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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. Game Directors. How many of them APB had? I think they were changing every year lol. And G1's vision of APB with every change of guy in charge. When it comes to shotgun and IR changes my bet is at someone from old G1.
  2. Thanks. I'll give it a try in the free time. Definetely better than spending time vs another jg fest
  3. Frenzy would be fine as it is but with better accuracy. Especially when you have to counter not only recoil but suttering, bad hitreg and lagers
  4. meh if it will be same old crapversary mode, arena shooter and open world cancer then I probably won't even buy it.
  5. Nice try https://www.mmorpg.com/paragon/news/epic-to-close-paragon-on-april-26th-1000047206 Only customization? If GTA Online had such customization I still wouldn't play it much.
  6. Lol. I'd say it's rather coz the game looks ugly and it's boring. That was at least the case with all my friends that tried it and left after a day or two.
  7. I don't recall anyone crying that JG or CSG needs a buff or that IR needs some change. Most people wanted ntec nerf. I also remember G1 not listening to anyone and releasing garbage like consumables/deployables or another iteration of chaos mode. Recent patch should get reversed. It's already getting ridiculous like buffing certain Armas weapons with IR and leaving out others.
  8. I'd be fine if they would remove all green mods althogether.
  9. LOL. I'd rather nerf RFP. That shit is pocket nobir
  10. That was good indian lesson or whatever language that was
  11. That's most likely Launch Hype. People came to see the new host, some unbans started to play, game is same old so people moved on. Probably 10% of it are people tired of "balance" but when I play 1 hour per day I keep seeing same old nolifes so I doubt that 20% left coz of jg. Edit: What if 80% left coz of same old and 15% coz of JG and 5% was banned? Give them time man. I'm not playing almost at all because there's nothing new beside shotgun spamfest
  12. But APB can learn and get inspiration from other games
  13. JMB should get overhaul. Everytime player gets already owned item it should be converted into small amount of special coins. Later on the coins could be used to buy certain legendaries and items exclusive only to those coins. It would make the system more fair because at some point everyone would be able to get exactly what he wanted and JMB exclusive items would keep the sales running. There's similar system in ESO and even tho everyone's crying about money hungry ZOS I think that's a lot better than buying 100 JMB and getting nothing.
  14. What if you would buy publishing rights for APB in Russia and tune all weapons to your liking? I'm sure whole cyrilic crowd from Obeya Citadel would follow.
  15. The real situation my dood is that they should not buff the damage and range of a already strong weapon because it has hit-reg issues,the shotguns were decently-fine before,and yes the shredder is way out of its league. Their next logical step would be lowering HP of people with shitty net or high ping
  16. I hope it's tied to some long grind. Otherwise I might just buy it, apply 7 decals and /logout
  17. I have no opinion. After seeing recent balancing I quickly forgot about my past complains. I'd rather see this reverted and suck it up when it comes to RFP etc
  18. Maybe they're as guest Idk and not first hand info
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