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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. I just don't get attached. Hookups over relationships. Also thanks my Facebook fans are fine and Twitter is trash.
  2. Yes also Matt is Techmech, Lixil is Tiggs undercover and all the GMs is Puck running APB on virtual machines. Btw BE was a scam too. There is still PunkBuster running in the background they just changed the name of program /jk
  3. I can somewhat relate to this, I also tend to think there's less english speaking players currently. Have you thought about joining a clan to improve on this? Eww I'm too solo for clans
  4. I got bored in few weeks after unban of my main. Frankly I stopped playing not because of lack of content or cheaters but because population on Citadel is nothing like in the 2017 or before. It's just constant cyrilic mixed with arabic, no one to joke with, no one to troll and no one to meet.
  5. yeah another battlee royale with broken hitreg seems promising
  6. While we are at it make it so typing /who automatically reports everyone on the list. Just to save time.
  7. I've heard from DBD devs on the stream that both consoles support this but given how monkey they're maybe you're right
  8. Everything on console has to go through Microsoft and Sony certification. My guess is that we can’t run an alternate version of the game like we do to support OTW on PC. I believe that consoles support test versions but it would require more resources and even PC OTW is not that much populated
  9. Apparently you've never been driving around in North Financial, and catch a truck spawning inside of a stopped car. It doesn't cause much just a car that goes 100 miles an hour spamming crashing sounds. Now me being a explorer decided to get into the vehicle that was going wild. It was glorious for the first few seconds it let me...then it shot underneath the map, and exploded. I died in the void with nothing to show for it, except a message of You shouldn't be here flashed across my screen, and sent me to the pick a spawn map. Glorious in my opinion. I do not feel it was a terrible bug. We need things like that to stay or else APB won't be APB. I'm scared that wheelies might be gone in 3.5
  10. They've found ebola in G1's dungeon
  11. For moving more and more from original concept. I was waiting for sirens to go cross faction and for elephant costumes and for more things that no one asked for. Basically for having no vision or rather for having Armas Vision
  12. any motivation to keep playing is good
  13. Pocket nobir should get rekt. Before innova it wasn't that common view.
  14. People who brag how pro they're in online games usually have nothing else to brag about and no other talent to show. I would just tk them back or play with friends, be the team leader, make them tk you and kick at the end of the mission XD
  15. Why is there +1 assist after whole clip in the face?
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