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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. It's not like the hitreg issues were a consistent thing in the first place, you'll have to give it more than a day or two. I'll just be glad if I never see another instance of emptying a full M-1922 clip into an unmoving target at point blank range, of which precisely zero of those fifty shots register (this actually happened to me back before the first round of hitreg fixes were pushed live). I don't think any hitreg fix will solve those cases that are most of the time caused by people with shitty net/high ping that grants them immunity
  2. 12. It's a proof they've became self aware. They will just die, respawn and get their "full compensation"
  3. September 14, 2018 14:46 Somewhere in 2019: Yay they couldn't help me anyway #83133 But....from September 14th to 29th people managed to create 742 tickets? How is this even possible with 800 /pop at peak? Even with 3k daily unique logins that would be almost 1/3 of the player base having some issues needing support help. Weird.
  4. Epidemic seems fun especially if there will be only one type of weapon. Can't wait. Is anyone else getting error when trying to onto blog website?
  5. Lol. How surprising. I still remember how they fucked up my whole account, deleted cars, symbols, clothes because I wanted them to unlock bugged title
  6. I'm fine with them in APB or games like ESO. Whales can spend $100+ every month on them and keep the business running without harming anyone.
  7. I was expecting more mess to cleanup after Techmech and Tiggs to be honest.
  8. Seems like a good idea for tutorial. I wish there was game mode similar to RTW with witness, dispatch etc. Maybe in APB 2
  9. I went as far as spraying Shaw into "Spray" objective while poor Dopefish started sending me instructions what should I press. I'll give your events a try maybe this friday. I'm gonna find you Not a bad idea but APB needs safe tutorial districts otherwise people will get farmed and flee again.
  10. APB might be old but give me new contacts, new clothes/cars to grind and most importantly a new map and I will probably start playing again. Been here since 2011, seen it all, made two dozen of alts, even started roleplaying a trainee that can't sprint when there was nothing new to do (that was fun tho). It's quite impressive how long without any new content this game kept running and still does.
  11. They were clear that dynamic matchmaking won't happen before 3.5. They knew that game is dead and needs serious investment before turning profit so I guess we will need to worry next year if 3.5 and big updates won't pump life into this game.
  12. The GMs are all unpaid volunteers. Over 900 people volunteered as a matter of fact. No idea why you seldom see any in game all these months later. Maybe they're undercover but anyway they don't have ban powers so unloading any reports with evidence off to bussy support would take time to see any results. Then after many bans taking place people who would play vs just one cheater would say LO doesn't do anything anyway LOL
  13. They assume that your pc will remain bricked for weeks after any update.
  14. They'd need to pay for better BE support or have few gms per district able to spot cheaters and ban them. That doesn't happen without investigating tho so it takes time too. APB 800 peak /pop of freeloaders would hardly pay for both of above. Remember that before making any demands. Considering how many blatants got unbanned and how many cheaters I've encountered since LO took over I gotta say they did a pretty good job so far (that's not dbd so it's not a sarcasm at all).
  15. If they will wait for EU 4.0 before adding any big updates than game will probably have population lower than DeathGarden
  16. Lmao how is it even possible to sell more weapons than supported space. Ah the old moneyfirst
  17. it would be one large server with everyone’s characters, and you would select a district (fin - oce3) in your appropriate region inb4 it will be server merge and nothing more
  18. So this will magically lower ping for those far away from server, will districts be ping segregated or it will be simply megaserver with 10-500ms players all mixed together?
  19. I've played vs 2 teleporters like that today. It made me wonder why this game doesn't have ping kick. It would certainly help with those "full of hackers" reviews.
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