nano as a sweetener? I'm not a console player but that idea doesn't sound so bad to me.
  16. When was the last time when we had joker boxes as rewards from game events, was it due to past abuse that we don't have them anymore? So my suggestion is that LO should create separate boxes with account bound legendary prizes, also they should change these legendary weapon icons white.
  17. Small list of things I'd like to see to make ARMAS a little more friendly to the consumer and easier to use. 1: Any sort of indication that you've already purchased an ARMAS item in some form somewhere on the store page. There's plenty of ways to do this, be it adding a checkmark over the item icon (With various colors supporting various states of purchase) or adding a border around the item that you've already bought. I don't know for sure if the game would allow you to re-purchase already purchased items and waste G1C, but it feels like it does and this should probably be changed. 2: Central hub that tracks purchases in the store. This feels like a no-brainer and I'm honestly "shocked" that this isn't already a thing. Not only would having a central "purchase history" enable the consumer to better trace their buying habits (and avoid buying the same thing twice.) but you could also use this central list to compare what you have in your inventory. When I buy JMB's I often get a flood of temporary weapons that I simply don't use at all and just delete. To this day I'm paranoid that I might've deleted a perma weapon and not realize it. Having a central list to check would be greatly appreciated. On top of that, you could free up support tickets by tying a system into the central list that allows for retrieval of accidentally deleted weapons. This could potentially be abused in some fashion, so you'd have to completely void legendary/tradeable weapons from joker boxes, but things that aren't tradeable should be fine to hook into such a system. The retrieval system would only apply to non-temporary weapons and items and items that couldn't be traded. 3: Quick-upgrade to account bound versions. Tying into the central hub of already bought items, the ability to upgrade character-bound items to account-bound items from there would also be greatly appreciated. This would enable people to keep track of what they bought per character and enable them to upgrade items they like into account bound items to use with all of their characters. (Example: I've maxed out my criminal main and want to make an enforcer character. I can upgrade my favorite criminal items that I bought character-bound because I didn't plan on making an enforcer.) 4: Refunds and trade-ins. The ability to refund weapons and items that we don't like outside of bugging support about it would be a really handy feature. Sometimes we buy things that we regret buying, and if memory serves support only offers you *one* refund. Total. You use that up, and you're done. This is pretty anti-consumer since not every weapon on ARMAS can be trialed. On top of this, sometimes you fall out of favor with a weapon due to some balance changes or just shifting out of that playstyle. The ability to trade in various weapons to contribute towards earning a new one or coupons for something else would be nice. 5: Account bound upgrade overrides character bound purchase. I was digging through ARMAS recently and I found that if you select the option to buy a weapon character bound, even if you have the weapon bought on another character, it overrides the account bound upgrade discount and would instead allow you to buy it at full character bound price. This is naturally not okay, and I'd like the account bound upgrade price to override the character bound purchase price in this scenario. 6: Pack weapons and special cases don't always count on other characters. For example, on one character I've bought the "Forces of Nature" pack, but it's not giving me the discount on the account bound upgrade. However, on Death & Taxes pack, it does give me a -74% discount which is obviously meant to be an account bound upgrade discount. In addition to this, there are a couple of weapons that I've received through support item exchanges (My 3 slot STAR being one of them) and I don't receive an account bound upgrade for those either, though this is a bit of a unique scenario. 7: A discount on buying a fraction exclusive pack when you buy the other half of the fraction pack. Say for example I buy the Criminal Heavy Duty Bundle, why can't I get a discount similar to the account bound upgrade to the Enforcer Heavy Duty Bundle? They're virtually the same items, just on different factions. I don't see why I couldn't get a discount. 8: Account bound clothing/gear. Some clothing/gear is character bound. Even if it's cheap it's still annoying to have it be unlocked on one character and not the other. It would be really nice to not have to go and buy it twice with no discount. That's all the ideas I've got for now. Please offer any ideas that you think will help ARMAS become a friendlier experience that could encourage people to spend money and keep the game alive, and if I really like them I'll edit the OP with the idea and your name. ---------------------------------------------------- Comment suggestions:
  18. Deftonez

    Account merging.

    So I know people have gone over this idea time and time and again, also I did make a thread on this 2 or 3 months ago, and it seemed to get some good feedback but there hasn't been an official statement on it from the staff of LO. So account merging in a nutshell: - The ability to merge in game accounts - A program you don't have to do unless you want to it - Maybe done through support or some other way (idk lol) Benefits of account merging: - Accounts have so many unique items to where other accounts don't have those items (Ex. OBT Veteran Title, merge an account with that title with an account without one, the combined account has the OBT title) - This could protect people from their account(s) being accessed by someone else and being stolen since that used to a happen a lot and probably still does - Premium for all your characters on one master account - Buying account bound weapons, clothing packs, etc, would be so much more beneficial. Cons of account merging: - None (at least I hope so) The reason I'm all for this is because I have many accounts that I actively use and manage daily and it's a pain in the patootie playing favorites when only 1 of your accounts has premium, one has the OBT title, and one has the KTTW pack. If all my accounts were put into one, god I wouldn't have to worry about what account to manage or whatever. All I'm asking is for an official statement on this, considering I made a thread about this months ago, and other people have thrown around the idea countless times.
  19. debundle everything, make buying all items from a pack individually cost more than the pack, make all purchases account bound armas fixed
  20. To start things off, I'll explain that all I originally intended to do was attempt to upgrade my character bound VAS SW2 'Empire' to an account bound one, and then I stumbled upon a couple of issues while attempting to do so. The first of this list starts with the experience of me trying to upgrade the weapon from character to account bound. I do own a character bound Empire on one of my characters and the marketplace DID recognize that I've purchased this weapon previously, however for whatever reason, I was not given an "Account Bound Upgrade" option whatsoever. As you can see, I only have a discount applied from having premium. Now, I should also mention the other bug I noticed, that the marketplace ALSO seems to recognize any weapon that I've purchased previously as a trial (3 or 30 days), and that it behaves in the same way as the Empire above. I am no longer able to purchase any of the below three options, only leaving me to purchase an account bound one. To follow up on the fact that this bug is fairly inconsistent and isn't always reproduced, I have one more character bound weapon that I decided to take a look at. As you can see on the Kokoe, the discount is automatically applied if I wish to upgrade mine to Account Lifetime, and it recognizes that I already own this product as normal. Unfortunately, the weapon I wished to upgrade from character to account bound was the Empire and not the Kokoe, so I'm at a bit of a standstill with that as I don't want to pay the full price for it. Any idea on what would be causing this and how it could be corrected?
  21. another bump, with the suggestion that if this happens the transition should be handled similar to how g1 approached the addition of account bound weapons character bound items that were purchased before x date would be upgraded to account bound for free if you have multiple character bound purchases of the same item on an account, you are refunded the g1c cost for any duplicates
  22. HK33E

    In game acc's

    Well. I have two accounts, One with 4 chars Silver (Judge me) and other with only 1 character R81 Gold. I'm hoping to see them merged into one, Because in one I have Some weapons and Obeya SLR Hoplite Account Bound and in the Other I have a SLR Spartan account bound. I created the other for my younger brother to play with me, bu he gave up playing and I took for me and started to level up.
  23. vsb

    Daily Login Rewards.

    perhaps add these to the rewards in whatever appropriate place? -skin selector -vehicle selector -inventory expansion selector since these are given as codes that are account bound they wouldn’t really be exploitable
  24. I made a quick html-edit to show a temporary system that could work until an in-game system is implemented. Instead of restricting the purchase of account-bound items, just give them a 100% discount. This shouldn't add to the credit counter any. People won't have to bother support with tickets over misplaced weapons (Save for legendaries I guess) and more San Paro citizens will sleep better at night without fear of Fidel Castro running off with their stockpile of N-Tecs.
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