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Everything posted by Clandestine

  1. To be honest Citadel should be renamed to 3RD WORLD SERVER. It has not much to do with Europe.
  2. LOL < can't really say more than that
  3. There was always something more important than 3.5. Now we have 2018 instead of 2014
  4. But who will review thousands of reports? It's actually funny that since they removed /report I don't see anyone on /d saying about reporting and I'm not getting any whispers from reporters. Most people wouldn't bother with recording a video and sending it. They just want convinient and homeopathic /report but unlike homeopathic drugs this tool is pure bs
  5. I would instead have them make it so 2v2 was a bit better than it is now. Whenever I get stuffed into a 2v2 VIP, I feel like all they need to do is find which side my teammate can't protect me from, then it's spawn killing with a car from there..... Lol Vip. This one I just /afk
  6. I wish I could opt out of 2vs2. Most missions are balanced for 4vs4.
  7. It would not make any sense to do the test with bad players ... Testing with lagers doesn't make any sense neither and there's no ping limit to join the test district
  8. Why was my post deleted? Is it because it contained a word "muslim"?
  9. Useless nerf. This didn't fix CQC hvr corner campers
  10. And the funny part is when you aim perfectly and some people will still die in 3-4 shots at face camp range XDDDD Generaly it's too ez and that's not fun. Kinda reminds me old troublemaker. I had 3 days lease but I used it only one mission.
  11. We still struggle with clinton emails and they want api in the presence of the russian server Jokes aside how would this work and would they be able to monetize it?
  12. And now they just went silent. I would just revert changes that no one asked for but it's their game. Maybe they want to be the only players left online...
  13. Clandestine

    Diamond threat

    And then there would be 10 diamons online at peak hours. How long do you think they would stick to Gold district and keep playing same people over and over again?
  14. Except why would other items get more expensive? Legendaries would just have to be put in as obtainable in a different way; gambling is a serious issue. Because of whales. There are people who can spend 200$ each month on loot boxes and companies seeing lack of this revenue might increase prices of other items.
  15. That's not exactly the great thing. If loot boxes will disappear then the prices of other items will increase.
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